It would be nice to have a publishing date!
— Tina
I was on Friday by my dentist and wile waiting for my appointment I discovered a book on display titled “In Praise Of Jamaica” by George Meikle, subtitled “Celebrating 50 years of independence 1962 – 2012.”
Lo and behold Errol is in it on chapter 21 under “Famous Residents of Jamaica.”
It gave a caption which amazed me! It quoted that Errol had written part of his MWWW at Ian Flemming’s “Goldeneye” cottage at St. Mary in Oracabessa. I wonder if that is true but he should know living there? In addition there is a very nice picture of Errol in the book I have never seen before.
Now, George Meikle lives in Jamaica, he is Canadian and is the brother of John Meikle a doctor who has his office at the same place then my dentist. Small World? I could get in touch with him! I am sure the office would give me his e-mail and I could ask him how he got the information about Errol and the Goleneye. Maybe he would give me a copy of the picture too! One never knows until we try!
It is a very nice book about Jamaica and I thought I share this little tidbit information with you.
— Tina
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— David DeWitt
Erin DeWitt Daughter of David DeWitt
Sherlock Holmes Fan
Learning French
Career choice: Film Editor
Attending Film School in Manhattan, NYC
— Kgoodwriter92
We are up and running again and things are looking extremely well!
There are still many things in the fine tuning stage and David is very able and willing on the job!
Thanks to David with his Speedy Gonzales work – we are able to communicate with each other, we can post, we can comment and it is easy to navigate.
In short – we are setting sails again for destinations unknown for our adventure to find our man’s ‘Footsteps in the Dark’ cyberspace!
David we owe you our deepest appreciation and gratitude for moving us with such an ease, swiftness and the fine provision of a good roof over our heads.
My best regards, Tina
— Tina
Ahoy, before I can set your temporary password to log in to The Errol Flynn Blog, most authors will need to email me at Zacapublishing(at)… so that I will have their current email address and can then match their email address to a new temporary password! You can change your password once you have logged in … thanks so much!
If you have a Reader Account you will need to sign up again at this new blog site, as well!
— David DeWitt