Foreword – ??

10 Aug

Good morning:

Maybe this belongs in the quiz section but I'd prefer to put it out in the main section; the sentiment deserves a wider audience.
I recently read a very good biography of one of my favourite actors and the opening foreword to the book, I found especially moving (especially in a biography of an actor). The writer of the foreword may come as a surprise to many (myself included) but it could be interesting if some of you guys would like to hazard a guess on who wrote the foreword and of whom he was writing of. For those of you who have the book, and already know… maybe you could refrain from answering for a short period. There is a Flynn connection here.

Here is the foreword —

_____ ____ was as unique in his field as Mozart was in his. His composition was artless.
He didn't have an actory bone in his body. His voice and speech were part of the wind.
His intelligence was clear; devoid of traps or devices. His was a radiant beauty. He glowed
decency and warmth and firm resolute justice. He was charming, forceful and delicate.
Nothing showed. He breathed all the wondrous adjectives as though he were walking through
a park.
One night in a pub, a little old lady asked for his autograph. When asked why she wanted it
she said 'because you're such a comfort'.

PS: For David — Everything fine here. I was in London over the weekend but missed the riots – only just.

best wishes,


— themainflynnman


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  1. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    Is this the new biography of Bruce Cabot with a foreword by Patrice Wymore?

  2. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    Ouh, Brian, this is tricky – the description can fit to anybody. Not another hint maybe?

  3. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    Bri, Thanks this interesting question, and for letting me know you are all right! We have had our share of this sort of thing here as the world well knows – and our thoughts are with you!

  4. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    You need to up your game Mr. Florczak!!!
    best wishes,

  5. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:46 pm

    Hi Inga,
    Well, I did think my other question was tricky but you nailed that one in minutes; I thought I'd let this one ride without any clues to begin with.
    Okay, a clue — This actor appeared in barely twenty films, one of which is 'lost' and he was raised in Northern England (like myself).
    best wishes,

  6. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    So, then, my answer is incorrect?

  7. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    Hi David,
    The riots spread to Manchester last night, which is where I am. We have a whole generation of disillusioned youths roaming our streets at the moment and the police are barely able to deal with them. Makes a mockery of the proposed government cuts that will affect the police force very badly.
    best wishes,

  8. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 5:55 pm

    To call it incorrect doesn't do it justice!!!

  9. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 6:13 pm

    Hmmm. Albert Dekker, with a foreword by Billy Graham?

  10. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    You are cracking me up, Robert!

  11. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    Behave… I will not have my thread hijacked by your hijinks!!
    PS: That is incorrect!

  12. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    Hi Brian;
    I have not forgotten about you and I will take care of it! At present I have a serious family health problems to deal with and have not much for anything, but today I thought to look into the blog and see what is going on and I see your quiz.
    I have no clue who it could be but I am taking a very wild guess due to the wording in the foreword. It must be a very gentle person in more ways than one and only one person this could fit so well is Robert Donat.
    And the Flynn connection could only be “Captain Blood”
    As to who has written it that is a question which escapes me totally.
    All the best to you!

  13. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    Hi Tina,
    That is a great piece of deduction. Yes, you are correct, it is Robert Donat. The foreword was written by Walter Matthau, of all people.
    The book is Mr. Chips: The Life of Robert Donat, which I have been trying to buy (at a reasonable price) for a long time now.
    Sorry to hear about the health issues Tina.
    best wishes,

  14. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    Oh, well. I guess my next suggestion of the new Freddie Bartholomew bio with a foreword by Jeffrey Jones wouldn't have been correct either. I'll leave the hijinks for others!

  15. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:12 pm

    Tina, our genius at work again! I hope you got my e-mail and my good wishes. Let me repeat them here.
    Brian, I think Tina must be right after checking around a little… She is our super sleuth! I would never have guessed this, also not with your clues. But it makes sense – the foreword would then be written by Walter Matthau, as amazon said…? Which of his films is lost and why?

  16. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    Hi Brian;
    It was just a spur of the moment guess from the top of my head!
    As I read the foreword Mr. Chips came to my mind and it fitted so well. I always liked Robert Donat in particular my favorite movie, besides Mr. Chips is “The Ghost Goes West!” I love it!
    The foreword is ever so fitting to him and what he stood for.
    The author of the foreword really surprises me. I would have never thought Walter Matthau would have it in him of such precise and refined words of description like these.
    The health problem is with my sister-in-law she has cancer and the doctors give her 6 – 8 months. We are all devastated.
    Brian, take care and best wishes,

  17. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:36 pm

    Oops, I just saw that you posted your answer before I had finished my research and comment, Brian…

  18. Anonymous

    August 10, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    Hi Inga;
    I owe you mail and thank you for your nice consoling words, but things are tough at present!
    My guess was just a lucky stroke of the top of my head as these words in the foreword would not fit anybody I could put my fingers on it, except Robert Donat. A true Gentleman! I always liked him very much!
    Just lucky and I need some luck these days!
    Take care of yourself and all the best to you.

  19. Anonymous

    August 11, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    Tina, don't worry about me, I can imagine how tough things are and I'm praying for you every evening. Your guess was a genius' guess, I would never have thought of Mr Donat of whom I (shame on me) only knew the name. Take good care, Tina!