Archive for 2010

January 2011 issue of Docklines the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter!

31 Dec

Attached please find the January issue of our Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”
Happy New Year!
Dale B. Westin
General Manager
Errol Flynn Marina
Box 188 Ken Wright Drive
Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica
Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044
Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8
Cellular: 876-832-4765…

— David DeWitt


January 2011 THE ROCKITT MAGAZINE is now online!

31 Dec

Happy New Year Everyone!

The January 2011 Rock-itt has been successfully launched and is now orbiting around this beautiful planet ONLINE.….auHard copies are being printed and distributed. If possible can you send web address  to your contacts. 
                                                                                                                                                                                      Cheers Pete

— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

31 Dec

HAPPY NEW YEAR  DAVID, from the Harbor in Sydney that Errol sailed upon as a young man, before
the world saw him as the magnificent firework display that he was !

Enjoy the video & Best Wishes for 2011.

  …your faithful ol' chum. Chris

Sydney's New Year's fireworks display 2010

Thanks, M8!!!

— David DeWitt


Comment Moderation and Spamming the Blog

31 Dec

Chums, I have contacted support about an ongoing issue on the blog which is spamming. I have asked a few people who feel there is an advantage for them in spamming the blog through comments left for our articles to stop, and have been recording their activities for use in further actions that can be unpleasant for them if I am forced to go that far to get them to stop spamming us. Traffic generation is usually the goal, but there are better ways to do this on blogs that have something to do with your products or services! So support has decided to moderate those comments that their software may determine is spam and I will have to approve them in this case. This software will not catch all spam attempts. But it will catch some of this unwanted activity, and if it continues to be a problem then I will go to the many resources available to me as a blog onwer to cause those doing this a lot of grief. It is a LOT of grief, and I don't especially want to go that route for someone who is misguidely trying to create traffic or affiliate links for income. Times are hard, and I don't want to kick an innocent (though ignorant) person in the teeth who might take some time to learn the do's and don'ts of traffic generation before they get into hot water… we'll see how it goes. I have all the basic information on them now that I need to do them some harm if they cotinue to spam us. If some of our Readers or Authors comments get caught up by the comment moderationn software we will have to live with the inconveinience for a while but all legititmate comments will be approved in the case that they get flaggged. Please don't think all comments are now subject to approval! Its only those flagged by the blog's sofware…

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag… Jack Marino's Radio Shows 2010

22 Dec

Hello to all,

just want to send you all the link to all of my radio shows. By the
end of December I will have done 47 shows in the year 2010. I want to
thank you all who have listened to my live and archived shows. I am
trying to bring in interesting people with interesting stories of their
lives that are new and fresh. If any would take the time to add a
comment on the itune page about my show, it will be a great help to me.
My numbers are climbing and I have each of you to thank for this
success. Here is the link to the itunes page.…37e4ftuTAsicixzgCNg1KR0ALJQ;…marino-warrior-filmmaker/id392892568

don't think you have to join itunes to post a comment. I had to join
to post all the shows. If for any reason you can't post a comment,
please send them to me at and I will post them on my web page that I am building right now for the show.

I want to thank you all for your listenership for the past year and I look forward to a fun year on radio in 2011.

Happy Holidays to all

Jack Marino

— David DeWitt



19 Dec

Welll, this is rather strange… I got a copy of Glen McDonald's “How Come I'm Dead?” somewhen this year. After having read the first chapter, I put it in store with my other Flynn books. Now I accidentally examined the dedication, and it struck me. It says:

“To Bev and Ron   Happy Thanksgiving   Linc”

Could it be? Could it be that Lincoln D. Hurst offered this book to Beverly Aadland and her second husband Ron Fisher? And that I happened to get that copy???? I mean, think about it! Lincoln D. Hurst offering such a book about her deceased lover to Beverly?!?

I ordered the book online from BayCityBooks in Benicia, California in June 2010, so it might well be that Ronald Fisher sold it after Beverly's death… I'm still somewhat stunned…

— Inga


Posted in Main Page


Crossed Swords Dvd Review

14 Dec

For many fans of Errol Flynn, this movie has been a Holy Grail quest, to find a decent print and own it on Dvd.
I for one have been one of those fans who has seen a few varying quality versions over the years, none of which have been easy to enjoy, due to washed out colour,poor definition and generally bad picture quality.
But recently some Italian language prints in Brilliant condition surfaced, and it was only a matter of time and determination from a hard working Dvd company,and a persistant fan who will remain nameless, which resulted in the Dvd i see before me now.
A Good Job has been done in restoring this movie to the quality one could only dream of previously. The Picture is Sharp,the colours vibrant and Jack Cardiff's superb Technicolour Photography simply looks lush, at times the outdoor scenes remind me of the Rich Colours seen in Flynn's classic Masterpiece,The Adventures Of Robin Hood.
As for the film itself, well it isn't without it's flaws, the supporting cast crys out for the quality of Flynns classic supporting stars like Alan Hale and Olivia De Havilland or Basil Rathbone, and most of the Italian cast are dubbed into English. However the dubbing isn't bad and is not distracting or indeed always obvious, in fact the voice actors match the characters well, and do not sound as if they've been recorded seperately in an Aircraft Hangar, which is often the case in dubbed movies.
The plus points of the movie outweigh any minus you may find, for a start Flynn looks great, he obviously got himself fit for the role and lost weight,in fact he looks leaner than he had for a few years and looks a lot healthier than he did in Against All Flags, which was made three years earlier.
Flynn bounces around like an Alley Cat and all done with that famous Twinkle in the eye,he looks happy and energetic and seems to be having a ball making the film.
There are several humorous balcony scenes reminiscent of Don Juan, Screaming ladies, angry pursuing lovers and husbands, and of course a few light hearted Sword duels.
Action highlights are a Tavern Duel which is well staged and culminates with Flynn Duelling on top of some beer barrels, taking a few swigs on the way in a tongue and cheek manner.
As for the love interest,Gina Lollobrigida looks Magnificent,perhaps this helped nurture Flynns enthusiasm for the movie,and what red blooded male could blame him for that ?
The Final climatic Duel is probably Flynn's best from his 1950's run of Swashbuckling roles, it is fast paced,aggressive and Flynn's ability to look totally convincing in a duel, not just in his moves but in facial expression, are example again of what makes this legendary actor stand out from the rest. He had no peers in this type of role, others may have tried and come close, but Flynn excelled and never recieved enough credit for the skill required to be not only a convincing action hero, but a sympathetic one.
This is all helped here by some interesting fast paced mobile camerawork from Jack Cardiff, a style Flynn later used in his Errol Flynn Theatre TV Shows in England in 1956.
If you're a Flynn fan who has always wanted a decent copy of this movie, buy it and put yourself out of years of misery….for any other fans curious enough, you should buy it too and revel in seeing Flynn temporarily, looking back to his best.

