Hi to all EF blog members. My first post. WordPress is a neat and effective blog template … I’m looking forward to being a part of the blog. I’ve long been fascinated by Flynn, more so by the complexities of the man and his adventurous ways than singularly by his films.
I’m currently developing a screenplay based on Mr Flynn. Earl Conrad will feature prominently. I’m familiar with Conrad’s wonderful Errol Flynn: A Memoir – which I believe is the best personal account of being with Flynn. Its richness is in revealing Flynn in day-to-day life – insightful idiosyncrasies and his turns-of-phrase and habits. What I’m in search of are these similar elements of Conrad’s character. In A Memoir we see Flynn, and learn of Conrad’s reactions to Flynn’s actions, though we don’t get to learn of Conrad’s general behaviour and idiosyncrasies. I’ve read a number of other Flynn biography’s (incl Thomas McNulty’s excellent Errol Flynn: The Life and Career) but none that expand on Conrad beyond the facts of him ghostwriting and staying in Port Antonio with Flynn during the writing/research process of My Wicked Wicked Ways.
Would anyone be able to assist with guidance as to where or how I may find additional reading and references that expand on Earl Conrad? I’d be very grateful for any help.
It’s my hope to create a story that portrays Flynn without the cliches, revealing the inner psyche and insecurities behind the facade. Capturing this remarkable multi-faceted character in film is my passion.
Cheers, Philip
— Philip