Errol Flynn & Shirley Temple were never stars in the same movie, but they were certainly mega-stars in the same town – at the same time. While Captain Blood was sailing on the Sirocco, ruling the world as the greatest swashbuckler of all time, Shirley was singing On the Good Ship Lollipop and dancing with Bojangles, winning the hearts of America as the greatest child star in history. Both helped get their many millions of fans through the Depression, and beyond.
Fox & Warners never put them together, but, in addition to them being big box office draws, there were a few intersections. I believe I’ve read that Shirley, when older, did attend at least one party up at Mulholland, for example. During that general timeframe her and Errol made at least one headline together – she with rice being thrown at her, Errol with water.
And, of course – like most other red-blooded American girls – Shirley likely had a crush on Errol, probably dreaming at times of being his first mate:

— Tim
February 12, 2014 at 11:21 pm
Shirley & Errol making headines together:…
February 13, 2014 at 4:43 am
“The lead role in The Wizard of Oz propelled Judy Garland to fame in 1939, but it nearly went to Temple. She apparently lost the part after Twentieth Century Fox refused to loan her to MGM. However, in her 1988 memoir Child Star, Temple claims that one of the film’s producers told her to “lose the baby fat” and exposed himself to her during their first meeting together. “Being 12 years old, the only naked person I had ever seen was me,” she said, adding that she thought he looked so funny that she began to laugh. According to the LA Times, the enraged producer ordered her out of his office.”
February 13, 2014 at 6:48 am
Authur Freed, I believe, zacal. A real creep. Likely abused young Judy Garland, too. Good for Shirley not succombing to such perversion.…