The Sisters – wonderful movie!

27 Mar

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    March 27, 2011 at 4:37 pm

    Agreed, Tina – this photo is interesting. He is wearing his mustache on it, while his is not the case in the film. I wonder if the promo photo was taken before or after filming…

  2. Anonymous

    March 27, 2011 at 6:39 pm

    Very perceptive, Inga. Errol was already at work on “The Dawn Patrol” when he was released early (12:30pm) on August 13, 1938 to attend the publicity shoot for “The Sisters”. By this time, as you point out, he had grown his mustache. Interestingly, although principal photography for “The Sisters” had finished on August 2nd, two added scenes were filmed on August 22 and September 20! The first added scene was shot on the same day as bar scenes for “The Dawn Patrol”, and the second added scene (a ballroom sequence with Bette Davis) was shot on the same day as the first sound and photo tests for “Dodge City”. Interesting, no? That mustache: now you see it, now you don't!
    Of added interest: The Tailwagger's Foundation Fundraiser at The Beverly Hills hotel took place later on the same day as the publicity photos for “The Sisters”. I'm sure many of you have seen pics of this event, showing Errol with Lili, Robert Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck (Mrs. Taylor), and Rocky and Gary Cooper.
    All this brought to you by the in-the-works-soon-to-be-released “ERROL FLYNN-A Life Chronology”. (shameless self-promotion!)

  3. Anonymous

    March 27, 2011 at 7:12 pm

    Very shameless indeed, Robert! ;-) Thanks so much for the explanation, it IS terribly interesting!!! Then he must have had a mustache in some “Sisters” scenes??? No…??? Very mysterious… Could you please shed some more light and promote yourself further, Mr Genius? Thanks!

  4. Anonymous

    March 28, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    What ever would we do without you Robert!
    You are the deepest Errol information well that exists!
    We are very lucky to have you amongst us!