Archive for 2012

Italian Posters

25 Jul

A selection of Italian posters, most created by artist Luigi Martinati. Any favourites?


[flagallery gid=20 name=Gallery]

— Inga


We Welcome New Author Carl Faulkner to The Errol Flynn Blog!

19 Jul

Not often, but sometimes a subscriber becomes an instant Author on The Errol Flynn Blog because of some unique offering! This has happened a few time and happily, it has happened again! Carl Faulkner reached us with some interesting material and I was so impressed I made him the Author Offer on the spot and he has graciously accepted! Carl, we look forward to you comments and future posts!

— David DeWitt


A subscriber sends EF Info and becomes our Newest Author!

19 Jul

I received some fascinating information from a new subscriber recently and it was SO fascinating that I offered Carl Faulkner an Author Invitation on the spot! That announcement will be made next! He sends us this:

Hello David,

Please find attached some information relating to Errol which I have come across. I don’t know if they already on the website – but I hope you find them interesting.

1.     EF Passenger entry on the Queen Mary (New York – London 1949)

2.     EF’s Father and Mother passenger entry SS Matina (Jamaica – Liverpool 1957)

3.    Passenger entry of SS Berima arriving at London from Tasmania via South Africa in 1920 (EF 11 years old) . Interestingly, in addition to his mother, father and sister there is also an Elizabeth Flynn (aged 57). It also seems to indicate EF travelled earlier to England than is currently known?

4.     Passenger entry SS Ballarat – Theodore Flynn (Sydney – London 1923)

5.     Passenger entry SS Manistee – EF’s mother and father  – (Jamaica –Liverpool 1954)

6.       Passenger entry SS Normandie Theodore Flynn (Southampton UK – USA 1939)

7.       Second part of above naming EF as next-of-kin.

8.      Electoral register giving EF’s parents address in London 1958 (79a Belsize Park Gardens)

Also see photo of house to – perhaps EF visited this house as described in your article – www.theerrolflynnblog….com/2007/02/25/father-tells-of-visit/

9.   Passenger entry SS Ile De France EF’s mother and father (New York – Southampton 1929)

10.  Newspaper article regarding estate of EF (1964)


Carl Faulkner

— David DeWitt

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Posting to the Front Page!

09 Jul

After talking to Support back and forth over the issues some have had over posts that did not appear on the front of the blog – the best we can come up with is that all posts intended for the FRONT PAGE of the blog should be published by NOT TICKING any category in the Category trees.

After the post has been published the Publish button becomes an Update button and you will see that Main Page at the top of the category tree is automatically ticked. Now, if Main Page is not at the top of your category tree it is because the list of available categories CHANGES according to your recent activity. WordPress automatically puts any post made onto the Front Page of the blog by default and we have tried to prevent this using a plugin so that it is possible to put content by subject matter into various categories archives.

Why do we have a Main Page category? This was created when the blog was moved to wordpress. It is our old main page at the other blog. I do not want to delete this category because it contains all of our oarchived posts from the front page of the other blog! Years of content…

So thinking you are posting to the front of the blog by ticking Main Page (as I had previously instructed) is incorrect!

However, it seems that half the time this DOES result in your post being on the front page hence a lot of confusion!

The plugin that chooses what content from the categories goes to the front of the blog includes “main page” and I allowed that category to appear on the front of the blog thinking  that if we all tick main page our content there will go to the front of the blog and there will be no missing content – but that is not really working in every case!

Volker had a recent issue in which his article not only wasn’t seen on the front of the blog but wasn’t even listed in Recent Posts! This is why I contacted support (who hosted the blog) who kindly gave me all the information they could. Otherwise, I have to contact the plugin designer to see what is going on. But then I discovered that if you do NOT tick “main page” your post will go to the front of the blog as well as to the “main page” category for some unknown reason only understandable by coders!

If we all get into the new habit of not choosing “main page” as a publishing choice when we first publish our article our posts should all appear on the front of the blog!

This means you must publish your article without choosing ANY category at all – then when the Publish button becomes the Update button add in the categories you want the article to be seen in and click Update! It is a two step process!

If you only chose a category before you first publish the article will only be seen in the categories you ticked. And may not appear on the front of the blog. Main Page is supposed to be allowed to appear on the front of the blog so it often does, apparently. But to guarantee your article will go to the front of the blog do “the Errol Flynn Two – Step” and you should be guaranteed of success!

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Errol was having one of his jokes on us!

—- let’s all give this a try!


— David DeWitt


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The following usernames need updated email addresses!

