How Many Songs Mentioning Errol?

02 Jun

It seems that there are many songs mentioning Errol in them.


Here is one by Bob Dylan:

You Changed My Life

I was listening to the voices of death on parade
Singing about conspiracy, wanted me to be afraid
Working for a system I couldn’t understand or trust
Suffered ridicule and wanting to give it all up in disgust

But you changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
In hunger and need, you made my heart bleed
You changed my life

Talk about salvation, people suddenly get tired
They got a million things to do, they’re all so inspired
You do the work of the devil, you got a million friends
They’ll be there when you got something, they’ll take it all in the end

But you changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
I was under the gun, clouds blocking the sun
You changed my life

Well, the nature of man is to beg and to steal
I do it myself, it’s not so unreal
The call of the wild is forever at my door
Wants me to fly like an eagle while being chained to the floor

But you changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
From silver and gold to what man cannot hold
You changed my life

I was eating with the pigs off a fancy tray
I was told i was looking good and to have a nice day
It all seemed so proper, it all seemed so elite
Eating that absolute garbage while being so discreet

But you changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
From silver and gold to what man cannot hold
You changed my life

You were glowing in the sun while being peaceably calm
While orphans of man danced to the beat of the palm
Your eyes were on fire, your feet were of brass
In the world you had made they made you an outcast

You changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
From silver and gold to what man cannot hold
You changed my life

There was someone in my body that I could hardly see
Invading my privacy making my decisions for me
Holding me back, not letting me stand
Making me feel like a stranger in a strange land

But you changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
You come down the line, give me a new mind
You changed my life

My Lord and my Savior, my companion, my friend
Heart fixer, mind regulator, true to the end
My creator, my comforter, my cause for joy
What the world is set against but will never destroy

You changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
You came in like the wind, like Errol Flynn
You changed my life

— errolsfan1130



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  1. Inga

    June 2, 2014 at 5:42 am

    Hello May, in order to make your posts appear on the front page, you have to publish them without clicking any category. I allowed myself to edit this so that it can be seen.
    Here are two more songs: on her album “The shocking Miss Emerald”, Caro Emerald mentions EF in two songs: Coming Back As a Man (Line: I’ll hide behind the Errol Flynn Moustache… ); Excuse My French (Line: Today you think you’re Errol Flynn sharing stories where you think you’ve been)

    • Tina

      June 3, 2014 at 4:51 am

      Here is another very nice song by Amanda McBroom! Her father David Bruce played in several Errol movies. In a few he was uncredited like in Don Juan. He played Count D’Orsini with who Errol had the duel. When Errol said:”History repeats itself”

      Here is her song:

      There two versions

      And here are the lyrics:

      In a hall, on a wall, in a house in Reseda
      There’s a poster held up by two nails and a pin
      It’s my Daddy, the actor, ’bout to die with his boots on
      He’s the man standing up there, beside Errol Flynn

      He got third or fourth billing at the end of each picture
      “But that don’t mean much”, he would say with a grin
      But he’d hold my hand tight as he pointed his name out
      Only four or five names down below Errol Flynn

      Now, fame, it is fleeting and stars, they keep falling
      And staying right up there, that’s the business of art
      And luck kisses some and she passes by others
      Disappointment and bourbon are hard on the heart

      Now, the women and beers, and the years with old Errol
      They took their toll, they took me from his side
      He kissed me goodbye at the old Union Station
      That’s the last time I saw him, the last time I cried

      Now I’m sitting alone in a house in Reseda
      Watchin’ the Late Show as the moonlight shines in
      And up on the screen, well, here comes my Daddy
      It’s a sad, funny feeling, now I’m older than him

      So, you daddies and daughters, you sons and you mothers
      Remember life’s over before it begins
      So love one another and stand close together
      As close as my Dad did to old Errol Flynn

  2. Gentleman Tim

    June 2, 2014 at 6:52 am

    Excellent, errolsfan. I’ll see your Dylan, and raise you a McCartney, who devoted a whole verse to Our Man Flynn -tiger skin, motor home and all! Move Over Busker!

    Press to Play!…


  3. Gentleman Tim

    June 2, 2014 at 8:53 am

    And then there’s this heart-rending masterpiece,May – a tribute to David Bruce, from his daughter, Amanda Broom, who also wrote The Rose. This song confirms beyond any doubt how extraordinary Errol was regarded, even by other actors, in his own day – much as Reagan (on the opposite side of Errol from David Bruce in the photo below) regarded him so Very highly even after 50 years and being the most powerful man in the world. Flynn was something we may never see again!

