Archive for 2010

From the Errol Flynn Blog Mailbag!

28 Sep
My parents live in Alaska from the early thirties to the mid
forties.  My father gave me a piece of the canvas skin of an airplane
bearing the name “Scirroco III”.  He told me that it was from an
airplane owned by Errol Flynn that had crashed in Alaska.  He happened
on the wreckage and decided to take it as a souvenir.
Did Errol Flynn have such an airplane? It would seem to have been a
small plane from the fact that it had a canvas skin.  If he had such a
plane, did he crash it in Alaska?
I would appreciate any information you might provide. 
Thanks,  Don

Anybody know anything about this?

— David DeWitt


John Decker

28 Sep

Guess who… hope I'm not getting on your nerves… Is there still anybody out there? Erm… hope this is not old news, I just found an interesting article about John Decker:…

Take care!

— Inga


Posted in Main Page


The Young Errol: Flynn before Hollywood

13 Sep

Dear fellow Flynnanians,

I have the rare book: “The Young Errol: Flynn before Hollywood” on offer, anyone interested? You know it is a “must” read and “must” have! Come on.

— Don Jan


Posted in Main Page


Let's have some fun!

11 Sep

What caption would you write for this picture?
What is Errol or Olivia saying?
What is your impression seeing this picture?

Have fun and participate – show your humor!

— Tina


Question to the experts

09 Sep

Dear experts on the blog,

Tina and I disagree a little upon a certain picture/scene from a blooper reel from 1944. We would like to know where this scene is from. Tina thinks it is from one of the radio shows, whereas I think it could be from “Gentleman Jim”. However, it is not to be seen in my dubbed German version of this film. So maybe one of you could help us? Thank you very muc!

— Inga


Posted in Main Page


References in movies to relevant EF dates, places etc.

09 Sep


Again maybe I've picked up on something that is not new and may have already been discussed but have people noticed that in “Captain Blood” when Errol is dictating his agreement with his band of men on the ship after escaping from the island the date he quotes as the day of the agreement is his birthday -20th June and then in one of the early scenes the Captain that arrests him is Captain Hobart!  I've been meaning to see if there are any more references but maybe other people have picked up on a few in other movies?


kind regards  Diana

— meredd31


Vote for EF films to go on DVD

06 Sep


This maybe old news but I just realised on the TCM website you can vote for a movie to be released on dvd.  When you search for a movie title and then see the screen for the movie on the right hand side there is a column marked “homevideovote” with how many votes received.

So I have now voted on every Errol movie that is not on dvd at present and would encourage anyone to do so if they haven't already.  The only exception is I couldn't find “The Sisters”, but saw “That Forsyte Woman” has the highest vote.

I'm so hoping TCM/Warner will eventually release all remaining EF movies on dvd.  One I'm very keen on is “Cry Wolf”.…

Would be very happy to hear if anyone knows that more are to be released?

kind regards



— meredd31


another try on new Errol book

05 Sep

looks like my web link didn't work so here it is…



— meredd31


Posted in Main Page


New Errol novel

05 Sep

Hello & greetings from Down Under!

This is my first EFblog and hope I get the links right!

Would like to share with you all the news of this new novel and attach an interview the author Boyd Anderson

I have my copy but yet to read this, would be interested to hear other people's views on the book.

kind regards



— meredd31


“FLYNN” The Movie!

04 Sep

I hope all of you had a great summer so far! I have been absent for a while due to, visitors, vacation, travel and currently to a cataract operation on one eye, the other will follow .  Such is life in the fast lane – ha, ha – as they say!
A friend of mine, an Errol fan like me found this Australian movie called “Flynn” and send it to me and I am passing it on to you.  I am sure that some of you have seen it but maybe not all of you.  I am for one, who never had the pleasure and maybe there are more of our members who have been out of the loop with this one. I had an inkling that there must exist an Australian bio movie due to some excerpts I saw in the “Tasmanian Devil” and this is it –  “Flynn”.  Guy Pearce an Australian actor plays Errol, although he resembles more to Horst Buchholz than to Errol, and he is only 5'10 and that makes a difference too, but may that be as it is… We have to use our imagination!

You maybe have to download a special Player of which I am giving you the link to be able to view the movie.
Player link:…

that is if you have Firefox as your browser.  If you have another browser the movie link will either tell you what Player you need or download the “Free Window Media Player 11” .

The Movie link:…
If you have problem let me know maybe I can help. The link also works on Internet Explorer!

It will be interesting to hear what you think of the movie.
Good luck and have fun watching it!
All the best to all of you,

— Tina


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