A curious title Tom. I wonder if you noted the pinpointing of Flynn's south-west London college in a recent blog article at the following address: www.the-vu.com…
Like many Flynn biographers, I noticed you were unable to solve the mystery of the school's location and I found this article on an internet magazine titled “my-vu”. Nobody at the Flynn blog seems to have acknowledged the pinpointing of the school's location at “No. 99-101 Castelnau … on the road leading up on to Hammersmith Bridge”, according to the site. But having enjoyed your Flynn biography I would be gratified of your knowing that at least one Flynn mystery has seemingly been solved.
July 23, 2009 at 7:27 pm
Looks great, Tom. Good luck!
July 24, 2009 at 3:20 am
Waaahooo! Nice going, chum! I know this is the first of many McNulty written western adventures…
July 24, 2009 at 9:31 am
A curious title Tom. I wonder if you noted the pinpointing of Flynn's south-west London college in a recent blog article at the following address:
Like many Flynn biographers, I noticed you were unable to solve the mystery of the school's location and I found this article on an internet magazine titled “my-vu”. Nobody at the Flynn blog seems to have acknowledged the pinpointing of the school's location at “No. 99-101 Castelnau … on the road leading up on to Hammersmith Bridge”, according to the site. But having enjoyed your Flynn biography I would be gratified of your knowing that at least one Flynn mystery has seemingly been solved.