    Amanda McBroom: Errol Flynn:…


    Barbara Cook does it wonderfully, too:

    Barbara Cook sings ‘Errol Flynn’:…

    • errolsfan1130

      June 2, 2014 at 11:57 am

      Indeed a masterpiece, hearing it didn’t make me drop tears but it did make me want to cry.


      It captures that bygone era. Errol looms large in the song. It is a love song from a daughter to a father but for some reason it is also a deliberate tribute to Errol.

      I bought the song.

      • Gentleman Tim

        June 2, 2014 at 1:12 pm

        Yes, isn’t that a wonderful song & tribute, errolsfan. … I found it very interesting that the daughter references They Died with Their Boots On. That could be deliberate, for the story being told, or it could be the result of confusing Santa Fe Trail with Boots, as is often done, of course. Matters not really – the song & sentiment is sublime.

    • Tina

      June 3, 2014 at 5:22 am

      Hi Tim;
      I didn’t see your entry – anyway they say double hold better!
      I posted the same song too with lyrics. I love this song, ever so touching!

      • Gentleman Tim

        June 3, 2014 at 6:35 am

        Thank you, Tina. That’s very generous of you. BUT, as I dug deeper into the history of this wonderful song, I learned that I was not hours ahead of you, RATHER – as YOUR link below shows – I was over four YEARS behind!!! And not only did you let the EFB know of this back in 2010, you actually communicated with David Bruce’s songwriting daughter, Amanda McBroom, about the song!!! How cool is that!!!!!!

        So, thank YOU, Tina!

        “Beside Errol Flynn”

        Here’s Amanda’s Dad, David, going a bit Flynn, and looking pretty dang good at it!


        • Tina

          June 4, 2014 at 5:39 pm

          Hi Tim;
          That is very kind of you! When posting this song I thought that I made a post years ago but I was not sure anymore. Thanks for reminding me!
          Seeing the post again made me look at the picture and found I made a mistake then, which I corrected now. David Bruce is on the left of the picture not on the right. On the right is William Lundigan. David Bruce plays Phil Sheridan!

  4. Robert

    June 2, 2014 at 9:27 am

    Elton John’s “Teacher I Need You” from his 1973 album, “Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only The Piano Player.”

  5. Gentleman Tim

    June 2, 2014 at 10:14 am

    Let Us Not Avoid “Errol” by Australian Crawl. Though we should all most assiduously avoid the dentist who worked on the MC who introduced them in the video below!

    Australian Crawl – Errol (Live Priority One Conce…:…

    And the more “unplugged” version by James Reyne:

    James Reyne – Errol:…

    Originally on the Down Under hit album “Sirocco”!


  6. errolsfan1130

    June 2, 2014 at 12:19 pm

    Cherry Pies Ought To Be You

    Written by Cole Porter (sung by Frank Sinatra)

    Oh, by Jove and by Jehovah, you have set my heart a flame
    And to you, you Casanova, my reactions are the same
    I would sing thee tender verses but the flair, alas, I lack
    Oh go on, try to versify and I’ll versify back

    Well, let me see now, cherry pies ought to be you
    Autumn skies ought to be you
    Mr.Pulitzer’s prize ought to be you
    Romeo in disguise ought to be you

    Columbine ought to be you
    Sparkling wine ought to be you
    All of Beethoven’s nine ought to be you
    Every Will Shakespeare line ought to be you

    You are so enticing, I’m starting to shake
    You are just the icing to put on my cake

    You mean I’m yummy
    Heaven’s blue ought to be you
    Heaven too ought to be you
    Everything super-do ought to be you

    Asphodels ought to be you
    Orson Wells ought to be you
    Uncles like Kip Cornell’s ought to be you
    Towels from Ritz hotel’s ought to be you

    Sweet Snow White ought to be you
    Ambrose’ light ought to be you
    (Hey hey, that’s good)
    Eleanor wrong or right ought to be you
    Errol Flynn loose or tight, watch it, ought to be you

    You are so exciting,
    I can’t even laugh, wanna top that one
    If you’re fond of biting, I’ll bite you in half

