Archive for May, 2014

Cuban Rebel Girls

15 May

Maybe I should ashamed of myself but I have never seen it other than some easy bits on YouTube. Never sitting down to watch it straight thru. I wanted to do it properly and also my buddy said he would watch it with me if I ever purchased it. I have been surprised by many of his later films on how much I enjoyed them. My only guide for years was “The Films Of Errol Flynn” by Tony and Rudy and they were very hard on his later films. I wish Rudy would update it with some revised and expanded reviews. Any way my question is who here owns this copy or any copy and can you advise me about it.null

— twinarchers


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Another Movie Bio Dud At Cannes!

15 May

The reviews trickling out on the modestly budgeted Last Of Robin Hood have so far not been good.   However the expensive, big-budget, grade ‘A’ production of Grace Of Monaco was screened at the International Cannes Film Festival.    The reviews for this film which stars Nicole Kidman as Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco are bad.  In fact Kidman’s performancce is accused of being as frozen as her botox-enhanced face.

Ralph Schiller

— rswilltell


Being Jipped On DVD’S

14 May

I am a fan of setting my Blu Ray player (Panasonic) to zoom so the older films fill the screen. At times it cuts the heads off the actors but once you get used to it its great and turns the film to wide screen. It does not work for Blu Ray films but that’s ok because you are seeing the actual image the way it is supposed to be unlike std DVD’s that cut off the sides a bit. I notice that with my zoom feature you can see more image on either side some more than others. Its not a huge difference but its there and I wonder why? Has anyone else tried this and if so let me know so I know its not just my player. The full image is there its just not showing up. As a side note I am also a big John Wayne fan and wonder are there any others here? I would have loved to see them work together in a film. I wonder if there is a photo of the two of them together?

— twinarchers


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What am I? Where am I?

14 May


— Tim


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The dark bro`of Ivanhoe

12 May


My dear fellow Flynn fans,

there recently was talk of Errol`s coming-of-age movies “Against all Flags” and “Master of Ballantrae” here on the blog. Now I wonder who of you has seen the swashbuckler`s swansong:”The Dark Avenger”? It is said to have its moments even though a visibly weary Flynn is battling through an English vehicle that evidently jumps on the Black Knight bandwagon. Is that so? Here is the trailer:…  . Links with the flic on the net seem not to be working. “O´how dark the con of man…”


— shangheinz


The Errol Flynn Mailbag!

11 May

Hi Errol Flynn Blogsters,

I am a teacher at Albuera Street Primary and we are having our centenary celebrations of the Albuera State School later on this year.  I’ve read on your blog about Albuera and Errol’s attendance there.  Some of the corrections have made it much more accurate.

I don’t know what you have about his time at Albuera but would really appreciate anything you have to share.  I am intending to have some of my students (Grade 5/6) research him and put on a bit of a display (of the things primary school-aged kids can read about and see!).  Again, anything that you could point me to, or indeed if you are Hobartian-based, to come and have a chat with us about, would be brilliant.

I was looking at the sparse, but obviously accurate, enrolment records of Errol Leslie Flynn and it shows the terms he was at the school, the days attended and the line written about him when he left: “Gone to Sydney”.  I don’t know if it was meant as a “Thank goodness he is gone!”


Grant Williams

grant.williams at….au

— David DeWitt


Rare Booty

11 May

Given to me by a friend and fellow Flynn fan who purchased it from a hobby shop way back when. Could be late 70’s or early 80’s?
The person who made it may have a marking on the bottom of the stand but the wood block it. It is made of lead and then painted. I have seen other versions with a different paint job.

— twinarchers


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Question Thread

10 May

Flynn is the only movie star that I find just as interesting in him as in his films. Other stars like Sean Connery for example, it’s really all about his films and nothing about his personal life. But with Flynn, ever since I purchased his book MWWW way back in the mid 70’s I find him just as interesting if not more than his film characters. I still think that it would make a great mini series combining all the books written about him from MWWW on. “A Memoir” by Earl Conrad maybe my favorite but there are a few others I don’t have yet. Conrad’s book always makes me feel that I am a fly on the wall or a mute sitting next to them. Any one else feel the same about Flynn or do you enjoy other stars as well? We always run the risk about finding out something bad that would spoil a lifetime of pleasure since all hero’s seem to have clay feet. Like I said I am a Flynn geek. Who else but a geek has this framed on his wall. I purchased it for 5 bucks but ended up spending a fortune for the frame around 70. Look’s cool though.

— twinarchers


Desperate Journey 1942

09 May

While watching the movie I was thinking or dreaming really.
I just love this film and even though some of the humor is old fashioned by today’s standards it holds up quite well. The image here is just so fantastic you almost want to be there with them staring down death in the face. How cool is it to be in a Nazi train like they are. I also like the scene with them lurking and hiding in the swamps. I would love to see what they could do with the film today with some CGI and modern day colorizing and at the very least a Blu Ray worthy restoration.
The model work is really good but needs a bit of work here and there. This is only suggested for a jaded audience that is used to seeing things like part of California sliding in to the Pacific. If I had the money I would do it myself and the product would include my special version plus an as is restoration for the purists. It has worked for Paramount with the original Star Trek series in that you can see the restored show as is or with up to date CGI special effects. I am being naive but like I said I was dreaming.null

— twinarchers



09 May

Who is He or She?

He or She:

Came from a Famous Family

Had Interesting & Unusual Connections to:

+ Abraham Lincoln

+ William Howard Taft

+ A Dictator Named Castro

Was a Talented & Successful Actor or Actress

Was Involved in a Robin Hood Movie

Was Involved in a Pivotal Part of Errol’s Life

Almost Made a Movie Involving Nora Flynn

Another Clue is Present in This Photo:


— Tim