Kyra Pahlen on LA Talk Radio with Jack Marino! CUBAN STORY with Errol Flynn!

09 Mar
Kyra Pahlen appears on the Jack Marino Radio Show in LA

Kyra Pahlen appears on the Jack Marino Radio Show in LA


From Jack Marino:

Tonight on my show, the Jack Marino Warrior Filmmaker show I had the lovely talented Krya Pahlen, writer, producer, filmmaker who is actively restoring the 1959 film CUBAN STORY produced by her father Victor Pahlen & Errol Flynn at the moment Castro toppled the Batista government.Here her interview and about her incredible life working in films here in America and all over Europe.My in Studio guest were David DeWitt or the Errol Flynn Blog and Krya Pahlen Producer of CUBAN STORY.…archives/Marino-030813.mp3


You can go to this indiegogo to donate to CUBAN STORY so Krya can finish this film for all of us to see. This film is a slice of history that not even the Cuban Gov has this kind of footage of the Revolution.…… to see CUBAN STORY

— David DeWitt


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  1. timerider

    March 10, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    Great Photo! I remember Jack with darker hair! LOL! I just keep loosing hair,LOL! Good one of David and now I know what Kyra looks like and a good photo also.
    The Cuban story is a mixed one, glad it was cleaned up but sad that the government is not exactly one that I condone.
    It will be good to see the final cut of the restored flick!

    • David DeWitt

      March 10, 2013 at 4:44 pm

      It’s important to realize the the US supported Castro at the time Errol was there, so his comments were not in support of a communist government which didn’t come about until after Flynn had passed away – Castro was viewed as a modern day Robin Hood who was overthrowing an evil dictator as this film was being made and nobody knew what sort of government he would run later. At first, he promised a free press and free speech, and tried to right many of the wrongs of Batista. In time, things changed drastically, and it is through our knowledge of how things changed that we often view Flynn’s support of Castro in the beginning; Flynn later felt, viewing some of the things beginning to happen that there was something wrong but he didn’t live to see the country go under the control of the USSR under Castro’s dictatorship. With his passing we may yet see another turnaround …

      • The Zaca

        March 11, 2013 at 3:39 am

        Great photo…Jack is so wonderful, he keeps the old flames alive with his shows. You all look great!

  2. Inga

    March 10, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    Is it possible to “revive” the indiegogo campaign so that more donor can give money?

  3. timerider

    March 11, 2013 at 11:55 pm

    I agree David and it was an adrenalin rush at the time for many to see the evil of Batista challenged and put down. Mr Castro was an idealist then and may still have that attitude but power can corrupt. The communist ideal is one that cannot work with men in control. Governments and even religious organizations have played that out. Yes Errol may not have seen the end of the revolution and it’s communist unfolding as Fidel’s plans cemented 1959 Errol left us and he watched from another dimension.