The Errol Flynn Blog will begin our move to WordPress Next week!

15 Feb

Hello, everybody! We should begin to move the blog to our WordPress install during the next calendar week! I will let you know what happens next. Our present location will remain accessible until March 31st for use as reference for any work we may do to preserve attachements which will be lost on every post ever made here. It is unfortunate but this is what would happen no matter where we moved the blog to.

There are some very valuable attachments on this blog and I hope that we can save them!

I will explain how to reach this blog after we are moved. But moving alone isn’t the end of the work that must be done. All of our galleries, as I understand it, will become posts in the new location. So these will have to be reorganized into galleries.

We will lose all names associated with comments and posts, too, I believe. Horrid. But unavoidable!

These can be added back in, a painstaking process.

And we will lose all memberships! Each of you will have to sign up again at the new location. That shouldn’t be much of a problem.

The migration takes a couple of days to finish. I will keep everybody posted about what is going on but if the blog seems to be down or missing this weekend it is likely because it is in this transition period. I do not yet know what domainmonger will tell me is the url of our current blog after the transfer – our domain name is also being transferred.

You may see a temporary site if you type in the name of our blog at some point next week!

I will have to redo all of our settings in the control panel. And take advantage of some new things we will be able to have running at our new location. There are a lot of plugins available to WordPress users!

We knew this was coming for a long time and finally, the day is fast approaching…

I know we will pull together and go on our merry way after this is transition is finished!

Hugs, d~

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    February 15, 2012 at 11:43 pm

    I am making a Word file (copy pasting) all 6,000 plus comments by hand. This involves opening 69 pages of post listings, open each post and comments and copy pasting them – but in the end all of the comments and who made them will be in a single reference file!

  2. Anonymous

    February 16, 2012 at 11:04 am

    Good luck, David, we are here to help.

  3. Anonymous

    February 16, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    The best of luck with the BIG move, all will be well.

  4. Anonymous

    February 16, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    The comment archive is coming along fine! I have done 17 full pages so far. It is interesting to see the comments this way, from the beginning. I also am finding a few spam comments that slipped by me! Out they go, although they are by now indexed by Google! But they will dead links after I get done with this job – I recall at least one time I allowed what might otherwise be considered a spam post because the link was relevant. My chief concern is how to preserve all of the attachments. So many wonderul pictures attached to posts that won't transfer… But even after the move I am told we can still access this blog for awhile and perhaps find a way to save them!

  5. Anonymous

    February 19, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Hi David,
    I actually wanted to post a enter to the blog, though I can't see how to do that. In your 'How to Post' directions, it's indicated “in the upper right hand corner of the header the words “post new entry” … though on my screen there's no such thing. Can you help?
    Best, Philip