Flynn's Room on the Queen Mary…

09 Dec

Hallo, Chums! We have some differing information about where Flynn's room on the Queen Mary is located today. Robert's adviser on the matter is a historian of the Queen's history and should know his stuff, yet it differs from what I discovered from the reservations department a few years ago who told me the room was refurbished, was renumbered M012 and was located on the port side of the ship on M Deck. This would make it on the dockside of the vessel, and it was easy to locate. Below are some pics of the tiny hallway leading to the doorway of M012 and some shots of the surrounding area. I noticed a bar was located adjacent to a sitting area outside of Flynn's hallway. I figured I was in the right place. It is my fervent hope that M012 is the actual location of Flynn's room so that fortunate visitors to the ship can stay in the room! I am trying to find the email I received (I printed it out and kept it on my bookshelf) but cannot find it now, naturally! It is around somewhere and I hope that perhaps the email address and name of the person who responded to me might shed some light on the two divergent bits of information we have… as with nearly anything Flynn-ish, tis a mystery….

                                  Note: the door is to the left of the M012 placard. The device above the number is perhap a doorbell of some sort?

UPDATE 7/03/2011
I have found a nice gentleman who has a Queen Mary website (his old site Julian tells me) that features maps of the Queen Mary at the time Errol sailed aboard the great ship. I now attach the map showing Errol's room number M38 on the port side, featuring a port hole, and the part of the renumbering list showing M38 became M012. The map shows the configuration of the hallway picture also attached previously which matches the number of doors and their locations in this hallway going to M012 on the Main Deck. Thank you, Juilan!

Julian's website

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    December 9, 2010 at 6:43 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this, David! It's also good to see how YOU look like! Looking forward to possibly hearing the truth. In fact, is the Queen Mary still used as a normal ship where you can go on cruises, or is it anchored somewhere?

  2. Anonymous

    December 10, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Amazing stuff David… thank you.

  3. Anonymous

    July 3, 2011 at 9:58 pm

    There has been an update to this page! Please check out the new attachments regarding the room Errol Flynn stayed in aboard the Queen Mary as reported in Josef Fegerl's book in the notation Hermann F Erben left in his diary stating Errol was staying in room M38 on the Main deck. Erben stayed on D deck, which is now called C deck to add to confusion!