The June 2014 issue of The Rock-itt Magazine is now online!

— David DeWitt
Film School Rejects Give It a __? … You Be the Judge. (I can’t tell if it’s an A or an F, or neither, or both.)
With the Movie Reported (Through Other Sources) to Be Due Out with a Limited Release on September 5th, This Can Be Regarded a “Three-Months-Out” Review:
— Tim
Errol at The Rio Thee-AY-ter
The way it used to be, not too far from Oshkosh, in Appleton, Wisconsin – the childhood home of Harry Houdini, William Dafoe, Tony Kubek & Greta Van Sustren! Holy Cow, before he played shortstop for the Yankees, Tony was the right age to have seen The Great Flynn in this very thee-AY-ter, perhaps this very show! (If not, he should be scored an error.)
From today’s Appleton Post Crescent:
— Tim
I found this movie of Lili Damita and Gary Cooper from 1931 – Errol still in New Guinea – and I thought you maybe would like to see this movie.
Here it is:
— Tina
Ahoy, the EFB! A new category has been suggested for posts that are thinly related to Errol Flynn. Inga will create the category, and if you have something to post that is not directly about Flynn there will be a place for it. This will give us a chance to talk about Flynn related subjects in one place where no category already exists.
— David DeWitt
Gable vs. Flynn:
As a complement to twinarcher’s post, “Gable and Flynn”
May the Best Man Win (And he does!)
— Tim
Many years ago a guy on the Yahoo Groups site was looking for a group photo of MGM actors that had Flynn and Gable together. I don’t know why he was so interested but he felt it was very important or rare? I found this cropped photo and I am posting it. Its not the greatest since the original is most likely a large group photo.
— twinarchers
What Movie Star Performed in a Film with All Four Immortals Below?
— Tim