Taking a Guess on EF's Crusader

17 Nov

Being a fan of Errol Flynn has been so much fun this last year.  I mean I've always been a fan but now I am reading all the books there are, finding sheet music and magazines.  I just visited his grave (will write more later on that experience), but what I want to say now is:  when I was surfing around the Internet looking for Errol, I came across L.A. LA Land's Hollywood Blog.  He had written a wonderful article and we traded thoughts back and forth a few times.  For some reason, while surfing around months later this article came up again and someone had responded to the article.  They were so supportive of EF.  I thought this is someone you would want on your “side”.  This is what struck me as so right on and is just a snippet from the original post:  “Look into his eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, prior to this event [rape trial] his eyes sparkled with a zest and excitement, afterward that sparkle, that glee was gone and it was gone forever“.  I want to say that Tina made that post.  Am I right, Tina?  If so, you go girl!

— Kathleen


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  1. Anonymous

    November 17, 2009 at 3:56 pm

    You might enjoy reading the following: From a Life of Adventure: The Writings
    of Errol Flynn. Very interesting.
    Yes, the rape trial changed everything which is what got me started on my journey regarding the trial.

  2. Anonymous

    November 17, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    Hi Patti. I'm going to post an article I found re the jury–their comments after the trial.

  3. Anonymous

    November 17, 2009 at 6:48 pm

    Hey that is great. I might have it already as I have been working on my book now for several years now but I do want to make sure I see it all! Thanks. Patti

  4. Anonymous

    November 17, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    Hi Kathleen;
    Yes – it was me! I am a Fierce defender of Errol and when ever I find someone saying something nasty about him I am on to them.
    It is always people who are talking who have absolutely not the slightest idea what he was like. After 1942 he lives in a trap of which there was no escape. He became a play ball of the media and he played along with it. How could he defend himself? When you are a famous world star one cannot UN-FAME oneself and withdraw – you are sitting in a glasshouse. I could write a book about his psychological make up. It is so clear as a bell!
    It is true he could have done some things differently, but one has to consider that he actually was super intelligent – a gifted child – living his life in constant defiance due to his outrageous abusive childhood. Nobody ever sees that Errol was a badly abused child and when he escaped the clutches of his mother – Lily took over. Errol was in a way very naive and he trusted people much to much. Due to his basic gentle character. Actually, he never really had a real chance to live a harmonious life!
    I go on to much – sorry!
    Best regards,

  5. Anonymous

    November 18, 2009 at 4:43 am

    No, not too much. That's why I knew it was you–because here you were just as fierce. Good for you. I still am amazed that people don't even know who Errol or Olivia are (they are in their 40's!). I love watching him over and over–I can never get tired. Did you find The Big Surprise dvd?

  6. Anonymous

    November 18, 2009 at 4:45 am

    I will try and post this weekend–I want to PDF the article if I can.

  7. Anonymous

    November 19, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    Hi Kathleen;
    Thank you ever so much for your help. I found both DVD's The Big Surprise and Without Incident – I ordered both, can't wait to receive them and watch it. This is a great website –… . Only one has to wait at least 24 hours before one can pay for the purchase. They send an e-mail with the purchase instructions – cumbersome, but so what the prices are great!
    I also found the other website very good… they too have a great selection of Errol Flynn products.
    Again, thank you for your help.
    Beat regards,