Errol Flynn's 1941 Packard Automobile!

27 Nov

Looks a bit dusty!

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    December 1, 2011 at 6:31 am

    Okay, who is jimmight and why is he using one of my comments from another post and adding all those links to test king, as the comment above has nothing to do with the picture of Errol's Packard automobile?

  2. Anonymous

    December 1, 2011 at 9:42 am

    This is a spammer and I deleted his post. We get them all the time, and I delete them as soon as the blogware notifies me of their phony comments.

  3. Anonymous

    December 1, 2011 at 10:06 pm

    Thank you, David!

  4. Anonymous

    January 19, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    I found this information about this specific car!
    Originally Posted by SUNROOFCORD (a nickname)
    Here's another interesting car built by Dutch Darrin. A 1941 Packard Clipper convertible.
    I (SUNROOFCORD) can't confirm it but I believe that this is the only Clipper Convertible ever made. Supposedly, this car was specially built for Actor Errol Flynn.
    In reply posted by Vintageride
    Yes. It was the only one built.
    According to Richard M Langdon in Vol 34 Automobile Quarterly No 1 Jan 1994 “Packard Clipper; The Lost Continuum of an American Institution” there was only one of this type convertible built for Flynn and the car is at large. The article represents the other tan vehicle as a reconstruction. If it is a reconstruction, it looks “dead on”.
    Now me Tina – I wonder how this is to understand? Did Errol had this Packard built just for himself and then – as the only one?
    If so – wow! Must have cost a pretty penny? Or did he get it for free as an endorsement?