Coperta – Zaca… Russ's Version that works!

17 Oct

Zaca Deck

Re: Re: Coperta One – Zaca
by Russ McClay on Fri 17 Oct 2008 11:15 PM PDT
Btw, David, you can remove my swf when you get your videos working.

And btw, I found these pics of the Zaca which are great:…


— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    October 18, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    Russ! Good work! The clips were originally .mov converted to .mpg (I do have a homemovie clip which is a .mpeg that plays on the blog) but cannot get the .mov or .mpg to convert to .mpeg in hopes it will then play as the homemovie.mpeg clip does! Glad you got it going and yes, the original quality is poor. I still cannot see your swf play (I see the first frame on this page unmoving) unless I view it in the Admin Panel for some reason. Perhaps it is just my computer. But if many other computer's can't see it, as well – we got Trouble in River City!
    Tis, a mystery to me but I will keep at it later today!
    Great work, you understand this stuff a lot better than your humble servant,