question on a book

22 Jun

I found this book on abebooks – does anybody own it/know whether it is good or not?

Adventure in Reperatory Northampton Reperatory Theatre 1927-1948
Dyas Aubry

— Inga

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  1. Anonymous

    June 23, 2010 at 12:27 am

    I have a copy of the book and it is a delight from beginning to end. It is a thorough history of the origins of the Royal Theatre through till 1948. It has a foreword by JB Priestly and is littered with great photographs. I would also recommend Richard Foulkes 'Repertory at the Royal' which takes things a little further with the minuest details of the Theatre… from financial matters to the actual lay-out of the Theatre. Neither book dwells too much on the Flynn connection but for a greater understanding of the place where Flynn trod the boards for six magical months, they are essential reading.
    best wishes,