    To continue
    Whistler’s ma ought to be you
    Elliot’s pa ought to be you
    Everything hip-hurrah ought to be you

    Ought to be you, ought to be you, ought to be you
    Ought to be you, ought to be you, ought to be you
    Ought to be you, ought to be you


  7. errolsfan1130

    June 2, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    Cashmere Thoughts

    by Jay Z

    I talk jewels and spit diamonds: all cherry
    Like a hymen, when I’m rhyming with remarkable timing
    Caviar and silk dreams, my voice is linen
    Spitting venom up in the minds of young women
    Mink thoughts to think thoughts type similar
    Might you remember, my shit is cold like December
    Smoother than Persian rugs, the cashmere
    Chromosomes make a nigga Jigga – Jay-Z, lethal drugs
    18-carat gold pen, when it hits the sheets
    Words worth a million like I’m rapping them through platinum teeth
    I got the Grey Poupon, you been warned
    Cause all beef return well done filet mignon
    The Don, smell of Dom on my breath as I
    Yawn, (slow) when you hoes try to con a pro
    As if you didn’t know, Jay’s about getting dough
    Spitting flow like fine wines down your earlobe
    I’m smooth but deadly like a pearl handled pistol
    Honeys hum in melody when I rub it like crystal
    The proper etiquette, when I drop the subject verb
    Then the predicate, with this rich nigga rhetoric
    I’m solid gold, I rap like a mink stole
    I stick pearl tongues your world will never know
    From New York to Paris, the vocal style vary
    From nice to deadly like a bad bag of D, Now
    Notice the child swift like a Lotus
    Focus on the loc’ I be the greatest nigga that wrote it
    Return of the Jedi, from Rio De Janeiro on the red eye
    Yet I still feel the need to be fly
    I did die when I’m rapping then slide like satin
    You know the black I white china in the brain cabinet
    I never cry if I did I’d cry ice
    From my nigga Sauce, I hit you with this advice
    Life’s short, so play hard and stick hard
    And the only time you love them is when your dick hard

    Ghetto’s Errol Flynn, hot like heroin
    Young pimps is sterile when I pimp through your borough and
    I gotta keep your tricks intact
    Cause I walk like a pimp, talk like a mack, man
    The star player, the golden bar layer
    The sweet Ms. Fine Thing player, sure you’re right
    I’m game tight, so watch it’ll change the night
    Go tell your peeps dog I’m lethal until it ain’t right
    I pimp hard on a trick: look
    Fuck if your leg broke bitch, hop up on your good foot

    • errolsfan1130

      June 2, 2014 at 12:44 pm


      • errolsfan1130

        June 3, 2014 at 4:24 pm

        I just got a little bit info on the web.

        Is this song referring to Robin Hood–stealing from the rich and giving to the poor?

        “The hood version of the original Robin Hood — played by Errol Flynn. Take from the rich — give to the poor.

        Jay apparently liked this relatively obscure allusion so much …”

        Above quote is from somewhere.

    • Gentleman Tim

      June 2, 2014 at 1:06 pm

      What a shame. With lyrics like that, if he’s truly one of the most influential people in the world, there’s serious trouble on the horizon.

      • errolsfan1130

        June 2, 2014 at 1:51 pm

        C’mon the world has had serious problems since…

        The value system in our society is quite messed up. Sometimes we may just have to laugh at this ridiculous world (just like Errol did).

        I have never followed Jay Z and didn’t have any clue why he could be so famous and so incredibly rich?

        Still I appreciated at least he recognized Errol.

        (All these songs, good or bad, are listed here to indicate that Errol’s name is embedded in the culture while his public image has been freely exploited, in good and bad ways.)

        • Gentleman Tim

          June 2, 2014 at 2:49 pm

          Let me just put it this way, errolsfan. I’ve rarely if ever seen lyrics more crude, dissolute and dispiriting by any songwriter of such supposed stature. This man is friends with The Prez, I believe. When was the last time you’ve seen a songwriter hangin’ in that kind of company writing lyrics like this? He’s not Adolph, Stalin, or Caligula, but, at least this side of him, is a very bad influence on whoever’s listening to him – which, according to what you posted, must be a huge number of people. Hence my observation and belief.

      • Tina

        June 3, 2014 at 5:27 am

        Wow – what a lyric! I am with you Tim!

