Archive for May, 2014

Memorial Day Tribute

26 May

Today Being Memorial Day, It’s An Excellent Occasion to Tribute Errol’s Great Portrayals of Those Who Served Their Country in Time of War.

What was Errol’s Greatest Portrayal as an American in the Miltary?

What was his Greatest “War Film” of All?

What Role – Regardless of Nationality – was His Greatest ?

— Tim


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Just An Idea

26 May

I went ahead and ordered Roots Of Heaven even though its not Flynn at his best but also I only saw it on YouTube about a year ago because it was free then but not now. The main reason though is that just maybe if the film sells out they may choose to do another Flynn film. This one should have sold out by now but is still available which is a bad sign. I will right a review when I get it.

— twinarchers


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Dancin Like Flynn – The Jit

25 May

Relatively New Documentary Featuring the History of “The Jit”, the hand movements of which were “All Errol Flynn”.

Here’s The Errol Flynn:

The Errol Flynn:…

Here’s The Jit:

Detroit OG’s – Pioneers of the Jit: The Jitterbug…:…

How about we all do this at the next commemoration?

— Tim


Exquite, fabulous write-up about Errol!

24 May


Ladies and Gentlemen!
I have read a lot of Errol in my lifetime and that is an extremely long time as I am most likely the oldest of you all, but this here link is THEE BEST EVER reportage about Errol I found today and that by the sheerest accidents through an e-mail from my daughter with a blog link on an entirely different subject.
Of course I always click around an voila there was Errol!

Without further ado here is the link:…

I sincerely hope that you all leave a nice comment on that blog, which hahaha is mandatory for any Errol Fan!

— Tina


The Black Swan 1942

24 May

Never saw this film before and noticed it was one of the top box office film’s the year it came out. I watched it on YouTube and the image was not the greatest but 20th Century Fox always did a good job so I had to imagine a fine looking film. It was interesting to see another studios style from that era and some things were more modern and a bit more ruthless than the Flynn films. It also was more American and less British feeling which may have had to do with Power I don’t really know. All in all I enjoyed it but Mr Power was no where near the level of Mr. Flynn which I did not expect. I thought he would better since I remember seeing Zorro. I just wasn’t feeling it with him and her as far as chemistry so I wondered if anyone else has anything to say about Power and ever Miss O’Hara who was in her prime on this one for sure (she does a commentary track on the DVD). I know Tyrone can act as I have seen him in other things. Is this his top Swashbuckler? I wish I would have seen this on Blu Ray out of the gate instead of the way I did.

— twinarchers


Street Car Named Premier

23 May

Here is another YouTube video I have never seen before. I came across it looking for something else.

— twinarchers


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Roots Of Heaven Blu Ray Question

22 May

I just ordered ‘The Man From Laramie’ from Screen Archives that puts out limited editions of films on Blu Ray that look great. Usually they sell out quickly but TROH is still available and I was wondering is it worth 30 dollars to get a pristine version of the film and if anyone here has purchased it yet?

— twinarchers


Anybody Recognize This?

22 May

Sea Hawk 1

Sea Hawk 2

— Tim


Live from Errol’s Place … I mean Cap’s Place

22 May


— Tim


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John Carroll Rides (The Tonga?) Again!

21 May

John “Zorro” Carroll was a running mate of Errol’s – in California & the Caribbean. Years later, Carroll, quite the playboy himself, claimed to have a boat Errol “gifted him” in Florida, specifically, from what I can decipher in St. Petersburg. Some have said (including Carroll himself reportedly) this boat was used for some very adventurous adventures in the Caribbean (which I won’t go into right now, until I have better researched.) Does anyone know what boat Errol “gifted to” Zorro? There’s reason to believe it may have been the Tonga, and that this is how the Tonga may have made its way to St. Petersburg!

Zorro Rides Again

John Carroll & Movita

Eleanor Powell, John Carroll & Ann Sothern

John Carroll article

“Bigger Than the House”…

— Tim


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