Archive for September, 2011

The New Rock-itt Magazine is online! Special Message!

08 Sep

Warning! There is a link in this post leading to a disturbing website! Do not click to view this unless you have thought carefully about your feelings!

Pete Johnson says:

Our September Rock-itt was launched last weekend and is now in orbit. If you haven't bothered to send The Rock-itt web address to your contacts before, please can you send it this time for the sake of our animals who are being treated so cruelly overseas. We have another 2 page feature on what is happening in this issue to our poor animals who desperately need our help. Only with us working together as a team will we end these atrocities and stop the pain and suffering to living creatures who have made this country and its people so strong and prosperous.….au .  Also log onto:… and see with your own eyes the pain sadness and misery that we are causing to innocent creatures by not banning this horrendous practice of sending our animals live overseas.

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

Posted in Promo


Magazines (For Tina and Inga)

07 Sep

Hello Ladies,

There are a couple of posts in the magazine section where the comments aren't enabled. I have the magazines and am happy to give more details but can't post comments.

— themainflynnman


Posted in Main Page


Errol’s Beloved Dog, Arno

06 Sep

This article I have just came across an article online about Errol’s Beloved Schnauzer, Arno:

Arno, the Schnauzer who was the love of Errol Flynn’s Life

Not a Giant Schnauzer, a standard one, but Arno was almost as well known as his famous owner, the late actor, Errol Flynn.

Errol had a bad reputation for chasing women and for brawling; he was not popular among his peers, but he had one redeeming feature – he loved dogs.

Arno was a standard Schnauzer, and was Flynn’s constant companion, accompanying him on all his film sets, barking loudly and happily whenever the director cried “cut” and he knew that the filming was over and he could have the attention of his beloved master.

The actor was rarely seen without the dog by his side.

He would also accompany Flynn on his yacht, where he would entertain himself chasing flying fish.

Unfortunately, this game proved to be his undoing. In August 1945, it is believed that he jumped overboard after a fish when no one was about. By the time his disappearance was noticed, it was too late to save him, despite Flynn’s hiring several boats to search.

Arno’s body was washed up near Balboa, California some three days later. The actor arranged for the coastguards to give the dog a naval burial at sea.

Overcome with grief, Flynn did not have the courage to claim the dog’s body immediately it was discovered.

This caused a Hollywood gossip columnist, Jimmy Fidler, to write a scathing report claiming that the actor didn’t really care about the Schnauzer.

Notorious for his temper, Flynn was enraged. He got drunk, then went after the reporter. When police arrived Fidler had been beaten unconscious, and his wife had stabbed Flynn in the ear with a fork.

One of Errol Flynn’s biographers claimed that the actor loved Arno more than any human in his life.

There is a pic of Arno with Errol with this article on this page:

— Mary Ann


We Welcome New Author Mary Ann Hearn to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Sep

We are so pleased to announce New Author Mary Ann Hearn to The Errol Flynn Blog! Mary Ann, we look forward to more of your great comments and posts!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Dennis Mullen to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Sep

We are pleased to announce our newest Author, Dennis Mullen, to The Errol Flynn Blog! Dennis is the renowned owner/operator of the famed Havana Writer’s Retreat– we look forward to Dennis’s participation on the blog! In the future, Dennis has planned a special Flynn related getaway for both Havana and Jamaica “In Search of Errol Flynn!“,..and I’m looking forward to hearing all about the details…

— David DeWitt


British movie magazine! Year? Btw for 3 pence = 3d or a thrupenny bit the price of this magazine one could buy a great sandwhich for the same price.

05 Sep

— Tina


I wonder what story is in this magazine about Errol? It says “September” but not what year? This magazine refers itself as “The Magazine for Men” – interesting! Has anybody got this magazine? It is confirmed, this issue is from September 1962!

04 Sep

— Tina


One more Berlinale Rock'n'Roll

03 Sep

— Inga


03 Sep

Would anybody have information where and when they were taken?

— Inga


03 Sep

I found this and the next one in a magazine and was pretty touched by them.

— Inga