Archive for 2010

Jim Fleming

12 Mar……


— Kathleen


Ann Sheridan

12 Mar


Ann Sheridan, born Clara Lou Sheridan on Feb. 21, 1915 in Denton, TX
Died Jan. 21,  1967 of cancer in Los Angeles, CA  She was the movies' sultry “Oomph Girl” of the 1940s and later Grandma Hanks on television's “Pistols 'n' Petticoats.”

Her sister Kitty Kent, by dint of a practical joke, landed her shapely, titan-haired sister in Hollywood during the 1930s, launching her into famous film roles opposite Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney and Errol Flynn.

Dodge City, Silver River, Edge of Darkness, Without Incident (Playhouse 90)


— Kathleen

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Alexis Smith – Errol was best man at her wedding

12 Mar
LOS ANGELES – Alexis Smith, the statuesque actress who co-starred with Cary Grant, Clark Gable and Errol Flynn in the 1940s and '50s and made a comeback in a Tony Award-winning performance in “Follies,” died Wednesday. She was 72.

Miss Smith died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center from cancer, her husband, Craig Stevens, said.

She was still in college when a talent scout spotted her and got her a screen test for Warner Bros. Between 1940 and 1959, she appeared as lead or second lead in a string of films such as “Dive Bomber,” “The Doughgirls” and “The Woman in White.”

Among her leading men were Gable (“Any Number Can Play”), Grant (“Night and Day”), Ronald Reagan (“Stallion Road”), Flynn (“San Antonio,” among others) and Jack Benny (“The Horn Blows at Midnight”).

But the high point of her career came later, on stage and a decade after she had largely retired from the screen. In 1971, Miss Smith scored a personal triumph in “Follies,” an ambitious Stephen Sondheim musical centered around the reunion of aging showgirls in a soon-to-be-demolished Broadway theater.  The performance won her a Tony Award for best actress.

Miss Smith was born in Canada and reared in Los Angeles. In 1944, she married Stevens, perhaps best known for playing the title role in the 1950s television series “Peter Gunn.”…  Her performance in Follies

Gentlemen Jim, Thank Your Lucky Stars, Montana

— Kathleen

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On Flynn's Boats

12 Mar

Hi, To all the Errol Flynn fans, for My first story to introduce myself, I will tell you why and how I became more interested in Errol Flynn as the years went on……. Growing up in the late 40s and 50s, some where there was always a Errol Flynn movie being shown at the movies or on TV when it first arrived, and after seeing a Flynn movie, you could always somehow remember his face but not necessary the name of the movie, Flynn's  looks seem to leave a permanent picture on the brain….And then when his movies became less frequent and other things entered your life, (girls, cars,etc.) well, you know! I remember at home one morning and my mother was reading the newspaper, when she slowly put the newspaper down, went into the other room, sat down and said to my father, “Errol Flynn has just died”, as if it was a member of the family….

They were very E.F. fans especially my mother (and that's another story)…… The years rolled on….When I was in my early twenties, I had the opportunity to go onboard Errol's schooner “Sirocco” I could not believe it, Me on Errol Flynn's boat, amazing… to walk the deck and anywhere I liked, all through the cabins, then it hits you, you start to remember, the movies of Flynn, and for a moment you start think you are Errol Flynn, Oh.! What an extraordinary feeling…..

Some years later, when I was in the south of France, and was talking to some people from my hotel and they knew that I was from Australia, one said ' your movie friend Errol Flynn's boat is down there, I said ” Oh.! Sirocco”… No, No, the other boat “Zaca”, I could not believe it, I had thought Zaca had sunk years ago, I could not get down to the marina quick enough, and there she was, just sitting there, stripped of everything, what a wreck!

I obtained permission to go onboard, well, what can one say, in my lifetime to be on both of Errol Flynn's Yachts, I walked around the deck for about an hour, just thinking and staring… could not go below all boarded up! At that not knowing much about Zaca and Flynn's private life away from his movie  making; it was some years later when Errol's movies became available on DVD that I mention to my wife about being on Flynn's boats, and might do some research on Zaca, and to do an Oil painting of her, I have been an artist for a number of years amongst other adventurous titles. Looking through dozens of Errol Flynn Web sites have realised how popular Errol is today. Finished the painting of Zaca as she was in 1946 (the painting is for sale to anyone interested). Have started on painting “Sirocco”. Then will do a portrait of Errol…..what happened to John Decker's painting of  Flynn?

