Archive for 2010

Errol Flynn's Cufflinks

13 Nov

You may have seen this auction item on ebay? Errol Flynn's Monogrammed 14K Button with Provenance it has ended without a buyer but may be back! The description adds another layer of understanding to the things going on in Vancouver, BC in the days before and after Flynn died of a massive heart attack in the condo-apartment at 1310 Burnaby St. It tells a tale:

“Single 14 K gold (tested) monogrammed button which belonged to the late Hollywood movie actor Errol Flynn with a four page letter of provenance, acquired in 1959. Provenance is a four page letter written and signed before her death in 2008 by the late Mrs. Joan Keenlyside, wife of the late Judge Harold Keenlyside, O.C. of the British Columbia Supreme Court of Justice, who died in 2001. Judge and Mrs. Keenlyside were personal friends of Mr. & Mrs. George Caldough (Mr. Caldough was a Vancouver, B.C. stock promoter) who she refers to as “Mr. & Mrs. C” in this letter. This letter of provenance and the 14 K gold monogrammed in script “EF” button belonging to Errol Flynn was passed down to her son. The button measures 9/16″ in diameter and weighs 3.7 grams. Each page of the letter measures 8″ x 5 5/16″. The four page letter reads:

“In 1959 Errol Flynn was a house guest of Mr. & Mrs. C (Mr. C. promoter / entrepreneur / stockbroker) at their luxury home (rented) in West Vancouver, British Columbia. At the time his whole preoccupation was with selling his luxury yacht which was moored in the Bahamas. He made no secret of the fact that he was broke and all depended on this sale – necessitating long phone calls at all times of day & night. He and Mr. & Mrs. C were guests at a large cocktail party in Vancouver, B.C. on the day of his death. He excused himself as he was not feeling well & moved into a nearby guest room, lay down & subsequently died. After all was over the C's returned to their home in West Vancouver. Unbeknownst by their friends and aquaintances they also were flat broke & were looking to Errol Flynn to perhaps help them launch a new fancy restaurant they were thinking of launching in high income West Vancouver. Mrs. C told me they were aghast and she went to the room where Errol Flynn had slept & opened the clothes closet and all that was there was a threadbare blazer a few buttons hanging loosely. She said to her husband: quote ” we will never recover those telephone bills – what shall we do?” She decided perhaps something could be recovered on the apparently few gold buttons left on the jacket. She clipped them off – 2 large buttons on the front – 2 small buttons, one on each cuff where obviously 2 more had been at one time. Each one inscribed with his signature “EF”. I met Mrs. C at a dinner party in Vancouver and it was soon after the above events. She told myself and anyone else close by the above course of events where upon I said would be interested in one of the smaller buttons for my gold charm bracelet which she had admired each time we met. She acquiesced immediately & on mentioning the whole thing to my husband across the room – he said sure “make her an offer”. She immediately accepted and said she would bring it to me at our next meeting – a luncheon at the West. Vancr. Tennis Club. This came about & we exchanged the button & the cheque & that was the end of it. I have the understanding that they are both deceased, after this many years. Joan L. Keenlyside.”

— David DeWitt


Mallorca Episode

13 Nov

Hi Aresia,

I attach sagain some pics of Errol in Malloca, the stone pic of can catalá and other of Hotel Bon Sol, you can see also in my last post , hope you can enjoy


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I feel good…

08 Nov

I had somehow forgotten to include this in my article – it's another Berlinale photo. Hope you like it.

— Inga


Flynn's Jamaica

08 Nov


I came across this article today in the national newspaper 'The Australian':-…

kind regards



— dmbaus


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The November DOCKLINES is now available – The Errol Flynn Marina!

04 Nov

Get it now! Docklines for November, 2010!

— David DeWitt


Hello and Crossed Swords

01 Nov

Hello Everyone, i recently tried to post an article but unfortunately my PC crashed and i was too disheartened to re-attempt… i will do so again at a later date………….in the meantime i have exciting news concerning a soon to be officially released remastered Dvd of Crossed Swords.

