Archive for 2010

Who knew? My Dad and Errol

30 Jan

This, of course, is just for fun.  I can't get over the choice of clothes!

— Kathleen


Posted in Main Page


Errol the Athlete!

27 Jan

In this sentiment, I thought I give you
real treat today and share this very rare picture with you, which I have for a
long time! 

Please observe – he has only three fingers
of his left hand on the rail – the thumb and the little finger are not touching
the rail – he is at least 6” to 8” above the rail – the rail is 4’6” – he hold
a cigarette in his right hand, which is up in the air and his grin beats all

Can anyone beat a hurdle like this?

— Tina


Errol is in one of the bloopers

24 Jan

— Kathleen


Posted in Main Page


The doting Father!

24 Jan

He loved his children dearly! 
In every picture one can see the love and


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— Tina


His children as adults – Sean – Deirdre – Rory – Arnella

23 Jan
                    Sean 1941 -1970                           Deirdre 1945

                Rory 1947                                             Arnella 1953 – 1998



— Tina


Sean and Arnella

23 Jan

Recognize the resemblance of Sean to young Errol ? !

— Tina


What is Errol pointing out to Sean?

23 Jan

— Tina


Sean gets his first riding lesson from his Pro-Father!

23 Jan

— Tina


Errol and Sean ready for a trip – to show Sean the world?

23 Jan

— Tina


Errol and Sean!

23 Jan

— Tina