Regards to all, Trevor

— Trevor Hill


To David – Re: Can any of us guys here question Errol's taste?!!

11 Mar

In answer to David's comment!  Re: Can Any Of Us Guys Here Question Errol's Taste?!!
Oh yes, David you are right – long legs – curved narrow hips, no more than 7″ between waste line and legs,  long slender upper body with ski slope breasts, small and firm, a superb décolleté leading into a beautiful swan like neck to place his diamond and sapphire necklaces'!
No doubt Errol had taste in choosing his ladies, they where all great looking, but in the selections of his prominent leading ladies he was true to form and consistent to choose always ladies who either had a physical or mentality resemblance to his mother!

What are your opinions?
The similarity in Looks:
image  image  image  image 
The similarity User and Abuser:         To impress mother – the user princess:
image                                               image

Subconsciously he is consistent in his preferences and choices.  The typical action and reactions of abused children who in their submerged mind want and have the utter need to please the abuser by trying to find the need for love and acceptance!  As sad as this psychological factor is, nevertheless it is a fact that Errol suffered all his life from this childhood traumas and many of his unwise actions are the root of this malady! 
As he had no proper childhood at all, therefore the consistent draw towards young people to recapture of their own lost childhood and youth.  I do not know much about Michael Jackson, but I think I am not wrong if I draw a parallel to his childhood, he was an abused child too.  I concentrate on Errol's psychological facts as it is very important to understand the man and all the
idiosyncrasies attached to his so-called enigma.

— Tina


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Dead End and Feral by Steve Hayes and David Whitehead

07 Mar
Like exciting stories? Good reading from our Authors Steve Hayes and David Whitehead avialable now…
[cover thumbnail] Preview DEAD END

Paperback: $16.92
Ships in 3–5 business days
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To anyone passing through, the town of Dead End, Arizona, was just another whistle-stop on the way to nowhere.  Read More

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[cover thumbnail] Preview FERAL

Paperback: $16.34
Ships in 3–5 business days
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There’s something not quite right about Shelby’s Oasis, the run-down tourist trap in the middle of the ArizonaRead More


                               Also available as a Download

— David DeWitt


The March 2010 Docklines – The Errol Flynn Marina, JA

04 Mar

The March Docklines, the official publication of The Errol Flynn Marina, JA is now available!


— David DeWitt


Ruth Roman – September 6, 1999

04 Mar

Ruth Roman, '50s film actress

LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. — Ruth Roman, who starred opposite Gary Cooper and Errol Flynn and survived the Andrea Doria wreck at sea, died in her sleep Thursday. She was 75.
In 1956, she and her 3-year-old son were returning from Italy aboard the luxury passenger liner Andrea Doria when it was struck by another ship. More than fifty people died and 760 survived after the ship went down.
The Boston-born actress got her start in community plays at age 9. She attended drama school and later moved to Hollywood.
Roman appeared in some minor films before her big break in Stanley Kramer's 1949 “Champion,” which featured Kirk Douglas as an unscrupulous boxer. Following the film, Warner Bros. offered Roman a contract and she starred in nine films in less than two years opposite Cooper, Flynn and James Stewart.
Roman also appeared in “Beyond the Forest” with Bette Davis, “Three Secrets” with Patricia Neal and “Mara Maru” with Flynn. Roman appeared in more than 30 movies, most of them in the 1950s, and a number of television shows in the 1960s and 1970s.

— Kathleen

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The Rock-itt Magazine's new edition is available…

04 Mar

Check out the latest Rock-itt Magazine and Pete's continuing series on Flynn!….au 

— David DeWitt

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How alike are their looks? Confuse or unconfuse – Who is Who?

03 Mar

             Who was at the funeral?

— Tina


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