Archive for February, 2010

We Welcome New Author Trevor Hill to The Errol Flynn Blog!

18 Feb

We're happy to announce New Author Trevor Hill has joined us on The Errol Flynn Blog! Trevor, we look forward to hearing from you, and having you add your thoughts and experiences to the blog…

— David DeWitt


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Lili and Errol – the BIG question did he or did he not?

17 Feb

 For Kathleen and RobertIs he on his way to get hitched or not? 
 Is it 1935 or is it 1938 – 1939?

 Close up picture – cropped from Kathleen's picture!

 Now compare the above picture with the four pictures below!
 Below Errol in 1938 – 1939

                           Pictures made by George Hurrell!
                                                                This is a wonderful mask 1938

I think this what Errol looked like in 1935 – agreed?

 Who is going to win the price?

— Tina


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Tina look what I found . . .

16 Feb

Oddly, the glamour of 1930s Hollywood became a part of the ASTC experience. Andy Devine, who had attended the college in 1926, often returned to campus with “intriguing” young starlets. He took time from his movie career and Jack Benny's NBC radio program to select the La Cuesta yearbook queens from photographs. One lucky queen, Julie Osborne (1938), received a personally guided tour of Universal Studios from Andy. In 1939, Erroll Flynn [sic] and Randolph Scott, who were filming Virginia City near Flagstaff, selected Alice Moore as queen

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Taken from:  I REMEMBER
Depression-Era Students at Arizona State Teachers College



Errol just seems to be found in unexpected places.  I am reading Airframe by Michael Crichton and on page 77 . . . “She walked down the corridor, past the photographs of famous Norton aircraft from the past, with a celebrity posed in front: . . . Errol flynn, with smiling girls in the tropics, in front of an N-5 . . . .” !!!!

— Kathleen


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Errol and Olivia

15 Feb…

A view of “pornographic” kisses and our stars share the spotlight three times!

— Kathleen


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What became of Errol's sister 'Rosemary'?

15 Feb

Dear Fellow 'EF' bloggers, It never ceases to amaze me,the broad stratum of info out there on Errol's life and times. With your 'super sleuth' ability it would seem that we all enjoy a new thread in the rich fabric of Errol's life on a weekly basis. Playing on those averages then , Im second guessing that someone knows something about Errol's sister ? After marrying an 'Airforce Officer' by the name of 'Warner' ( how ironic) and moving to the 'States' her trail seems to go relatively cold. I'd really like to know if Errol had any nieces or nephews??  Well I have every faith that one of you knows something and would greatly appreciate any notes you would care to share.

Travel well . Best&Kindest, Chris

— Chris


Lili and Errol

15 Feb

— Kathleen


Posted in Photos


February Docklines – The Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter!

15 Feb

February2010Docklines.pdf The Official Newsletter of the Errol Flynn Marina, Port Antonio, JA

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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Too Much, Too Soon 1958

09 Feb

— Tina


Posted in The Films


The Roots of Heaven 1958

09 Feb

— Tina


The Sun Also Rises 1957

09 Feb

— Tina


Posted in The Films