Errol Flynn Slept Here! A winner!

21 Feb

The new Matzen/Mazzone book Errol Flynn Slept Here is getting wonderful word-of-mouth reviews! Check it out for yourself on…

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    February 23, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    Dave and all Flynn Fans,
    I got my copy of the Matzen/Mazzone Book ERROL FLYNN SLEPT HERE and it is absolutely FABULOUS! Robert Matzen is one top notch writer. Mary Matzen was the editor and she does a marvelous job in the design and layout of all those rare photos. I was extremely proud to supply a lot of my rare photos I took up at the house and these are from my private collection. This is the first time they are in publication and they couldn't have found a better home. This book on Mulholland Farm has been in the talking stages going back to when Mike Mazzone, Robert Matzen and I all visited Mulholland at different times. This is a great addition to any Errol Flynn fan who wants to enhance his book collection. There is a lot of new information about the house that fills in a lot of gaps for me.
    I would recommend that you go to Paladin Communications… order the book directly from the authors, the price is better than at Amazon.
    Don't forget Steve Haye's Googies and Lincoln's book coming out in June. This is a great 100th birthday year for the old boy and three home runs for all of us.
    Jack Marino

  2. Anonymous

    March 9, 2009 at 1:52 am

    There is another very good write up here:…
    which includes an interview with the author.

  3. Anonymous

    March 27, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    Your praise for Errol Flynn Slept Here is well-justified. The text is revealing and entertaining and the photos superb. But let us not forget that without your rare photos and ever-willingness to pitch in and spread the word about Errol none of us, or our work, would be as good. Even though I was there at his home, and knew EF, without your support and photos my memoirs would not have been as well-received. Thanks, pal. Your friend, Sir Ivanhoe