  8. errolsfan1130

    June 2, 2014 at 1:59 pm

    Foot of Pride

    by Bob Dylan

    Like the lion tears the flesh off of a man
    So can a woman who passes herself off as a male
    They sang “Danny Boy” at his funeral and the Lord’s Prayer
    Preacher talking ’bout Christ betrayed
    It’s like the earth just opened and swallowed him up
    He reached too high, was thrown back to the ground
    You know what they say about bein’ nice to the right people on the way up
    Sooner or later you gonna meet them comin’ down

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    Hear ya got a brother named James, don’t forget faces or names
    Sunken cheeks and his blood is mixed
    He looked straight into the sun and said revenge is mine
    But he drinks, and drinks can be fixed
    Sing me one more song, about ya love me to the moon and the stranger
    And your fall-by-the sword love affair with Errol Flynn
    In these times of compassion when conformity’s in fashion
    Say one more stupid thing to me before the final nail is driven in.

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    There’s a retired businessman named Red
    Cast down from heaven and he’s out of his head
    He feeds off of everyone that he can touch
    He said he only deals in cash or sells tickets to a plane crash
    He’s not somebody that you play around with much
    Miss Delilah is his, a Phillistine is what she is
    She’ll do wondrous works with your fate, feed you coconut bread,
    spice buns in your bed
    If you don’t mind sleepin’ with your head face down in a grave

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    Well, they’ll choose a man for you to meet tonight
    You’ll play the fool and learn how to walk through doors
    How to enter into the gates of paradise
    No, how to carry a burden too heavy to be yours
    Yeah, from the stage they’ll be tryin’ to get water outa rocks
    A whore will pass the hat, collect a hundred grand and say thanks
    They like to take all this money from sin, build big universities to study in
    Sing “Amazing Grace” all the way to the Swiss banks

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    They got some beautiful people out there, man
    They can be a terror to your mind and show you how to hold your tongue
    They got mystery written all over their forehead
    They kill babies in the crib and say only the good die young
    They don’t believe in mercy
    Judgement on them is something that you’ll never see
    They can exalt you up or bring you down main route
    Turn you into anything that they want you to be

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    Yes, I guess I loved him too
    I can still see him in my mind climbin’ that hill
    Did he make it to the top, well he probably did and dropped
    Struck down by the strength of the will
    Ain’t nothin’ left here partner, just the dust of a plague
    that has left this whole town afraid
    From now on, this’ll be where you’re from
    Let the dead bury the dead. Your time will come
    Let hot iron blow as he raised the shade

    Well, there ain’t no goin’ back
    When your foot of pride come down
    Ain’t no goin’ back

    Copyright © 1983 by Special Rider Music

    • twinarchers

      June 2, 2014 at 2:06 pm

      A connection to The Byrds,

      The song is Citizen Kane:
      but written by Skip Battin, Kim Fowley

      Fat ugly fat man swam
      In a red tire made of stone,
      A painted lady paddled next to him
      With two poodles on her lap.
      Garbo quietly picked a flower
      While the chauffeur won his check again,
      And Barrymore took a noon day nap
      And diamonds fell like rain.
      Cisco Kid had a bald-headed waitress
      Trapped ‘neath a bed of brass.
      The French cook served them chocolate ants
      And some cold cuts on the grass.
      Louella ripped her zebra pants
      In the Polo Lounge
      And Errol Flynn was not let in
      Cause he was coming down

      Up in Xanadu diamonds fell like rain.
      Citizen Kane was king, poor Citizen Kane!

      Valentino suddenly appeared
      In his midnight blue tuxedo
      Had a falcon on his shoulder
      Eating chicken from his hands,
      And Fatty Arbuckle waddled by
      On way to the bath house green.
      Frankenstein ate the leading lady
      And licked the carcass clean

      Up in Xanadu diamonds fell like rain
      Citizen Kane was king, poor Citizen Kane

      • Gentleman Tim

        June 2, 2014 at 3:03 pm

        Thanks for that one, tw! I once had an incredible dealing with Kim Fowley. It involved a song I co-wrote that he wanted to record. For now, I’ll just say I was not impressed – quite the opposite. He ended up with black coal (something he’ll likely remember well if he reads this.) Fowley had a reputation for claiming songs. I don’t know the history of this one, but I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if he didn’t write a word or note of it. Skip Batten probably wrote it.

