I think that I mentioned before that sometimes sentences from Errol's films pop up in my mind, and the last sentence inspired me for this question. It took me quite a while to figure out where it came from – you will probably be faster. So please show us how well you know his films:
From which film comes the sentence: “I meant yours – certainly not mine.” and who said it?
I'm sure you will come up with the answer very quickly. Good luck guessing.
— Inga
April 16, 2011 at 8:26 pm
“The Christine Jorgensen Story”?
April 17, 2011 at 7:42 am
Close, but not quite. You still got a week or so to watch them all over, Robert…
April 17, 2011 at 11:09 am
The Private Lives of Elizabeth & Essex?
April 17, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Answer to the quiz question:
“The Private lives of Elisabeth and Essex”
The Earl of Tyrone(Alan Hale) says to the Earl of Essex(Errol Flynn)…- Surrender? I meant yours, certainly not mine!
April 17, 2011 at 3:04 pm
My thoughts exactly, Tina. I suppose I should have been as explicit as you!
April 17, 2011 at 7:25 pm
Hi Patti;

As Inga wanted to know who said it and to whom I thought I state it as said. I just like this movie very much and know it well because of the colors. I think It is the only movie where you can see Errol's face as he really looked like in life, the hair color, his beard and to a degree sometimes even his eye coloring, which in other movies get lost. Most of his published color pictures and movies do not show his true coloring he mostly appears very dark haired, which he was far from it. This darker golden blond with a reddish tint made it very special and it is a pity that it rarely came to the surface.
See what I mean:
Truer color but he was always tanned and his eyes were not blue, but better than nothing….
Here is just one of all the false colored:
Now you see what I mean and if you watch The Private Lives of Elisabeth and Essex again watch out for it, in particular in the scene when he says “I love love her, I hate her, I adore her, there is one spot you can see his eye coloring too. There are scenes with Olivia by the fireplace and some scenes with Donald Crisp where his hair color and beard is very clear to see of the true coloring. Have a look I just hope you have a good copy of the film.
That's all for today, boy can I rattle on! Further, I know I owe you and answer too and I will do so.
Take care,
April 17, 2011 at 9:33 pm
The top photo, by Hurrell in 1939, is a black and white hand-colored copy and far from natural; the so called “false colored” is not “colored” at all, but an actual true color Kodachrome by Bert Six in 1943. His hair is as it would actually look before the camera, much darker because of hair oils in this particular case. Care must be taken in determining what we think is “true” with regard to old photos.
April 18, 2011 at 12:03 am
Hi Robert;

Thank you very much for your expert opinions, which at all times is very appreciated.
In this context all I tried to point out is that in this movie “The Private Lives of Elisabeth and Essex”, Errol was photographed in colors of hair and beard much truer to his coloring than on any of his pictures and or movies. It is the hair and beard coloring solely of what I am talking about and with this Hurrell pictures I only gave an example of hair color. As you say the one from George Hurrell was hand-colored, which is great at least his hair color was captured very nicely – not his tan though – and that's all I wanted to show! And the other is a usual dark hair colored picture we all usually see.
I also was around when men would use Brillantine etc. on their hair – it was a sleek look, but it did not darken the hair to that extent that the actual coloring would be that dark as Errol appears in most of his pictures.
In this picture he had no Brillantine on his hair for that it is not sleek enough!
It had to have something to do with the quality of films which then were available or what ever, I am sure you know all about that. I am not claiming expert opinion on photography or film making. I am only saying that they never captured on film or in the movies his coloring he had in real life.
If by any chance you have a picture of what his true coloring of hair, beard and eyes were in real life I am sure we all would appreciate it very much if you could be so kind and post it. In my humble opinion, I am just saying that there are none around and that in the movie “stated above” the subject comes closest ever.
Looking forward to your picture with great anticipation,
appreciatively, Tina
April 18, 2011 at 9:32 am
I'm sorry, but… do you REALLY want to say that ALL color photographs from ancient times rendered the coloring completely different, not true to nature? Honestly, I can't believe this! How do you KNOW what his real haircolour looked like? I mean, what you imply is that ALL colours which are dark on the photo were naturally brighter. Is there a whiter white than the one of his t-shirt or teeth? Come on… I'm not an expert in such things, but… all this sounds not very plausible to me.
April 18, 2011 at 1:55 pm
Hi Tina,
You were quite right in adding what I left out! I also love the movie. I shall rewatch it with an eye towards the scene you mentioned. I know it well, but now I will watch it with a new persepctive. Take care.