— InlikeFlynn


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag! Robert Florczak Interview!

11 Dec

Hello everyone,

On My radio show I am having ROBERT FLORCZAK  one of the Mulholland Drive Boys.  The show is on LA TALK RADIO at 8PM PST & 11PM EST…; click on channel 2

at 8PM and the show will begin LIVE

Thanks, Jack
Jack Marino

Artist-Illustrator–Author–Recording Artist–College/University Instructor–World Traveler

Born in Washington, D.C. but raised in New Jersey; recently awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by his hometown and inducted into its Hall Of Fame An art graduate of the renowned The Cooper Union in New York City Performed music in nightclubs and concert halls around the U.S.
Recorded and released original music internationally, including with The National Philharmonic in London (the orchestra responsible for the wonderful RCA classic film score recordings conducted by Charles Gerhardt) Came to Hollywood in 1981 to score music for the motion picture “Roar”, starring Tippi Hedren and Melanie Griffith; while working on the film, lived on Hedren's game preserve amongst scores of wild lions and tigers Lived on John Barrymore's Bella Vista estate in Beverly Hills Personally toured Errol Flynn's Mulholland Farm when Rick Nelson lived thereMet and dialogued with Charlie Burt, one of Flynn's three yacht mates on his Sirocco adventures in New Guinea in the early '30s Friend and/or acquaintance of Tippi Hedren, Melanie Griffith, Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, Jim Croce, Harry Nilsson, Nino Tempo, Dennis Prager, etc. Original art in the collections of Mel Gibson, Jimmy Stewart (now in the James Stewart Theater in Princeton), Michael Jackson (including the design for the logo of his Neverland estate), Whoopi Goldberg, Paul Allen, etc. Illustrator of eight noted picture booksContinues to tour the world, and is in the process of completing a photo essay book from his travels called “Movie Locations-Then & Now”, and preparing a book on the making of “The Adventures Of Robin Hood. Married and the father of two young children.

Warmest regards,

Jack Marino
Filmmaker/Radio Talk Show Host


Call in Number 1-818-602-4929

— David DeWitt


Flynn's Room on the Queen Mary…

09 Dec

Hallo, Chums! We have some differing information about where Flynn's room on the Queen Mary is located today. Robert's adviser on the matter is a historian of the Queen's history and should know his stuff, yet it differs from what I discovered from the reservations department a few years ago who told me the room was refurbished, was renumbered M012 and was located on the port side of the ship on M Deck. This would make it on the dockside of the vessel, and it was easy to locate. Below are some pics of the tiny hallway leading to the doorway of M012 and some shots of the surrounding area. I noticed a bar was located adjacent to a sitting area outside of Flynn's hallway. I figured I was in the right place. It is my fervent hope that M012 is the actual location of Flynn's room so that fortunate visitors to the ship can stay in the room! I am trying to find the email I received (I printed it out and kept it on my bookshelf) but cannot find it now, naturally! It is around somewhere and I hope that perhaps the email address and name of the person who responded to me might shed some light on the two divergent bits of information we have… as with nearly anything Flynn-ish, tis a mystery….

                                  Note: the door is to the left of the M012 placard. The device above the number is perhap a doorbell of some sort?

UPDATE 7/03/2011
I have found a nice gentleman who has a Queen Mary website (his old site Julian tells me) that features maps of the Queen Mary at the time Errol sailed aboard the great ship. I now attach the map showing Errol's room number M38 on the port side, featuring a port hole, and the part of the renumbering list showing M38 became M012. The map shows the configuration of the hallway picture also attached previously which matches the number of doors and their locations in this hallway going to M012 on the Main Deck. Thank you, Juilan!

Julian's website

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Sirocco Club

08 Dec

Hi all members,


I have a close contact and ardent Flynn fan and collector in Finland, who apparently has a “Sirocco Club” member card with member name mentioned on it dated to the '30s and we both would like to know more about it. Any information regarding this would be welcome to help him out. It has never been mentioned in the many biographies etc, I have read.

Personally, having read almost everything about Flynn that is available, I don't know anything about this particular subject apart from Errol having a yacht named “Sirocco” for the second time which is fatal in naval terms, but nevertheless knowing our hero he did anyway and bless him for this, as we all know that he defied the normal etc. and that is at least one of the reasons why we respect him so much.

Kind regards,



— Don Jan