Archive for October, 2015

Dive Bomber

31 Oct

Yes, I like this film and it should be restored on Blu Ray because it is an historic document of airplanes. Never seen a better film with mint condition planes like this. First time I saw it was several years ago and was amazed. The book “The Films Of Errol Flynn” is too hard on his films and should be re-released again I think with more detailed reviews, more photos and a bit less harsh review of this film.

I wanted to add this photo to the other post about Dive Bomber but this irritating site wanted my email and wanted to make sure I am not a robot. Yet I can post it here with no problem? Did what it said but no go so here I am.

— twinarchers


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In should`ve been Flynn 3

30 Oct…

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

the monumental “El Cid” was part of a package of proposed historheroes, when Errol extended his contract at Warners.

If you have 3 hours of spare time you can watch it here now:…

Ben heir of the role was Charlton Heston, who wears his armor well, but is not nearly as handsome as Flynn, and at that without grin.

Sophia Loren, the Monica Bellucci of her time, stars as loving leading lady and would have gotten her revenge on our Hollywood hero, who had turned her down 10 years earlier for a long running contract at his Flynn Enterprises brokered by Jack Cardiff, seeing absolutly no star or sex appeal in the unknown young actress!

The instant success of this widescreen extravaganza leaves the bittersweat taste of a juiced orange in the mouth of every Flynnthusiast, since it came shortly after Errol’s untimely death.

Moreover everybody who has ever been in on Flynn knows that he practically invented the device that keeps El Cid in the saddle for his last rites ride.


— shangheinz


Grand film!

28 Oct

dive bomber

— Don Jan


He sure was a man of observation when he said “I allow myself to be a colorful fragment in a drab world”!

28 Oct

flynn color

— Don Jan

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Deckhand for Errol

28 Oct

Who was Errol’s later-famous deckhand?

Met the Master of Mulholland in Mexico City

Deckhand for Him in Acapulco

Helped Inspire the Sydney Opera House

Knew Frank Lloyd Wright

Seaside Home in Malibu

Famous Architect

Surfer – Water Skier

“Movie Star Handsome”

Husband of Noted Hollywood Actress

Father of Noted Hollywood Actor


Farrelly Brothers

Rod Stewart

Marlon Brando

Jack Northrop


— Tim


Robert Wagner meets Errol Flynn

26 Oct

I have started reading Robert Wagner’s memoir “Pieces of My Heart” and came across a little anecdote. Robert Wagner was totally driven to get into the movies – as a teenager the girls he dated were daughters of movie stars and he made many friendships in those early days.

“One day I was hitchhiking on Sunset Boulevard when it started to rain. A car stopped for me. I hopped in, and when I turned to thank the driver my mouth stopped working. He looked just like Errol Flynn. Dear God it WAS Errol Flynn and I had just seen “Objective Burma”. I gulped and said “you’re Errol Flynn!”. ” Yes I am” he said and the nearness of Errol Flynn was so staggering that that perfectly innocuous exchange is all I can remember of the entire ride.”

Well I can understand that.

He also was a good friend to Roddy McDowall – who apparently purchased many items from Errol’s estate in later years.   There is a photo in the book showing a test shot for Lord Vanity in which he was supposed to star with Errol, Clifton Webb and Joan Collins. I guess I better read the rest of the book.


— Maria

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Mailbag! New Novel with A Robin Hood Twist!

26 Oct

Thanks to author James Bradford Taylor for the news about his novel which has one of my favorite kinds of themes: time travel, finding yourself transported back to a much earlier era which leads to all sorts of complications, drama, comedy and action …

Robin Hood1Click the image to check out the free Preview on…

I’m told by the Author that this is a Robin Hood story, not an Errol Flynn story but “his presence is felt in a most unusual but satisfying way,” and the review on Amazon highly praises the writing. In part, it reads:

“I recommend this for all lovers of swashbuckling fiction, the action scenes are very well done but there is just as much romance of both the conventional and screw-ball variety. But like a Raphael Sabatini novel the adventure here is unleavened by any dismissal of the real consequences of violence. There are some very sobering scenes of things ‘going medieval’ that keep the mood from getting too giddy. In fact the most impressive effect Taylor brings off several times in the book is the deft key changes, in mood, atmosphere and attitude. There is certainly as much tragedy as triumph in this tale of 1215 and I found my elation was matched by sadness for the stories of these well-drawn characters.”

We tip our hat to Brad Taylor, and thank him again for letting us know about his book. Taylor is a longtime fan of Errol Flynn, and his films, particularly The Adventures of Robin Hood which inspires this book. 525 Kindle pages. Published June 25, 2015. You don’t have to own a Kindle device to read this book. The Kindle app is free for several kinds of devices, and computer operating systems.

— David DeWitt


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Errol stayed here in the Rock Hotel on Gibraltar, entry forms in the register listed previously!

26 Oct


— Don Jan


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Kitty Blood

26 Oct


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here is an accurate account from the viewpoint of Michael Curtiz`daughter Kitty on “Captain Blood”. This German magazin article was released soon after her return to Europe and prior to the Errol Flynn legacy.


A journalist called my father Michael that way and it stuck- also acknowledged by Eisenstein when in Hollywood- because there is nobody like him when it comes to impressive mass scenes. Before I left America this fall, I saw him working on “Captain Blood”, for the first time ever that close up since many scenes were filmed near to our house at Laguna Beach. The film that cost more than a million Dollars, was carefully rehearsed. Once the characters were set, the casting began with legions vying for each role. My father watched the filmed recordings for hours before deciding on a first selection. Then the actors would be put in costume and make-up in order to make the final cut. He favours the physiognomy and the human aspect, only later the acting skills. Once he has assembled his army, he is dead sure that there will be no unpleasant surprises.

My father who works in his profession for over 20 years and has discovered in his own unique way many talents like Lily Damita, Ivan Petrovich, Michael Varkony in Europe and Bette Davis, Kay Francis and Lionell Atwell in the United States. He demands a natural demeanor, since he is a very normal person hating nothing more than arrogant airs and showing off. Within the luxurious Hollywood way of life he is living an almost spartan lifestyle. His day starts with an icecold shower every morning. His only passions are playing polo and golf at the Riviera Country Club. He has a sharp eye for the true caracter even when it comes to actor`s folk. He never would give a role to somebody he is friendly with, he just hates nepotism.

His preference for easy and laid back types led to the engagement of Errol Flynn, who only has little acting experience from the London stage. He has led an adventurous life as pearl diver, gold digger and sailor, then as a boxing professional. He originally came to Hollywood to set up a gym there! Then he got aquainted to Lily Damita, who is Mrs . Flynn since 6 months, and through her he met my father. After a small deliberation the role, who had already been given to Robert Donat, went to Flynn.

The success of “Captain Blood” in America, England and Paris, shows that once again the field commander has made the right decision.

Katharina Kertesz

The granddaughter of Michael Curtiz, Ilona Ryder, provided me with this time capsule. Infinite more information on the Hungarian Napoleon will come our way once “Here`s looking at you, kids. The filmes, lives and loves of Michael Curtiz” is published. Can`t wait, Ilona!


— shangheinz


Travellin’ in Avalon – Errol Flynn’s Catalina

25 Oct

A visit to Catalina confirms that Errol loved the island and the island very fondly remembers him. As great as it still is, Catalina hasn’t been the same since he last sailed away.…

Here are some images on exhibit at the Catalina Museum, where Errol is very prominently featured.



Here is how Avalon Beach and Harbor look today, much like it did during Errol’s heyday. In the background is the magnificent Catalina Casino.



— Tim