Archive for August, 2012


26 Aug

While watching TCM– North America–a USA cable channel and their tribute to Tyrone Power (they had already paid tribute to Mr. Flynn on the anniversary of his birth) I realized while watching “The Sun Also Rises” that it has been 55 years since Errol gave one of his career defining performances as “Mike Campbell”. So here’s to Errol Flynn’s “Mike Campbell”. Bung Ho, old boy!–A. R.



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Rare picture

21 Aug

I was actually looking for photos from “Rescued”, and accidentally found this:

— Inga


Flynn and the Law

20 Aug

I came across this site containing a few law cases in connection with Errol Flynn, among others concerning the Higham charges.


— Inga


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We Welcome New Author Lee Bright to the Errol Flynn Blog!

17 Aug

…too long overdue! Lee, welcome to The Errol Flynn Blog as our newest Author!


— David DeWitt


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Happy Birthday, Maureen O’Hara!

17 Aug

Maureen FitzSimons born on August 17, 1920, turns 92 today!

— David DeWitt


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Affinitea! Super Teas! Done that, got the T-Shirt!

17 Aug

These special teas have never been combined like this before! There are actually 6 different herbs involved in all three of these–they are listed on the label. If you Google these teas you will find they have degenerative disease reversing properties. Our goal should be to feel great each day while keeping our blood chemistry alkaline (diabetes cannot survive in an alkaline environment) and killing free radicals in our bodies (the cause of aging and all degenerative diseases). You get three of the world’s most potent Super Teas in one bag!


Dennis Mullen

LastDeskGhostwriting (at)…

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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Please take note!

17 Aug

— David DeWitt


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Robin Hood show at NYC’s Bryant Park to Huge Happy Crowd!

08 Aug

Our own Jim Turiello writes:

Last night at Bryant Park in the heart of New York City, The Adventures of Robin Hood delighted the thousands that attended. It was a total sell out, (even though it was free to the public.The movie was met with resounding cheers each and every time Errol Flynn did something magical. Loud applause filled the night air and at times, the crowd was silent, they were really, really into the movie. At the conclusion a standing ovation was giving with unbelievable enthusiasm. The most unusual fact about the showing was the average age of the people in attendence, to my pleasant surprise they were students and young adults, I was delighted that the new generations embraced Errol in a way that we have done our entire lives. There is great hope for Errol to capture the hearts and souls of all movie goers. I am in the process of getting more movies shown in the coming weeks.
Yours truly

— David DeWitt


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Errol’s Master of Music

07 Aug

Years ago I was able to conduct a short interview with Andy Hamilton, a Jamaican musician who worked for Errol in the latter 1940’s before emigrating to England in 1949. If you like a bit of jazz you could do a lot worse than buy Andy’s two albums; Silvershine and Jamaica By Night.  Both are excellent and the title track of Silvershine was actually a piece of music written for Errol in the 40’s.  Silvershine was the biggest selling Jazz album of the year in 1991 and was voted The Times jazz album of that year.

Sadly Andy died in June of this year at the ripe old age of 94. He was made a Member of the British Empire (MBE) in the Queens New Years honours of 2008 for his services to music in his adopted home town of Birmingham ( UK ). 

When I spoke to him he didn’t have a bad word to say about Errol and dismissed any suggestion that he could have been a fascist sympathiser. There was one aspect of Errol’s life that he was unwilling to discuss with me and I suspect this was around Errol’s use of drugs during that period. He spoke with considerable amusement however about the girls who continually tried to get aboard the Zaca!

Anyway, check out Silvershine if you’ve not yet heard it.

Rest in peace Andy Hamilton MBE (26th March 1918 – 3rd June 2012)





— DerekD


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Errol in fiction

06 Aug

I noticed on Amazon the other day a new book called Flynn’s Last Stand by Al Hooper. I wonder if any of you chaps have read it yet? Previous outtings for Errol in works of fiction havent been too successful, my favourite being Stuart Kaminsky’s Bullet for a Star. The Pirates Daughter was also a decent read although probably sitting better with a female readership.

So fellow Flynn fans, have you any opinions, good or bad, on Flynn fiction? Perhaps the world is ready for Fifty Shades of Flynn!!

— DerekD


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