  9. errolsfan1130

    June 2, 2014 at 2:43 pm

    Errol Flynn, the Dogs D’Amour’s fourth studio album (known in the United States as King of the Thieves) and the second they released in 1989. It entered the UK Albums Chart at #22.

    In the album, the song Errol Flynn lyric

    You wanna be like Errol Flynn
    Captain Blood was a whore
    You wanna be like Gary Cooper
    High on a horse
    You wanna be like Lorne Chaney
    Howlin´ at the moon
    You wanna be like Baby Glass
    Give me a kiss too soon, yeah
    Woah, woah, woah
    Hey, hey, yeah
    Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, yeah
    Well, I told you once
    I told you twice
    Told you before
    Just `cause you´re the good guy
    Don´t mean you gonna win them all, yeah
    Woah, woah, woah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, waoh, yeah
    Woah, woah, woah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
    Uuuh, I told you once
    Told you twice
    Told you before
    Just `cause you´re the bad guy
    Don´t mean you gonna loose `em all, yeah
    Aaah, yeah
    Oooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
    Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, oh
    Woah, woah, woah
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, yeah
    I told you once
    I told you twice
    Oh, yeah, I´m the bad guy I win, yeah
    Wham, wham, wham
    Wham, wham, wham
    Wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, wham, yeah
    An you loose, sucker!


  10. timerider

    June 2, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    “You changed my life” I think this was written in 1981 at the time of Bobby’s spiritual changes. I never heard it, it is a rare unreleased song until the bootleg series. As someone has said here, Errol is in the very fabric of our society and known the world over. A very human HUMAN! What we all saw is what we got! Everyman and their sins and righteousness portrayed!
    Inspiration to be and burn bright.However I want to burn it all slowly and live to 120! LOL!

  11. tassie devil

    June 2, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    There is a local man in Tassie and it is. If you live your life like Errol Flynn
    Everybody’s hero everyone’s friend . To lazy to write out all the rest . Love Genene.

  12. Robert

    June 3, 2014 at 1:58 am

    Here’s a song that almost was, errolsfan:

    On November 25, 1947, Paramount Pictures requested permission from Warner Bros. to use Flynn’s name in lyrics to be recorded for use in the film “A Foreign Affair.” The memo from Paramount read:

    “Two G.I.s are riding thru Berlin on Tandem with Heroine (Jean Arthur) sitting between them. They are singing to the tune of ‘Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.’
    Joe: ‘Fraulein, Fraulien, wilst du ein Candy Bar
    Schoen, fein, Fraulein, you like G.I.s nicht wahr?
    At home, though you won’t believe us
    The girls could take or leave us.
    But in Berlin, we’re Errol Flynn
    Auch, du Wunderbar Candy Bar!'”

    On December 1 Paramount’s request was turned down.

    (from “Errol Flynn-An Illustrated Life Chronology”)

  13. errolsfan1130

    June 3, 2014 at 3:03 am

    This song is entitled Errol Flynn. It seems the album including this song is also called Errol Flynn

    by Jinja Safari

    One of the founder, Marcus Azon, grew up in Tasmania.

    Point your finger at the man in charge

    Death decides to come break your tongue
    They are weaker. Than I thought they were.

    First call. Life.

    In the green
    My heart is beating like a wee water pump

    Broken, broken
    Close call.

    My arrows, a token to my voice broken
    My arrows, a token, to my voice, it’s broken

    First call, life

    • errolsfan1130

      June 3, 2014 at 3:05 am


      Jinja Safari

      • The Zaca

        June 3, 2014 at 5:34 am

        There is a song on this documentary “Oh Errol, what I’ve give just to be like him” or something of that sort.
        A wonderful documentary…..
        About an hour long (two gin and tonics for me)
        worth a view, thanks to Jack Marino:

        • Gentleman Tim

          June 3, 2014 at 7:56 am

          Ahoy to The Zaca! I believe that recording – which you can hear through the end credits of the fabulous Fast & Furious Flynn film you kindly posted up – may be a studio recording of “Errol” by Australian Crawl. A live version is posted above. … For a female cover of “Errol”, may I present the lovely Miss Ellie Cullington:

          Errol Australian Crawl classic sung by Ellie Cull…:…


    • Gentleman Tim

      June 12, 2014 at 12:53 pm

      Jinja Safari – Errol Flynn:…

  14. ReverendEric

    June 3, 2014 at 4:03 am

    Hello all!

