The series of photos of the screenteam fencing offset 'Captain Blood' in 1935 are without a doubt my favourite photo's of the two together – Last week I bought 2 photo's I hadn't seen before from this candid photoshoot off eBay and the first of the 2 arrived today – So I share it with you, sadly the scan turned out quite unclear, but I tried to edit the brightness to clear up the image as much as possible!
My plan is to get every photo from the series of Flynn and deHavi in this candid photoshoot and frame them as a set so I can look at 'em everyday!
— Sam
July 27, 2011 at 12:11 am
Hi Sam!
You know, that series of photos is also one of *my* favorites of Errol & Olivia…they're so cute together, and it looked like they were having fun “play” fencing with each other. :-) Please do post any other photos from this series that you find — thank you for sharing them with us here!
July 27, 2011 at 3:00 am
Hello, Sam This is the first time I've seen this photo!! Any photos from a private set will be well received by me. Is there a chance you may have a photo of Errol and his 1935 Auburn? Thank You for sharing your treasures with us!! Larry
August 1, 2011 at 6:18 pm
I have bought several pics of Errol and Olivia. One of these days I should scan and post them.
August 2, 2011 at 5:42 am
Hi Larry, I think that's one of the most well-known photos of Errol and his Auburn, but I guess you have it already?

I think there were many more taken in this series of publicity shots, but here you can see the car at its best. And there should be one in one of the Matzen books, check them out.