Archive for March, 2015

Stellar heroes in real life

14 Mar

Physical impediments

Errol Flynn wanted to serve his country during the war, but was prevented from doing so by physical impediments. Undeterred, he still supported the US armed forces’ war efforts by making propaganda movies like “Objective Burma” (1943).

— tassie devil


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Director Of ‘Last Of Robin Hood’ Dies

12 Mar

Richard Glatzer, who did superb work co-writing and co-directing ‘The Last Of Robin Hood’ died Tuesday March 10, 2015 from advance complications of ALS (“Lou Gehrig’s Disease”). Together with Wash Westmoreland, they wrote and directed five films, including most notably last year’s acclaimed motion picture ‘Still Alice’ which won a Best Actress Oscar for Julianne Moore’s performance. Sadly these two artists were finally in the big time.

— rswilltell


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Errol & Greer in Londontown

12 Mar

Errol & Greer at the Odeon Theater, Marble Arch, for a Royal Command Performance.

Here’s a great description of the event, and their performance together in the featured film.…



King And Queen Meet The Stars (1949):…

— Tim


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Dodge City Coming To Blu Ray!

11 Mar

No information yet as to what condition it will be in but it is part of a collection coming out in a few months time. Whether or not this is a restored print is not in the information I have seen. Just wanted to pass along the info.

Link to info:…

— twinarchers


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Sayonara Sadakichi

11 Mar

Sadahichi Meets St. Pete, 1944, where he went during WWII to avoid internment and write his autobiography. He did avoid internment, but obviously not interment. Nor did he finish his autobiography.

Here is his very difficult to find grave marker, cleaned off and photographed today by a fan of his more famous Bundy Drive compatriot.





— Tim


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What Team is It?

11 Mar

What major sports team is named what it is because of an Errol Flynn movie?

Seven Clues:

Near Florida

East of Meadowlands

Black & White Uniforms

Skull & Crossbones

Numerous Championships

A Very Popular Team

A Very Happy Team

— Tim


Last Of Robin Hood – Fascinating but depressing

09 Mar

Last Of Robin Hood cover the last two years of Errol Flynn’s life and career. By and large this accurate film was superbly written and directed by Wash Westmoreland and Richard Glatzer. The stars Susan Sarandon, Dakota Fanning, and Kevin Kline are all magnificent in their roles. Kline in particular is uncanny in his portrayal of Errol Flynn which is right on the money. The audience quickly forgets we are watching Kline and take him for Flynn himself. The producers even uses some actual footage of the real Errol Flynn which perfectly meshed with Kline’s performance. This film, which is never boring, grabs the audience by its throat from the very beginning and doesn’t let go until the very end. Watching the Last Of Robin Hood, is like watching a train wreck. You can’t avert your eyes but at the same time you are overwhelmed with shock and grief. Here we are seeing the last sad, pathetic days of one of Hollywood’s greatest stars. We are appalled to see how low Errol Flynn sank in both his career and personal life. Death came as a kindness. As ususal the film industry completely overlooked this film’s achievement and it’s wonderful cast. The DVD box says it runs 94 minutes but even including five minutes of credits, it finished at 90 minutes. Lokk for our former blogmate Robert Florczak listed prominently in the credits as a Flynn consultant. Ralph Schiller

— rswilltell


Proposin`like Flynn

08 Mar

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Dear fellow Flynn fans,

we all know Errol had a very romantic side to him. This eventually led to three marriages and at least as many engagements.

When filming Robin Hood he metaphorically went to one knee in front of Lady Livvie, while officially still married to Mrs. D(yn)amita. Later he promised Jamaican paradise on earth to Romanian princess Irene Ghica.

But his engaging behaviour went way back to his theater days in England. Here is a daughter`s account -not an alien to acting herself- about her mother`s flynntanglement .

“Her stage name was Elizabeth Inglis. She had walk on movie parts in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Letter” & “The Thirty-Nine Steps.” She was born and mostly raised in boarding schools in England. She went to the Royal Academy of Arts in London at Picadilly Circas after high school where she was “discovered” by a Hollywood talent scout. In high school she had a steady date by the name of Errol Flynn, who went with her to the USA, by ship for a summer in Hollywood, and later became a big star. The Hollywood set was into party after party after party. Errol Flynn was a real womanizer, but he couldn’t get to first base with my mother because she could see right through him. He proposed, but she indicated that Errol had to get permission from her father. So he wrote this three page letter expounding all of her many virtues and how he would do right by her. Her father wrote back and said that he didn’t care what she did, now that she was out of the house! She still would not marry him. So later at one of these “Hollywood Parties,” Errol Flynn introduced my mother to my father. He was very shy. Her dates with him were different. She would get a couple of tickets to a “Talkie” or silent show and then call him up and see if he wanted to go. . . After a bit of this they got together.”

Obviously she was not just another Flynn prospect, but a hopeful, who found happiness elsewhere.

Now was Errol rather supposing than proposing? Who knows how many more brides-not-to-be there were?


— shangheinz


Look Who Was In “The Last of Robin Hood”

06 Mar

Yep, my acting awards should start rolling in for my outstanding portrayal as Errol’s cue-card man. Ah, stardom. How brief you are…


— Delvan


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Warner Bros

05 Mar

This is some of the pics I took at Warners  I just thought some of you

would like to see How Rick’s Cafe looks today and of course the famous W.B. Logo


— daringthorpe


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