Archive for March, 2011

Errol's application for American citizenship!

26 Mar

Here is Errol's application to become an American!
Which was made on May 9, 1936 or December 20, 1938 not clear to me on this record.  Maybe some of you fellow members can decipher this one?

Did he forget the date he married Lili – maybe he wanted to that?  So, when did he get married? Is it really May 5, 1935 as he states in this application or as so many records say otherwise – that it was June 19, 1935? Another noteworthy declaration on this application is –  as stated here – that he lived already in May 1936 at 601 North Linden Drive.  Did he live there with Lili?  Was this not his Bachelor Pad with David Niven? There are nothing but questions – leave it to Errol and there are nothing but  riddles! Is there anybody able to shed some light on it?

— Tina


Book: Adventures of a “bon vivant”

25 Mar

When I registered myself on Facebook recently, immediately I got a message from a co-blogger, the very well known Ventura Sala, living in Mallorca. He mentioned the “must have” book, (which is only published in Spanish) called “Aventuras de un vividor”. It is only to mention the fact that this book actually exists. Although we haven't met yet (but we were d*mn close only a few weeks ago!), Ventura is probably the only  local authority on Errol on that beautiful island in the Med.

He sent me two CD's in Spanish with a wealth of information, which in their own way are an enormous contribution to the legion of EF fans / admirers. Once we do meet, I am certain that he will take me to Errol's old “water holes”. Can't wait!!


— Don Jan


Errol thinks he is a pretender!!!!!!!!!

25 Mar

Hi all,

As promised I would send the documents regarding Errol Flynn's extract from the register on his arrival at the Rock Hotel in Gibraltar. I send the files to David in order for him to process this delightful task, probably you will find them in the “Document” category. Please read it, his “one word” comment is so typical for him. Errol had that special GSOH apart from being a practical joker. Reminds me, anyone ready for the subject “The big snook”?

— Don Jan


Friends of Errol Flynn (Fanzine)

25 Mar

Have any other Flynn bloggers come across the 'Friends of Flynn' fanzine? I picked up a handful of issues a few years ago and they were very good, with some pretty rare and unique Flynn content.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


Posted in Main Page


We now have a new Quiz Page category on The Errol Flynn Blog!

24 Mar

It seems appropriate to create a new QUIZ PAGE category on The Errol Flynn Blog due to the popularity of our Author Jan Vandervliet's idea to have a weekly quiz, or daily quiz! Those who choose to participate now have a centrally located place to enjoy the questions and answers!

— David DeWitt


Jan Shares his photos with The Errol Flynn Blog!

24 Mar

Jan has sent me some pictures of his Errol Flynn cuff links and one of his question mark shirts! He tells me I may share them on the blog and I am happy to do it because they are stunning!

A Question Mark shirt with these cuff links!

And a Wall of Fame photo, too, a wonderful collection of Errol Flynn Portraits!

Jan, thanks for sharing these with us! I know you must get a lot of comments about your shirt and cuff links and about this great collection of portraits, too!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn weekly Quiz

23 Mar

Dear fellow bloggers/authors,

I just got a marvelous idea to keep the right spirit going and give the site even more “zest. Probably a “first” among such quality websites. Why not take it in turn for each regular author to ask the others a quiz question on a weekly basis and get everybody (time permitting) going, searching and trying to give the correct answer. I think that keeps the juices and spirits (excluding alcohol) flowing I would say, what?

I don't mean questions like: “Who was the director of such and such film made in such and such year. Or “In which film did Errol have to grow a beard?”  Neither, “Who co-starred opposite Errol in “Hello God”? (although I must admit that would be a great trick question now I think about it (haha!). Hell no, I mean more “deep down” substantial questions. Now I am writing this I become quite serious about it actually. Is there such a thing as “I demand or I insist?”

Comments please…………………..!?


Personally, I think it is a must

— Don Jan


La Femme Nouvelle 1945

23 Mar

Just to try how the new category works. Thanks for changing it, David. This is from a French magazine, one of my absolute favourites. Unfortunately, I only got this cover, but in the original magazine, there was an article called “Male elegance” and it sure would have been very interesting to read what they had to say about Errol…

— Inga


A New Category on The Errol Flynn Blog!

23 Mar

I have added a new category to The Errol Flynn Blog! Please check it out at the link at the bottom of the category tree. It is named Promo.

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page



23 Mar

This is a new category on The Errol Flynn Blog!

On these pages you will find notices and articles about what our blog members and supporters are doing. You may find books, movies, collectibles and other things offered here for sale. Please limit your comments about what is posted on the Promo pages to these pages. No further promotions will appear anywhere on this blog other than these pages. While it has been a pleasure to mention the new books and other interests of our long time supporters and friends on the Main Page, this separate category gives those who don't want to read about these items the choice not to read them. While the items posted to this category will have links on the Main Page you must click those links or click this new category to read them. Items offered here need not be Flynn-related as much as we enjoy it!

Read the Comment Guidelines for information about what is not discussed here.

As always, spam postings will be removed.

— David DeWitt


Posted in Promo