Archive for February, 2016

Uncertain Glory! Examined by Karl Holmberg!

28 Feb

The following is part of a personal email exchange between myself, Gentleman Tim, and Karl Holmberg that yielded a treasure that Karl kindly allowed me to share with the blog. Here is part of the email and a link to download an amazing piece of writing done by Karl Holmberg several years ago.


Karl Holmberg:

I remember reading that it was announced in the press that Flynn was being considered for the role of Johnny Nolan and the player (James Dunn) went on to receive a Best Supporting Oscar in A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1945).

It would have been the 2nd (The Sisters being the first) time in his then career that he would play a drunk. Directed by Elia Kazan, 20th Century Fox, release date February 1945 could have overlapped working on Uncertain Glory (August- October 1943; rd: April 1944) or Objective Burma (Filming May- August 1944; rd: February 1945) … though it seems Flynn usually (?) worked on 1 at a time. “Tree Grows” would have been his 1st outside studio production and also would have possibly have had a Thomson Productions credit?
I remember some studio (?) having some fun with the title where a dog/dogs see the title and start running (from NYC?) to Brooklyn.
I attach another antique (August 2004) effort that mentions the Thomson Productions deal … fleshing it out a little better.
This was written in the style of what might have been a script for a commentary while the movie was playing, only I DIDN’T KNOW IT… and had no awareness that it could even be done. My intent was to highlight a relatively little played film (just as Don’t Bet On Blondes) and give people some idea about it. I even remember not knowing what SPOILER ALERT meant back then… hence, no warning.
Spoiler alert: it’s VERY long winded!
Copyright 2004 Karl Holmberg
Sir Karl, our heartfelt thanks!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Films


Remembering Errol … Again!

27 Feb

It has been nine years since I published this article on the blog, and before the month gets entirely away from us I want to publish it again … it was the first article published on The Errol Flynn Blog, and I was alone here but not for long, of course!

Errol Flynn the pensive playboy

                                                               Who was Errol Flynn?

He it was who fought the evil-doers up there on the big screen when I was a kid growing up along the banks of the Snohomish River circa 1959. I was ten years old when the great swashbuckler died, and clearly remember the day he died because I distinctly recall saying aloud… Oh, I liked him! when I saw his picture in my father’s newspaper and read that he had died in Vancouver, B.C. the day before. Vancouver was in British Columbia, Canada–less than two hours drive north from where we lived in a little logging community that surrounded a tiny lumber mill resting on the edge of the Snohomish River, near Everett, Washington. Not far to the south was the big city of Seattle–farther south, somewhere, was Hollywood where Flynn lived, I thought then…

All Movie Stars lived in Hollywood, I thought.

Where else would they live?

As a ten year old kid, my friends and I would play Robin Hood in the marsh between our houses. This area was about an acre of tall grass with a layer of mud and water under it. In the center of it was a tall tree with willowy branches. Nearby this tree was a cement block that was part of the foundation of a house or building long vanished from sight.

This cement block was a perfect place to swing on a rope from the tree, and land Flynn-like on the cement block, saying loudly “…Welcome to Sherwood, Milady!” as the other kids stood watching.

We created bows and arrows from tree branches (long bows) and shot at cardboard targets in a Tournament–and went about robbing the rich to give to the poor…

There were terrific battles between the Normans and the Saxons–in cardboard armor. We had long stick swords with handles that consisted of a short block of wood nailed across the end of the stick where are hands took up these sharply pointed “swords”. It is amazing that nobody lost an eye or was impaled when we whacked each others cardboard armor to pieces but we all survived major injury.

It was disconcerting, however, to see the pointed end of a stick come tearing through your head armor (a small cardboard box with eye slits cut in it) and see the sharp tip whiz past your face… We were the Merry Men of Sherwood until dark and our Mothers called out our names to come home for dinner.

