Archive for April, 2007

Against All flags

14 Apr

The original pirate of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Caribbean, the great Errol Flynn in Against All Flags!

— Shamrock


Art Gallery Candid

14 Apr

Flynn with Faye Emerson outside the Flynn-Decker Art Gallery. Michael Curtiz has his back to the camera. I don't know who the other two guys are. The painting (photograph?) between Flynn and Emerson is allegedly John Decker's portrait of Mrs. Decker but I have no way of verifying that info. The unguarded look on Flynn's face tells a story of its own. His expression shows pure affection.

— Shamrock

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Silver River candid

13 Apr

Flynn with Nora at the premier of Silver River, downtown Hollywood. I don't remember which theater. This is the type of still that makes collecting so much fun. Candid photographs like this are a window in time. Look at the faces in the crowd – charming. It all makes me wish I had been there. And is that little girl Deirdre?

— Shamrock

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Remembering Our Friend, Linc…

11 Apr

The Errol Flynn Blog Honors our dear Friend Prof. Lincoln D. Hurst!

Professor Lincoln D. Hurst

Professor Lincoln D. Hurst


Bio & Eulogy

— David DeWitt


In Memory of Vincent Sherman

11 Apr

This photo of my Belgium Don Juan is posted here in memory of Vincent Sherman.

— Shamrock


Two Clippings

10 Apr

Here is a pix of two clippings from the scrapbooks of the late Paul M. James. One of them shows Flynn wearing glasses. Pix of him wearing glasses are in short supply. Enjoy!

— Shamrock


Don Juan candid

10 Apr

Here is a color candid from Don Juan. Dave, maybe you can put your digital restoration skills to work on it! It has some spots and scratches here and there.

— Shamrock

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Footsteps in the Dark

10 Apr

Here's one of the half-sheets in my collection. It's not in the best of shape although the colors are still rich and strong. By the time he made this film all that was needed to sell tickets was his name in bold red letters. Enjoy!

— Shamrock


Last Hass and Flynn photo

08 Apr

And finally, here is one last look at Errol Flynn and Waltraut Hass and Cold Nose, 1953.

— Shamrock


More Hass and Flynn info

08 Apr

Attached is a transcript of a German article by Waltraut Hass about working with Flynn on William Tell. The second page has a copy of the original German article pasted onto it.

All of this is courtesy of Josef Fergerl who sent this as a gift after my book was published.

In his diary Flynn makes reference to “Cold Nose” and for some reason I once thought Cold Nose was a nickname for a person. Obviously Cold Nose is a dog.


— Shamrock