John Wayne

09 Nov

Never heard an answer to my John Wayne question. Is there a record of them knowing each other, and, if so, how did they regard one another?  Kevin

— kevin kiernan


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  1. Anonymous

    November 12, 2011 at 2:52 am

    One can make a safe assumption that Flynn and John Wayne met, at least casually, but I don’t believe they were close friends. There is actually an interview with Duke where he mentions knowing Flynn. I tried to find it for this post but naturally tripped over my own shoelaces – but when I come across it again I’ll post it. Flynn and Duke were both on good terms with Hondo screenwriter James Edward Grant, in fact, the Hondo DVD special features includes a mini documentary with a photo of Grant aboard Zaca (or something like that). Don’t recall the details. Must be getting on in years. I have yet to come across a photo of them together but I am almost positive there is footage of them attending an Academy Awards event on the same night. Now it’s your mystery to follow up on…go forth and sleuth!

  2. Anonymous

    November 12, 2011 at 3:01 am

    And as I think I may have posted here earlier (there isn't a way of cross referencing on this site), Wayne was up for the part of Custer in “Santa Fe Trail” and came in to Warners on 6/24/40 to read and discuss the part. Two days later he turned the part down and it went to Ronald Reagan. Flynn was in South America at the time.

  3. Anonymous

    November 12, 2011 at 6:42 am

    Wayne as Custer… don't know if I would have liked it. A very odd idea, imho.