Archive for June, 2011

Pan Books 1976

08 Jun

— Inga


Aurum Press February 2005

08 Jun

— Inga


A Berkley 1981 Edition

08 Jun

— Inga


1st Cooper Square Press Edition 2003

08 Jun

This is the edition I own, and I was so surprised to find that the captions to some of the photos were wrong!!! For example, the person who wrote them mixed up Ann Sheridan and Alexis Smith, Montana and Silver River and made Robert Ford into a director of Flynn's!!!!! I hope it was not Jeffrey Meyers, who wrote the introduction, since he is considered a Flynn expert???

— Inga


First Edition

08 Jun

This must be the first edition of MWWW.

— Inga


My Wicked, Wicked Ways – What year was this publication printed? Anybody? As per David and Inga this is the Dell's January, 1961, first printing! Thank you!

08 Jun

In the quest of making this Blog a complete as possible information
center about our hero, I am proposing and asking the help of all our
Authors to bring for a start to the surface of “How many publications
where made to date of MWWW and publish as available, all book cover pictures of these reprints.” Furthermore, being most likely the hardest to establish is the year printed. Maybe we are lucky!
sincerely hope to acquire your assistance and good will in this
worthwhile venture.
I thank you in advance for any help and for your
most valuable expertise you always give so freely!      

— Tina



06 Jun

Can anyone give me any information on this photograph? It was listed on e-bay a few months ago, I bid on it but the price went way above what I would actually pay.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


“Montana” Date – looks like July 1954 any others? A favorites movie of mine!

05 Jun

— Tina


This week's Quiz question

05 Jun

First of all I like to give full gratitude for the well designed and complex quiz question with the photo,  revealing more and more each day. I like it very much. Very clever, Inga!


So, here is this week's question. And I thought it would nice to add extra spark to turn it into a 3-part one. It is so easy, even I know it! The information comes from a reliable source!

1) To whom did Errol say: “You are priceless. A rare jewel of innocence that only once in a lifetime of a man stumbles across in this jungle of humanity”.

2) Where exactly did he quote this beautiful romantic line?

3) What exactly were Errol and this particular person drinking at the time? (Brand and type)

                              Have fun guessing and good luck!

— Don Jan


Oh là là – Errol!

05 Jun

Is he ever a Perfect Specimen!
Is there a story which goes with is picture? There are very few pictures of Errol, if any, depicting him in this “oh là là” way!

— Tina