The Errol Flynn Mailbag brings us a fascinating series of photos of Huntington Hartford’s Pool House from the period that Errol would have stayed there says Erik Nielsen. He provides some information about the photos which I include here with his permission:
Erik writes,This is a shot similar to the one your have on the Errol Flynn Blog:
Looking West more directly towards the living room:
Looking to the living room across the pool. Note the pool is empty as in your photo:
The Living Room looking towards the gallery the leads to the entry.
For reference to the size of the fireplace . . . the opening is 6′-10″ high:
Living Room, looking towards the south and the pool beyond. The
kitchen is just to the left. Eating area towards the right:
Looking down the gallery towards the Living Room.
The entry is to the left and the bedroom door is just behind the photographer.
The doors you see to the left are for the two changing rooms and bathroom:
A photo I’d taken in 1973 of the ruin:
– Thanks Erik!
— David DeWitt
Gentleman Tim
March 19, 2015 at 11:40 pm
WOW, Eric! That’s FANTASTIC!!! I was there a couple of years ago, but did not know this is is how it was in Errol’s day. Thank you! Wonderful!!
March 20, 2015 at 10:22 am
Had it been up to HH, Mullholland Drive would have become a UFO colony- striktly for members only!…
Gentleman Tim
March 20, 2015 at 9:50 pm
Mr. Wright may have been right, roswellheinz. When I first saw Hollywoodland in the early Eighties, there was a quite notable population of extraterrestrial-types looking for a place to call home and lay their weary mohawks.
March 20, 2015 at 3:17 pm
Beautiful stone and woodwork, pity it had to be demolished.
In other places it would have been restored. I need a place like this up in the AZ mountains by a lake. Then I need at least a 50 footer anchored in the Baja.
tassie devil
March 20, 2015 at 10:53 pm
Thank you David SO much. Why do they demolish all these places in the states. Tasmania has the most preserved history in all of
David DeWitt
March 21, 2015 at 12:04 am
I think they call it progress but I don’t …
Gentleman Tim
March 21, 2015 at 12:17 am
It’s horrendous how many breathlessy beautiful and historically important structures have been destroyed in the name of “progress” (read: “greed”) over here, tassie devil. In the case of The Pines, which many people in LA confuse with Mulholland Farm, at least it was preserved as a rather wonderful park – with part of it’s very cool & famous gate, featured in the immortal clip below. (Earlier in the film, Richard Gere tells his sexy French partner that this was Errol Flynn’s place:
Other images of The Pines:…
David DeWitt
March 21, 2015 at 4:51 pm
Erik wrote to me again:
Hi David,
Thank you for posting the photos. It seems that getting these photos on your Errol Flynn site might not only be of interest to others but might get someone else to post photos they have stuck away.
I went back and looked at my old pool house notes and the fireplace opening was actually 6′-4″ . You may want to make the change.
I also noticed some glare on the photos because of the shiny photo paper. My fault. . .I will re-shoot these when I have the chance and send them on again.
Again, many thanks for posting them. . .