    First post ever. Been reading for years, but thought I’d pipe up since I’ve got a playlist of Flynn-related songs I’ve gathered over time. Already got some new additions from this thread, so thanks!

    The highest charting song to mention him in passing was probably “Last Cigarette” by Dramarama: “It’s been so long since I’ve written with a pen, you know it’s sharper than a saber, I don’t feel like Errol Flynn”

    There’s also a pretty good song (despite unfortunately cheesy keyboard) by Danny Kortchmar called “The Ghost of Errol Flynn”.

    He pops up in “Blood on the Rooftops” by post-Gabriel/pre-80s Genesis: “Blood on the rooftops, Venice in the Spring, Streets of San Francisco, a word from Peking, The trouble was started by a young Errol Flynn”

    A French band called Arcahuetas has an album called “À la Errol Flynn”. It would be interesting to translate at least the title song, but I can’t find the lyrics. Cool band!…

    Willie Loco Alexander has a sort of jazzy spoken word song “Errol Flynn & David Niven”.

    Andrew Johnson does a kind of weird funky thing called “Errol Flynn”.

    Jeff Dahl does an acoustic version of the Dogs d’Amour song, as does The Poet & The Dragon.

    The Boxmasters do an interesting country version of Amanda McBroom’s song. Lots of people have covered that one.

    A band called Nassau has an EP with remixes of a song called “Errol Flynn”, but it’s all just instrumental electronica, so no lyrical mentions.

    Tom Mason has an Irish-ish instrumental called “Errol Flynn”. Again no lyrics, but a catchy tune.

    Most of those are on iTunes, though they’re certainly not all worth having.

    • errolsfan1130

      June 3, 2014 at 2:05 pm


      Thank you for the info.

      As you stated, hopefully one day there will be a powerful song worth having for us fans and also worth for Errol–to capture the essence of him–that shining light burned out too soon.

      As for now, I settled with Amanda McBroom’s Errol Flynn song.

      • errolsfan1130

        June 5, 2014 at 8:02 pm

        … that shining light burned out too soon.


    • Gentleman Tim

      June 3, 2014 at 2:34 pm

      That is Awesome Eric! Thanks for Rev-ing the post & site up even further with all that Great info!!

      Being that you collect or keep track of all these recordings – big, small, worthy & unworthy! – I will send you one of two I’ve done. This first one, “In Like Flynn”, can be heard (minus some synthesizer and background vocals tracks) in the following video. To meet the 75th Anniversary of Robin Hood deadline, I had to rush a bit, and still need to tweak some things, most notably the opening narration, which I laid a quick guide track for. I will be redoing the narration with someone with a more apropos, “international” voice later this year I believe.(Steve Hayes would be GREAT!)

      The second song is a ballad, originally titled “Sailing for Home”, but I’m not inclined to post that up yet.

      Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy it!

      • ReverendEric

        June 4, 2014 at 6:40 am

        Hey, that’s good stuff! Well done.

        • Gentleman Tim

          June 4, 2014 at 5:19 pm

          Thank you so much, Kind Sir Eric! … I had supreme subject matter and superlative musicians to work with! … The exceptional drumming, as one example, is a tremendous drummer/percussionist who has played for Rick Derringer, Magellan, the soundtrack of Usual Suspects, numerous video game soundtracks, (like Sonic the Hedgehog), among many others.


  15. errolsfan1130

    June 3, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Don’t Hang Up

    by 10cc

    (10cc — an English art rock band who achieved their greatest commercial success in the 1970s)

    Hello there
    How have you been
    I’ve called a million times
    But to me you’re never in
    I know I never had the style
    or dash of Errol Flynn
    But I loved you

    I’m doing really well
    I’m as happy as a lark
    I got a new apartment
    It’s as safe as Central Park
    And if they ever mug me
    When I’m walking in the dark
    Will you know

    Don’t hang up
    Don’t hang up

    Rolled up in my camera
    With the big cheese up above
    I stumbled from my stag night
    To a never ending limousine

    The band went la di da di da
    And I got loady do di dodied
    Lousy violins began to play
    I went no no no
    And as the vol-au-vents exploded
    I was walking down the aisle the other way

    Don’t hang up
    Don’t hang up
    Don’t say, Oooh
    Nobody’s safe in our house

    Leave me alone
    But a but a please
    Leave me alone
    Just a mo, a minute
    I’m so alone

