Who knows anything about that?

15 Mar

Today I was on Amazon and found this French titled book advertised, as the title is unknown to me I went to Google and found the story of a movie (1959) of a boy extremely similar to Errol's life as a youth titled “Les 400 Coups” = The 400 Blows. Please go to Google and read it I could hardly believe it.  There is somewhere a connection – I think?
Errol's title is “Mes 400 Coups” = My 400 Blows and he supposedly is the author???
If it has anything to do with MWWW why the parallel to the movie “Les 400 Coups”
Any insides to this – Errolists???

image    image
                                                                                        Good looking French kid too!
Wonderful picture of Errol!
This artist's rendering accentuates by giving great emphasis to his chevron eyebrows representing him with that lovely devilish look.

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    March 16, 2010 at 5:38 am

    This looks to me to be a French version of My Wicked, Wicked Ways but I seriously doubt that it translates to the same words in this title!

  2. Anonymous

    March 17, 2010 at 9:43 am

    It definitely is his autobiography in French! I just checked it, there is also a film of the same title. You can find it in the French wikipedia entry:…
    by the way, hello from me, i hope to be a member soon, too!

  3. Anonymous

    March 18, 2010 at 9:41 am

    it's me again, i checked my french and english dictionaries at home and found out that the french word “coup” can mean two other things. so it could be translated as either “my 400 sips” or “my 400 pranks/tricks”. i'd opt for the latter… does that make any sense in english??

  4. Anonymous

    March 18, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    Hi Gina;
    Welcome and thanks for for looking up “coupe”!
    I gathered that it most likely would be the french version of “My Wicked, Wicked Ways”, but I wasn't sure. I became curious about the title MES 400 Coups and therefore researched it and found a movie made in 1959, the year Errol died, titled LES 400 Coups. I read the plot and was astonished to find the plot so similar to Errol's young years experiences. I thought maybe the French film makers made a movie of Errol Flynn's youth? I am just curious if anybody knows about this parallel of this movie and the book and had an inside knowledge about it.
    I also found the movie on You Tube with English subtitles.
    Maybe it is Errol's youth story maybe not, but it is extremely close maybe as close as Earl Conrad's book “Crane Eden”.
    Maybe Errol's life story has invigorated fiction writing too?!?
    Regards and keep on sleuthing!

  5. Anonymous

    March 23, 2010 at 5:15 am

    Gina! Would you use the Contact Us link on the main page of the blog to write to me? There is an email address there for you to use. I have a question to ask you…