Re: Googie's, Coffee Shop to the Star… a Review!

18 Sep

At the urging of his eminence, Captain David, I repost this “comment” as an “article”. And on any ship, one must always obey them- both the captain and his articles!

Steve (and Tom)-

I received my volume 1 yesterday and was going to drop a line to you today, but I see that The Magnificent McNulty, has already struck, and hit CENTER target- what a marksman!

And while I'm at it- so are you Steve!

As I am “giving” this to myself, through another- I couldn't help it. I took a peek, and then had to read the WHOLE chapter on Flynn. I then jumped back to the front and read the Saxon intro- and all I can say is McNulty tells no tales because it's simply a fact … that not only are you a WONDERFUL describer, joining the other eyewitnesses of the past (Wiles, Walsh, Quinn, Cody, Nora, and Rory- just to name a few) but offering your own unique glimpse into what it was like, to be in the company of this man. And from all that I can tell, so far- it will be among the VERY BEST!

As volume one deals with the early part of acquaintance, the promise of the second is of a closer view, and your skill in “atmospheric” writing, brings the reader there right beside you!

I can't wait for “our” next visit.

Best regards, and … thank you for WRITING THIS BOOK!


— Karl

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  1. Anonymous

    September 18, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    Well done, M8! You get an extra portion from the galley!