The day I read of Errol Flynn’s death in my Dad’s evening newspaper was a sad one for me and for the Men of Sherwood. But soon, I forgot all about him–and moved on to other childhood adventures. We built a two-by-four wide bridge across the swamp from the cement block to the edge of the sawdust pile–a distance of about a half block, for example. It was rickety, held up by posts driven into the soft swamp ground. We scavenged everything we needed from the sawmill nearby. It had tons of discarded stuff to use for our scientific and engineering feats.

The days moved by quickly during those hot summer days of 1959–we climbed the Willow tree, and jumped off–catching branches to break our fall into the swamp’s knee high muck. We sent expeditions into the surrounding swamp of green scrub, sticker bushes, and  thick-limbed trees to bring back scientific samples of flora and fauna. This was Stink Weed and Dandelions, and all manner of growing weeds. We boiled this up in Terry Sullivan’s mother’s pressure cooker in their kitchen and went out to play on the rooftop of the Sullivan’s garage. When we heard the explosion, it was nearly dark and Terry’s parents weren’t home, yet…

The mess was all over the kitchen walls, and their kitchen stank for a week. We got a real hiding for that one!  

Other days were spent riding our bicycles round the two roads that came down into the Mill area–my brother never could stop that heavy framed bike with its oversize tires, so he just crashed into the grass or alongside Dad’s car–or time was spent making tree houses. We had crew cuts in summer, collected bubble gum cards and seven up bottle caps (to go to the movies when you turned them in) and wore blue jeans all the time with a t-shirt. You could put a playing card held with a wooden clothesline clip onto the wheel of your bike to make it sound like a motorcycle as the card fanned against the spokes!

TV was a little black-and-white set with an aerial on the roof of the house. There may have been seven channels including the Canadian channels. Sundays, it seems to me, there were sci-fi movies like the BLOB with Steve McQueen in a starring role. And there were Errol Flynn movies like Robin Hood, The Charge of the Light Brigade, and Dodge City. Red Skeleton was on, and Milton Berle…

I remember seeing Errol on The Red Skeleton Show. He played a bum and held up the remains of his yacht–a porthole!

Errol had a huge effect on young boys of my generation. He was the swashbuckling hero we all wanted to be! He sailed the Seas, he found Adventure and Treasure, and love–that part we could do without. He was always kissing GIRLS!

But he sure could sword fight! He could shoot arrow-after-arrow like you’d pull the trigger on a gun! And every one found its mark!

As the years passed I forgot about Errol Flynn.

I was in my twenties before he became interesting to me again. I had been reading some biographies of various people–adventurous people like Jack London, Frank Buck, Robb White, and Martin & Osa Johnson. Hemingway fascinated me. It was while reading about Hemingway that Errol’s name came up. Errol Flynn! There was a reference to something Flynn said in a book called “My Wicked, Wicked Ways”. I wonder if I could find that book anywhere, I thought.

It turned out that it was still very much in print and there was a paperback copy of it at my local bookstore. Then began some of best reading I have ever come across in an autobiography. This story had it all… intrigue, mystery, adventure, laughs, tears… and it was all true!

Wasn’t it?

Well… What wasn’t true made a hellova story, and what was true was not always just a colorful story. You might read “My Wicked, Wicked Ways” as  a terrific novel–or a tall tale, yet, here is a legendary character that captures the spirit of adventure in the hearts of all young people who share the feelings of a young man who takes on more than he can chew at times but has his fill nonetheless of what life has to offer… he drank his fill both literally and figuratively of everything most others only dreamed of or read about in glossy magazines. He was kind, cruel–generous, mean, unpredictable, tormented, creative, foolish, brave, gullible, and had a genius for living larger than life. He was intelligent, self-educated–a businessman, an internationally recognized actor, a writer, an explorer, a raconteur, a drunk, an addict. His life was a Shakespearean drama…

He was a lot of things to many people and he was less to himself than should have been. He was and is the quintessential bad boy–but he wasn’t nearly as wicked as he was thought to be by those who didn’t understand him, or those who envied him. He was dangerous. He was cultured, he was a joker, he was… curious.