April 18, 2011 at 4:31 pm
Now the quiz really is on its way as expected, I like to make a suggestion that from now on whoever the winner is of the weekly quiz question post a new one and should the question be too difficult than he or she can sell the answer to the other members. To create an extra income (a side line) so to speak! I know, I am full of good ideas.
April 18, 2011 at 5:01 pm
Two problems arise from your “good” idea:
1) How is the winner determined? Is it the one who posted first when two people or more give the correct answer?
2) What would be the advantage for the person who buys the correct answer? I mean, I understand that the seller makes a profit – but unless you determine or define the word “winner”, I see no point in buying the correct answer, my dear Jan…
April 18, 2011 at 5:28 pm
Hi Terry;

I don't know if all of the pictures taken at that time were different in color or not true to nature, I only said that “Errol's color pictures” very rarely show his true color of hair, beard or eyes. That's all! It is well known that Errol had very light brown hair mixed with blond streaks and also mixed with a reddish hue – shade. As Errol liked to be sun tanned I would say that the sun had something to do with his blond streaks and reddish hue-tint. You know that the sun has the habit of bleaching hair due to the pigmentation. For instance, I have a lot of red pigmentation in my hair and in summer my hair color changes from dark brown to a reddish-dark blond.
All I wanted to point out was that for once they captured Errol in his true coloring (hair, beard, even at one spot his eyes) in the movie “The Private Lives of Elisabeth and Essex” compared with all his other colored movies. Please watch his colored movies and you will see it for yourself. Maybe I am seeing things that others might not? Possible too! In regards to pictures there are not that many around and if there are any they are not true in color of his hair as I placed one example in my other post yesterday and here are some more. See for yourself – so what is what?
Errol with black hair? Did he dye it black?
Or is it this coloring? Please look on the right side of the picture as the left side is in shade.
Did he dye his hair and mustache too? I don't think so!
Sorry Terry, just my humble opinion.
Thanks for discussing it as I like a good discussion. Maybe other members on this blog have a know-how of photograph films (history) of why the film did not capture true coloring in those days.
Take care have a nice day!
April 18, 2011 at 5:35 pm
1) The first one with the correct answer, either found by him or herself through own research/ resources or either through the “buying” formula/method.
2) Only advantages for the winner of the previous week's question because no one will know how many answers have been “bought”! The seller should not reveal under any circumstances the amount, that is the beauty of it!
3) Believe me, it works quite well in the long run, it is quite OK to get extra income out of the rest of the members, actually inadvertedly it goes without saying!!
April 18, 2011 at 5:38 pm
1) That is a very unfair way as I might be sleeping when someone over the ocean posts a question, so I (and you, too) will never have achance to “win”.
As for 2) +3)… well, not much to be said.
April 18, 2011 at 5:54 pm
Inga, think of the “lollies” as they say in England. Look, I will collect the cash and you can get a minimal commission for your trouble. Fair is fair!
April 18, 2011 at 6:05 pm
Hi Jan;
You sure are full of good ideas no doubt about that – selling and buying answers? Did you by any chance looked a little deep into a Spanish beverage last night?
Your joke is wonderful – I can't stop laughing or am I crying?
Take care – best joke ever!
April 18, 2011 at 6:07 pm
Hi Patti;
Thank you for your remark, but are we the winners? Inga has not confirmed the million Dollar question yet. Are we that clever – haha?
The best to you,
April 18, 2011 at 6:10 pm
You say “it is well known that Errol had very light brown hair”… well, to me, it wasn't until now, I'm deepply sorry. I mainly knew pictures where his hair is dark. If you take the third one, too, the one with the blue background – maybe his hair was bleached from the sun, you may be right – but then why doesn't he have a tan? A little contradiction, isn't it? Just thinking, sorry. I also wish some other member would say something in this regard.
April 18, 2011 at 6:26 pm
This whole issue is much ado about nothing. Having posed, photographed and painted many a portrait, it's a simple matter of hair being dry or wet. When wetted, hair get's darker–regardless of how blond the hair; nothing mysterious about it.
In Flynn's day, men generally wet their hair, whether with a tonic or water alone, especially for photographs. In Flynn's case it was a rare occasion when his hair was photographed completely dry. When it was–as in the case of Elizabeth And Essex–it looked more naturally light. To add to this issue, he had his hair dyed in at least one film, Adventures Of Don Juan. And finally, as he aged, his hair darkened as many men's do.
April 18, 2011 at 6:27 pm
Tina, here's another one from this “series”… completely different colouring again, yet you can see that it was the same session.