09 Jul

Keven McAleer
ralph Schiller
treveor Hill

Please contact Admin to update your email addresses and passwords – thanks, d~

— David DeWitt


Errol’s “Mon Film” Mag Cover

08 Jul










Here is another one of Errol’s “Mon Film” Mag Covers but, unfortunately I can’t find the date of when this issue of this magazine came out. Could someone help me with this.

— Mary Ann


EFB Mailbag: from Kyra Pahlen!

07 Jul

Kyra Pahlen writes:

My father, Victor Pahlen, making Cuban Story with Errol Flynn, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara – etc. Read the article!PS: this film needs further restoring – just in case any of you have a thought!


by John Paul Rathbone

A brief quote from the article:

“I am resigned to the fact that the primitive life of the simple South Sea islanders is the best,” Flynn wrote towards the end of his autobiography, although, as he added, “it is not for me. I have become too much a cosmopolitan.” Nonetheless, he seems to have found something of this island idyll in Cuba, which was the subject of his last two films. As well as Cuban Story, Flynn also made Cuban Rebel Girls, a pitiful movie starring his 17-year old girlfriend, Beverly Aadland, whom he called his “wood nymph”.

Flynn suffered a fatal heart attack on October 14 1959, on a trip to Vancouver, Canada, two and a half months before the dreadful Cuban Rebel Girls had its New York premiere. By the time of his death, though, Flynn had changed his mind about the revolution: “It is one thing to start a revolution, another to win it, and still another to make it stick, and as far as this writer is concerned it ain’t sticking … the police state in Cuba is not very different from that of its predecessors.”

– Errol Flynn…!

Thanks for letting us know about this interesting article, Kyra!

You can download the movie !

— David DeWitt


Recent broadcasts of the Jack Marino Radio Show!

06 Jul

Show #72 Jim Turiello, up in Washington Heights, New York, where his favorite pastimes were playing football, baseball, basketball and bowling. In his spare time he went to the many movie palaces in his neighborhood. Jim writes a weekly sports column for…. Since the 80’s he has been a regular on numerous sports radio shows in the tri-state area. As a prolific writer his contributions to music, movie and collectable magazines are too numerous to mention.  Jim has authored a book Errol Flynn: The Quest for an Oscar is not a biography but a review and analysis of Errol Flynn’s ability to adapt to any role and the fact that he never duplicated the characters he portrayed. Errol was unique and contemporary, he lives on today. The book has his complete filmography as well as over 200 photographs.


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Friday, June 22, 2012

Show #71 Cass Warner of the Warner Sisters, filmmaker and producer of the film THE BROTHERS WARNER.  Cass Warner, the grand-daughter of Harry M. Warner the President of Warner Bros, knows all the family stories, that were going on behind the studio walls,  while we were all watching these great films.  This story is about an incredible factory run by four brothers, who never knew the meaning of quitting.  Their story is so informative what this family run business was like and you  can now see it in the film THE BROTHERS WARNER  Cass Warner shares her remarkable life story of what it was like growing up in this incredible family who came to America with nothing but the will to succeed here in America.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Show #70 Steven C Barber, an independent documentary filmmaker comes on the show to tell us of his latest film UNTIL THEY ARE HOME  Steve’s company VANILLA FIREis a marketing and production company that produces  important films about out Veterans.  Award Winning Filmmaker Steven C. Barber  has been on CNN three times and The Tonight Show three times and shot his 3rd movie this summer.  Steve’s passion for films and the stories he tells comes though in his interview on the show.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Show #69 Charles Heard and Leslee Mayo  join me in discussing their experience and their research of their books about the artist John Decker and BUNDY DRIVE BOYS. It was well known that the Bundy Drive Boys made the Rat Pack look like Cub Scouts.  They made fans go crazy, spent fortunes faster then they could make them. Their self-destructiveness was spectacular, the misanthropy profound but behind the boozy bravado was a devoted mutual affection.  The BUNDY DRIVE BOYS comes to life again with co-author Charles heard in HOLLYWOOD’S HELLFIRE CLUB and along with Leslee Mayo’s devotion in finding out the truth of who these “Boys”  really were and about John Decker an incredible painter and who forged many  masterpieces that are hanging in major museums.

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— David DeWitt


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Errol Flynn as James Bond?

05 Jul

Jim Turiello send me this photo, too! Imagine… Errol Flynn as James Bond!

— David DeWitt


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Robin Hood to be screened in Bryant Park!

05 Jul

As reported before The Adventure of Robin Hood will be screened in New York August 6, 2012 – and Jim Turiello author of  ERROL FLYNN: THE QUEST FOR AN OSCAR has supplied a photo of what this might look like!

— David DeWitt

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