Tom McNulty on LA Talk Radio with Jack Marino!

07 Jan

Tonight at 8pm tune into Jack Marino's LA Talk Radio Show to listen to our own Tom McNulty interviewed about Errol Flynn and writing and publishing westerns, at which Tom is particularly good!

Jack adds this information on 1-08-11:

Hi Gang,

I just got the download link
to tonight's radio show with my guest TOM McNULTY  and we talked about
Errol Flynn, the 100th B'day party, and a lot of other things that will
interest all of YOU.…images/Marino-010711.mp3
Enjoy. If any of you can
post a comment on itunes about the show that would be great I am looking
for sponsors.  If you have trouble putting up a statement or comment
about my show send them to me in an e-mail.  I am looking to design a
website for the show with a blog and a place for people to add their

Here is the link for iTunes:….com/podcast/jack-marino-warrior-filmmaker/id392892568   Under my pic you have to click on VIEW IN iTUNES and then sign in when iTunes opens up.

Enjoy the show with TOM McNulty!

— David DeWitt


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