Archive for December, 2015

The Bounty awakens

03 Dec


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

it all started here for Errol (and therefore us):…


— shangheinz



02 Dec

Would our esteemed and wonderful authors please choose at least one or two additional categories for your Posts? It will help readers find posts related to a particular area of interest. Just tick a second, third, or more category name where your post might fit! It would help me a lot, and be much appreciated.

If you have a category suggestion, please contact me. You can do this quickly by using the Report Comment link to your own comment and I will see it easily.

Thanks, everybody!

— David DeWitt


Errol’s (Erroneous) Erolus

01 Dec

Shaking things up in Malta with a possibly erroneous Verse of the Black Pearl:

“A story that encompasses legend and reality, starting from Errol Flynn”…

Black Pearl Malta



Black Pearl 2

— Tim