Errol Flynn Mailbag! Dean Stockwell recalls Errol Flynn!

21 Aug

Got a nice link to the following quote about Errol Flynn from actor Dean Stocvkwell’s imdb page:

(In a 1984 interview) There were uglies and there were beauties. For me, Errol Flynn was the best. I didn’t know anything about sex or what manhood was – and he opened that door for me.
[In a 1984 interview] Dick Widmark… I remember him with such fondness. He and Errol had something in common. They didn’t have a condescending attitude. Being human and honest in a relationship seemed to mean more to them than anything else. It meant a great deal to me. I don’t know if Widmark is aware of that. They were straight with me – like, I would imagine, a father would be to a son… if he loved and respected him. And I didn’t have a father with me.

Thanks to: bob schaffer


— David DeWitt


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