He was a scientist, of sorts… that is, he knew the real world and wanted to understand it. To experience it. All of it.

And for nearly fifty years, he did.

— David DeWitt


Flynn’s Film? Errol’s Oscar?

27 Feb

Was Norman Maine based in part on Errol Flynn?
(and/or perhaps John Barrymore and/or Norman Kerry?)…

Was Errol offered the role, but rejected it?…

Would Errol have been a better Norman Maine?…

Or, did Jack Warner “blackball” him from getting it?……

Was this Errol’s best chance to win an Academy Award for Best Actor?…

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Aadland Anonymous

26 Feb


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Woodsie made the front page of Bild Zeitung, the biggest tabloid newspaper of Germany up to today on the 25th of may in 1960. The text reads as follows:

“Beverly Aadland (17) the former girlfriend of the late Hollywood star Errol Flynn, is not allowed to drink alcohol any more. The decision was taken via a US Court, who gave custody of the alcohol bloated Beverly to a priest`s family and barred her from singing in nightclubs. The girl had been arrested for her loose way of life.”


— shangheinz


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 14 – Hope Springs Eternal

26 Feb

Another Parody of Flynn, Tailor Made for Hope.

Released in Early 1954, In the Wake of Errol’s Modern Adventures of Casanova, 1952.

Even has a Girl Swimming Out to His Boat!

The Whole Casanova, with Basil Adding Spice – Co-Starring Joan Dehavilland:

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 13 – Surely He Jests

26 Feb

The Kid from Brooklyn in a Spectacular Spoof of Errol Hood.

With Vessel Loads of Snappy Humor:

And a Duel Role Opposing Basil Rathbone:………

— Tim


Warner Bros. special logo for 2 Errol Flynn films.

25 Feb

warner-bros-logo-private-lives-of-elizabeth-and-essex (2)

Warner Bros designed a beautiful, special logo for both ”THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD”(1938) and ”THE PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH AND ESSEX”(1939) The logo was never used for any other film again. One design for both films. It sets these two highly ambitious Technicolor films a part from the rest.

— Kevin Wedman


Posted in Films


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 12 – Very Well Put, Mr. Flynn

25 Feb

Mr. Flynn, I Mean, Mr. Flint, Saves the World from Global Warming (in “Our Man Flynn”) and Hot Global Feminists (in “In Like Flint”), Romancing with Wild Women and Conversing with Trained Dolphins All Along His Errol-May-Care Way.

Derek Flint tributes Errol, showing The Baron to be even greater than Bond.

See zacal’s superb “Our Man Flynn” post:…

In addition to a bevy of beauties, there’s even a Basil-like staircase swordfight, ~ 1:32 in “Our Man Flint”.

And Flint is actually called “Mr. Flynn” at one point in the sequel! See ~ 1:16.……

— Tim

1 Comment

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Tribute to Robin and Ralph

25 Feb

A Superb Tribute to The Adventures of Robin Hood: Featuring Errol Flynn and Ralph Dawson.

Was Ralph Dawson the greatest film editor of the 1930s? — Three academy awards in less than four years – Midsummer’s Night Dream, Anthony Adverse & The Adventures of Robin Hood. Mighty impressive.…

Ralph Dawson


— Tim


”THE SEA HAWK” (1940) ”The Albatross” At Warner Bros.

23 Feb

Due to the lack of a sound stage large enough to accommodate the full scale ships used in the production, the studio built a new sound stage that covered a specially constructed artificial lake-water tank. The ships were 165′ and 135′ and surrounded by water twelve-feet deep. This photo was taken at Warner Bros Studios sound stage in 1943 while filming ”This is the Army’, one can clearly see the set of the military chorus singing.  Now,  If you to the right side of the photo, you will see the the stern of the Albatross  in skeletal form. This photo give you an idea on how large these sound stages are.  A terrific behind the scenes photo.

this-is-the-army sound stage sea hawk

— Kevin Wedman