The Great Groesbeck – Peter Pan, Robin Hood & Errol Flynn

11 Aug


Can anyone find Errol?!…



Groesbeck - SB Courthouse mural

— Tim


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  1. rswilltell

    August 11, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    Tim; In the bottom painting I see Errol Flynn as Robin Hood wearing the same hooded disguise from the golden arrow archery contest which Sir Guy used as a trap to catch him! Ralph

  2. Gentleman Tim

    August 11, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    Thanks, Ralph, and great pick on Robin’s outfit! As usual, I’m on my cell, so I can’t determine exactly, but is Robin’s footwear accurate?

    Scene from The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938 Blu…:…

    What a great muralist this man was.

    So we have Robin Hood, and Peter Pan to his left. Now for “Errol Flynn” himself. I haven’t found that mural (or haven’t discerned him on those I have found online. Of course, I’m assuming the article is accurate in its description that “included are Robin Hod, Peter Pan and Errol Flynn”.


  3. zacal

    August 13, 2014 at 3:05 am

    I didn’t even have to click on the pic. I applaud the artist’s taste.

    • Gentleman Tim

      August 13, 2014 at 10:43 am

      Coming especially from a visual arts talent like yourself, zacal, that’s such a great compliment. One of us EFBers might have to get up to Santa Barbara to find Errol!

      Errol was, is, and will be well into the future such a cultural icon & phenomen, zacal, wasn’t he?! When one inspires artists, that says so much. I recall, as a prime example, reading how Korngold was so very inspired by Flynn. You can hear and feel it in his music. Errol Flynn, the Magnificent Muse of Mulholland!