April 18, 2011 at 6:29 pm
*lol* Robert, thanks for finally making it clear! Why was it dyed in “Don Juan”? I always thought that it was also dyed in his later years, as there must have been some grey in it?
April 18, 2011 at 6:34 pm
Hi Terry;
You find the information in some of the books written about him and in an interview I heard it when Nora Eddington is describing him. No need to be sorry it is nice to have some discussions.
If you are talking about the painted picture not having a sun tan (as I found out too that it was painted) I pointed out that he had no tan.
But, if you are talking about the last picture you take a look at his neck on the left side bottom and you see that he is tanned at least in his face.
I have the same wish as you!
Take care,
April 18, 2011 at 6:43 pm
Hi Terry;
You find the information in some of the books written about him and in an interview I heard it when Nora Eddington is describing him. No need to be sorry it is nice to have some discussions. Maybe Rory Flynn has the answer? She is an author of this blog.
If you are talking about the painted picture not having a sun tan (as I found out too that it was painted) I pointed out that he had no tan and blue eyes, which he didn't have.
But, if you are talking about the last picture you take a look at his neck on the left side bottom and you see that he is tanned at least in his face.
I have the same wish as you!
Take care,
April 18, 2011 at 6:55 pm
In my Don Juan research it doesn't explain why the dying, but my guess is that he had the beginnings of graying that was counter to the desired character appearance. Flynn had been ill and did not film from January 29 to March 15, 1948. On Friday, March 12th, unit manager Frank Mattison wrote “I will contact Errol Flynn himself, as I must talk to him regarding the re-dying of his hair before we shoot with him on Monday. Will arrange to have him come in early on Monday as it will only take about 45 minutes to fix his hair. We are all keeping our fingers and legs crossed in the hopes that he does get in here and we do get started with this thing at last.”
April 18, 2011 at 7:03 pm
Wow, love these memos and notes! Thanks for sharing, Robert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we hadn't you, our genius… I bet we might have 124 comments by tomorrow evening about Errol's hair colour!
April 18, 2011 at 7:03 pm
You're very welcome. The daily Chronology is now at 34,000 words and only about 1/3 complete. It will be quite interesting and informative, and the photos mostly never before seen. Stay tuned!
April 18, 2011 at 7:15 pm
I wasn't talking about hair getting darker when men get older or white and I wasn't talking about an aging Errol at all and I wasn't talking about Don Juan either.
I said that in the “Essex” movie it showed his hair and beard color truer than in his other colored movies or pictures, maybe I should have added “of his younger years.”
April 18, 2011 at 7:20 pm
I would say that's rather a shadow than a tan, but that's my humble opinion only. Thank God Mr Florczak cleared the matter – so the coloring of the photos IS correct, and the hair was darker because it was wet. Very well. Thanks to Mr Florczak!
April 18, 2011 at 7:23 pm
Now who else would come up with an idea about money… or are you simply trying to confirm your image? Deep down, of course, there is nothing of it in you… It's just facade you're keeping, of course.
April 18, 2011 at 7:25 pm
ooooooooooooh… it SURE will be interesting, we all can't wait until it is completed!!!!
April 18, 2011 at 8:31 pm
Hi Terry;
I am glad that you received an answer which gives the answer to the dark color of his hair.
Thanks for a nice discussion it was interesting, have to do it again about another subject.
Take care,
April 19, 2011 at 8:50 am
Mr Pratch,
This is the second time I had such a comment from you. Don't know as how I should read your comment which could be two ways of course, cynical or whatever, so I will not comment any further. I am beyond that! Let me put it this way, I prefer to write to other members instead. I think you get the drift! If you wish to write to me personally through my personal e-mail address, please go ahead!! Over and out, thank you!
April 19, 2011 at 11:50 am
My comments have just a much cynicism as do yours, SIR.
April 19, 2011 at 3:19 pm
Hi Tina,
Don't get me going on jokes. Here is one for you. (not for the faint hearted!)
1) “Many people ask me what birth sign I am, so I tell them I was a test tube child, so it is “Pyrex”. (named after the brand of te test tube). Like a womb with a view!”
2) Why did the dumb blonde came back home disappointed from a day trip to London?
Because she found out “Big Ben” was only a clock!!
( I am sure David will comment on this to me privately, no doubt about that! )
Millions of jokes more to come if you want it!!
April 23, 2011 at 7:22 am
So as you could guess, Patti and Tina were right, the quotation is from the Earl of Tyrone aka Alan Hale. For being the first one, I would award one point to Patti, and two points to Tina who answered the question completely.
I would suggest that Patti might ask the next question since she was the first to answer?
Happy Easter to everyone!