    We had
    Some honeymoon on itchy bedding
    Scum buzzing round your busy body
    Dumb waiters waiting sweating straining
    All mass-debating my woman

    We got a
    Bum Guatemala pensione
    Crumbling about our ears, Ole
    Even the trash man he say

    You got a dustbin romance
    It’s going down the drain
    You got a low impedance
    She’s got a rocky terrain

    Oo, you got a lot to learn
    Oo, you got a lot to learn
    You got a lot to learn about women
    A lot to learn about women women
    What’s to learn about women
    We’ve both got a lot to learn

    Surprise surprise
    There’s a hell of a well in your eyes
    Have we won the no Nobel Prize
    Has the colour run out of our dyes

    Surprise surprise
    There’s a hell of a well in your eyes
    When the barman said “What’re you drinking?”
    I said marriage on the rocks

    I know I never had the style
    or dash of Errol Flynn
    But I loved you

    Don’t hang up
    Don’t hang up
    Don’t say ……

    • errolsfan1130

      June 3, 2014 at 4:34 pm


  16. errolsfan1130

    June 3, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    King of the Silver Screen

    by Alice Cooper


    Hollywood movies keep flashin’ across my mind.
    I could’ve been Errol Flynn
    If I was born in another time.

    I could’ve been a star.
    I could’ve been a star.
    I could’ve played that part.
    But Hollywood movies keep flashin’ before my eyes.
    I could’ve been Greta Garbo
    If I was born in another time.


    and another song “I Like Girl” by Alice Cooper


    Hey Valentino! You going somewhere?
    You wouldn’t sneak out on me, would you?
    What’s that a blond hair?
    He must visualize himself an Errol Flynn


    • errolsfan1130

      June 3, 2014 at 4:51 pm


    • ReverendEric

      June 4, 2014 at 6:34 am

      Word is that Alice owns one of Flynn’s old swords, and managed to stab himself in the foot with it onstage once. I’ve seen him play a couple times recently and he’s waved around a likely candidate – I always wonder if that’s the one.

      • Gentleman Tim

        June 9, 2014 at 7:27 am

        He was definitely a big fan of Errol, Reverend Eric:…


  17. errolsfan1130

    June 3, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    Oklahoma U.S.a.

    Written by Ray Davies of The Kinks

    All life we work but work is bore,
    If life’s for livin’ what’s livin’ for,
    She lives in a house that’s near decay,
    Built for the industrial revolution,

    But in her dreams she is far away,
    In Oklahoma U.S.A.
    With Shirley Jones and Gordon McRea,
    As she buys her paper at the corner shop,

    She’s walkin’ on the surrey with the fringe on top,
    ‘Cause in her dreams she is far away,
    In Oklahoma U.S.A.,
    She walks to work but she’s still in a daze,

    She’s Rita Hayworth or Doris Day,
    And Errol Flynn’s gonna take her away,
    To Oklahoma U.S.A.,
    All life we work but work is a bore,
    If life’s for livin’ then what’s livin’ for.

    • errolsfan1130

      June 3, 2014 at 8:24 pm


      • errolsfan1130

        June 3, 2014 at 8:30 pm


        • shangheinz

          June 4, 2014 at 7:20 pm

          Hi Errolsfan1130,
          thanks for posting my all times favs. Here to top the pops another Hollywood hymn of theirs,. Though Errol is not in there it catches the spirit of the golden perfectly

          • Gentleman Tim

            June 6, 2014 at 8:58 am

            Thanks, Shanks. Great stuff! Flip side of Hot Potato, right? … One serious kink, however – being a bit thin on Flynn, we may have to move it in to the Thinly Flynn bin. No big sin. but then again … Maybe we can get Ray Davies to dump George Brent and put in Flynn. Errol will elevate the song even higher, and no one will ever miss George Brent.

            • shangheinz

              June 10, 2014 at 8:19 pm

              Dear Thin Tim,

              thinly related maybe, but bull`s eye nonetheless! I suggest Billy Joel should substitute James Dean in his song “We didn`t start the fire” and the lyrics would go like this: …Errol Flynn…Brooklyn`s got a winning team…

              • Gentleman Tim

                June 11, 2014 at 12:04 am

                Right you are, Shangrila. (Except for the Thin Tim greeting. … Those days are long gone, my friend!)