My contact in the company releasing it informs me that it…..IS A PRISTINE BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED
For my part in helping this get off the ground, i have been offered a free copy of the Dvd and they have created a web page for me to forward recieve orders exclusively from my friends direct. This way you guys and gals will be ahead of anyone else outside of Flynn fansites in getting a chance to ordering copies of this movie.
They have also offered me a small sum to help towards my intended Flynn book,but to be honest…to finally see this movie in a Pristine English language version, is reward enough !!
In the next few days i should recieve the link to ordering this long sought
after DVD release, i will then post it on here.
If they don't do this before November the 9th, it will be after December the 2nd
Before i can post it, unless i get regular access to another PC Whilst on holiday in
So I hope that my joining this group has proved to be an eventful
one which benefits so many of you



— InlikeFlynn


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Any other reviews of Robert Matzen's E&O book?

01 Nov

Hi all!

Wanted to re-post my blog entry about Robert Matzen's “Errol & Olivia” book (since it's way down on the page), and also wanted to ask if anyone else (besides Brenda and Kathleen, I think) has read the book, and what are your thoughts on it?

Here's what I had to say:

I finally finished reading Robert Matzen's E&O book, and “WOW!” is what I have to say. I highly recommend this book — it's an absolute must-read for Flynn fans (esp “Errolivia” fans)! After reading it, I felt a lot like I felt after I read Errol's autobio MWWW…Matzen's book sucked me in and “drained” me emotionally; it was like being on an emotional rollercoaster, but one I very much enjoyed in the end. One reviewer of the book said it best: at times she wanted to kiss and hug the book (b/c it's *that* good), and other times she wanted to throw the book across the room (b/c parts of it were “intense”). That's pretty much how I felt while reading it. Still, I'm SO glad a book like this was finally written about Errol and Olivia, and it contains so many wonderful photos too! My one and only “complaint” about the book is that, at times, Matzen comes down hard on Errol, more so than he does on Olivia. I know Matzen is a long-time Flynn fan, but he doesn't let Errol off easy much of the time, he doesn't cut him much slack, as it were. Yet you can still tell how much he does admire both Errol and Olivia, and in the end he concludes they really did love each other (in a bittersweet kind of way). Needless to say, this book made me laugh out loud at certain moments, made me cry, and made me think more about both Errol and Olivia, and made me love and appreciate them and their films all the more. Thank you, Robert Matzen!

— Rachel


Another interesting story…

31 Oct

Happy Halloween to everyone,

here are the ghosts of the past that haunt us:…

What a story…

— Inga


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28 Oct

Don't know if you read it before, but I found this nice article about Errol and Olivia:…

— Inga


My EF logo designs

26 Oct

Hi fellow Flynn fans!

Attached are my Errol Flynn logo designs. I used two Adobe programs to make them : Photoshop and Illustrator. You might recognize the headshot of Errol used in the designs…it’s a rather “well-known” side profile shot of Errol (it’s the same one used on the cover of Robert Matzen’s new E&O book), and one that I particularly like, so I decided to incorporate it. I used a flag because I thought it would make a good “backdrop” and because flags are often seen flying on the masts of boats, yachts, and ships. So I created “Flynn flag” logos, complete with Errol’s image, his famous signature (which is beautifully scriptive, in two different styles), and Errol’s square-ish question mark symbols (which of course he created for himself, to symbolize his own life). I kept the image of Errol in grayscale, and used only 3 other colors in the logos: black, blue, and green. Why those 3 colors? Well, black is reminiscent of a pirate flag, blue is for the water/ocean/sea which Errol loved, and green is for the lush jungles/trees/vegetation Errol encountered in his travels (New Guinea, Jamaica) and was often surrounded by. Not to mention it’s also Robin Hood’s signature color as well. So that describes Errol Flynn logo designs 1 and 2.

The third logo design resembles the previous two, except that this one has Errol’s initials in place of his profile. Otherwise, same flag, same question mark symbols and same 3 colors used. And the fourth logo design has the same 3 colors, same EF initials, same question mark symbols, but this time I used a shield instead of a flag. A shield to symbolize Errol as the warrior/soldier/hero, with a “bulls-eye” pattern of circles in the center of the shield (to symbolize an archery target; Errol as archer).

So these are my four logo designs…I hope you like them. I may create others, I don’t know yet. I was actually thinking about creating a logo design (or two) for Errol and Olivia, together — an Errolivia logo.



— Rachel