                Billy got just about everybody & everything in there. Flynn wasn’t in, though, cause the song commences in ’49. I’m not sure how Errol would have made it in. Perhaps with “Flynn’s hanging out with Castro … With the Cuban Rebel Girls of the Sierra Maestro”

                Fat chance of that lyric, right? Or, should I say thin chance, Shang? Sometimes I get them confused.

  18. errolsfan1130

    June 6, 2014 at 8:16 pm


    Roger McGuinn of the Byrds

    Written by Bunny Wailer

    It’s a long long way to Canada
    It’s a long way from bow chains
    Donkey vendors slicing coconut
    No parkas to their name

    Black babies covered in baking flour
    The cook’s got a carnival song
    Lay down someplace shady
    With Dreamland coming on

    Dreamland, dream on Dreamland

    Walter Raleigh, Chris Columbus
    Come a-marchin’ out of the waves
    And they claim the beach and concessions
    In the name of the sun-tan slaves

    I wrapped their flag around me
    Like an Errol Flynn sarong
    And I laid down thinking national
    With Dreamland coming on


    • errolsfan1130

      June 6, 2014 at 8:16 pm


    • errolsfan1130

      June 6, 2014 at 8:17 pm

      Can this be considered Errol Flynn sarong?
      Probably not.
      Sorry can not find one. Errol must wear it in Jamaica and the song writer, Bunny Wailer, saw it.
      So, please use your imagination.


      • errolsfan1130

        June 6, 2014 at 9:25 pm

        I tried to find one resembling Errol wearing a sarong. The closest I could find is this fellow.

        So please use your imagination.


        • errolsfan1130

          June 6, 2014 at 9:43 pm

          Or how about this one, at least it can help us imagine the young Errol in New Guinea.


  19. Gentleman Tim

    June 9, 2014 at 6:51 am

    Looks like David posted some very cool Errol-inspired songs a while back – including new additions here, I believe, “Wicked, Wicked Ways” & “Beam Ends” – with Robert adding one by Brian Wilson, called California Role, referencing Errol, not the sushi.

    Songs about Errol Flynn…

    Thankfully, the Beequeen cover photo for Wicked, Wicked Ways is dramatically better than that mst unfortunate one you posted above of the barebreasted hiker. As The Beatles (a musical group from Northern England) once sang: “Take a sad sarong and make it better.” (from their song “Hey Dude”, I think.)


  20. Gentleman Tim

    June 20, 2014 at 1:09 am

    Then, of course, there’s the Blue Buccaneers, featuring Tom Mason and Errol Flynn the Pirate Dog (aka the Sea Dog):

    Errol Flynn, The Singing Pirate Dog of Tom Mason …:…

    Errol Flynn, The Singing Pirate Dog:…

    • Gentleman Tim

      June 20, 2014 at 2:24 am

      Errol Flynn, the Singing Sea Dog.


  21. Gentleman Tim

    September 29, 2014 at 1:14 am

    10 Don’ts for Honeymooners!

    The Monochrome Set – Avanti (Ten Don’ts for Honey…:…


    • Gentleman Tim

      September 29, 2014 at 1:18 am

      P.S. I think Adam Ant may is/was in that band.

      Here are the lyrics:…


  22. Gentleman Tim

    January 20, 2015 at 1:52 am

    “Alright, My Hearties, Follow Me” – from “Captain Dread”

    – An Errol Line Also Used in ‘The Goonies’


  23. Gentleman Tim

    January 21, 2015 at 8:16 am

    “Pencil Thin Mustache” by Jimmy Buffett.

    Influenced in part by Flynn, referencing him in the lyrics, right before The Sheik of Araby. … This unofficial video, along with others, includes several head shots.

    Pencil Thin Mustache Jimmy Buffett:…


  24. Gentleman Tim

    March 12, 2016 at 3:43 am

    “Between Us” by The Streetwalkers

    featuring Errol, Niven, Audie Murphy and The Duke vs. Mussolini, Schicklgruber and Hiro Hito.……

  25. evanomaly

    January 21, 2019 at 9:02 pm

    Hey ya’ll! Just found this great one!

    The Kazu Matsui Project – Sail Into The Sun
    Marine Fantasy (1985)

    • Gentleman Tim

      January 23, 2019 at 12:49 pm

      Errol Flynn Marine Fantasia! With Olivia, too!! Flynntasiastic find, evanamoly!!!
