Archive for March, 2016

Errol’s Iconic Hairstyles

31 Mar

New article references Flynn as a 20th Century Hairstyle Icon.…




— Tim


A (Watergate) Complex Quiz

30 Mar

A Heinz-inspired post.

A connection between Errol’s Tale of Tell and the Watergate Complex? How could that be? (No, Bruce Cabot wasn’t one of the burglars. … at least I don’t think he was.)





— Tim


Patrice Interview Video

29 Mar

While looking for info on Flynn and Jamaica I found this video. I wish there was more.

— twinarchers


Flynn’s Footsteps Day 2: Zacahoy!

29 Mar









Dear fellow Flynn fans,

all roads lead to Rome so the elders said. I say many roads lead to Errol in the former capital of the Roman Empire. If you take the Via Appia, turn South and steer your chariot towards the Mediterranean Sea you will end up at Gaeta, a small port of a tourist town. Our Hollywood hero left his mark anchoring with the ZACA there many times.

Signor Cosmo Rao must be considered a true Flynnthusiast, since he manufactured a miniature model of Flynn`s truest love. It took him one year to complete and it is on display at Hotel Mirasole International. He used the finest wood and spent a grand on that alone. He loves all Flynn films and took up the task, after visting the ZACA courtesy of his amico, the then captain Bruno. He even was offered to join the crew on a trip around the world by its new millionaire owner. Even though his family is of Sardinian descent, he prefers to look at the sea rather from the beaches than from a ship`s rail. But what he loves most is looking at his masterpiece and explaining the various sections of the schooner. He studied the building plans meticulously and attended to every detail of Cap Robin Blood`s boat.

Here is an internet eagle eye`s view on little ZACA in all her splendor:… .

Grazie Signori Rao and Ciano for a landlubber`s seafaring experience.


— shangheinz


To What Story Do These Photos Relate?

29 Mar





— Tim


Story with Rory

28 Mar

With a Great Photo and Compliment, from and about Her Presentation at the 2015 TCM Classic Movie Festival

Rory at TCM 2015…

— Tim


Sergio’s Sahara

28 Mar

The Sahara with Sunny Isle Trump Towers

Sahara Beach Club

Sahararians at Play

Sahara Pool

Sahara Beach

— Tim


The French Connection

27 Mar

Hello EFBloggers Its story time again!

So, a few years back I was on tour in Europe with my band, and it came time during this leg of the tour were we would have a few days of down time before continuing with the rest of the tour.

At this particular moment we were in France, and in being so, I decided to visit a very close cousin of mine living in a small old sleepy village within Aix-en-Provence area. I love these places; small local business still owed by the same families for generations on; cafes, pastry shops, restaurants with peasant rustic-earthy old school cooking, and vineyards – ahhhh yes the vineyards. Small, with only a few acres providing some of the most outstanding fresh reds and especailly their world known dry-Rose’; these Rose’ are the best in the world bar non! In towns like these, everyone knows everyone, it is very local friendly and self sufficient to each others specialties. For instance you can just walk up and buy what you need from the vineyard for only a couple of bucks a bottle of for a little more buy a container which carries a few gallons – plus allowing you down to venture in their cellars  touring their fermentation process in the huge oak vats, and having a taste right from them; simply no hoopla, just a way of life were nothing much changes – I found it simply bliss, and have retuned a few times since.

Anyway I’m getting away from why I wanted write this little tid bit in the first place (sigh!)…

So here I was hanging with my cousins in his little rustic style restaurant he owned then; he too is a musician and in his restaurant he would sing and play acoustic guitar – French and Italian folk songs, pretty cool stuff.  One night after closing we decided to go to one of those local cafes in this small semi-unscathed WWII town for drinks; french local favorite, Pastis.

While sitting there chatting, something caught my attention; a small wooden wall on a building across the darken street. As I looked and barely make out, a figure of a person on a poster, and although I could not really make it out from that distance, my eyes were drawn to it anyway.

After a while I asked my cousin what that building was, he mentioned that it was the local movie theater, but it was only opened on weekends, and since this was week day, it was closed. A few minutes latter I mentioned that I wanted to walk over to see what this poster on wall was calling my attention so much. So we walked over and well, Well, WELL! My eyes grew big football sized marbles – it was a poster of none other that our man Flynn, wow! Gentleman Jim. The poster was a copy of course, and not in full color, more to the style of sepia, very cheaply made – I told my cousins that I had to have this poster -problem was, it was put up with some  roll on paste/glue, in the same way you would find on many walls of the streets of New York. He told me that we beter not for we may get in trouble if a gendarme happens to come by, but I told him that this has been up for such a long time that don’t believe its of  real interest to the owner of the theater any longer, in fact we might be doing him a favor to remove it for him.

Well they said they would be at the little ice cream shop down the street waiting for me. Ok I said, and started to peel the poster off the wall; unfortunately it started to rip in places from the dried up glue they used to post it, plus its cheap paper of which it was printed on.

Eventually I did get it off the wall, rolled it up, and for the rest of my tour it was packed away until I got it back to the states. I tried the best I could to fix it and re-cover the damages, but as you can see in the pic, that was the best I could do.

It is a cheap copy for sure, nevertheless it is still a gem to me, another Errol Flynn jewel I have in my pocession (not that I have anything of great value from EF) for keeps sake.

Actually the adventure adds a lot to my posters personal value; I felt like a cat burglar who never got caught with the taking in the crown jewels. LOL! It adds adventure to conversation.

Not much there yet I hope you can see the my joy in it…

Au revoir mes amis….

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— Sergio


Flynn`s Footsteps Day 1: Crossing swords with Maestro Musumeci

27 Mar












Dear fellow Flynn fans,

when roaming in Roma, every true Flynnatic should follow the trail of tales Errol left behind in the Eternal City.
“Rome is where the heart is” may have been the motto of our Hollywood hero when he still was licking his wounds from the appleshot gone astray in Courmayeur.

With “The Story of William Tell” half in the can and half in the bin, Flynn decided to settle in Hollywood at Tiber in hope to find financial funds there and to restart his ambitious film project at a later date. But as we now know, it was waiting for Godot on Via Veneto.

Maestro Renzo Musumeci Greco, son of Enzo Musumeci Greco (1911-1994), a renowned sword master and world class Cinecittà choreographer, took time out of his busy schedule to meet me at his “Accademia D`Armi” near the Pantheon and show me Errol`s old fencing grounds. The Academy was founded in 1878 by his great grandfather, Salvatore Greco dei Chiaramonte (1835-1910), who fought as Head of the Sicilian Red Shirts alongside Giuseppe Garibaldi in his quest for the Unity of Italy. As history wanted it, the Austrian Army was sent packing and given Verdi´s “Va pensiero” as sing along song on their long way back home over the Italian Alps. From then on the art of sword wielding was taught in the House of Musumeci Greco for sportsmanship only. Still there were challenges issued, but they were considered decided once first blood was drawn.

Sal`s sons were champions without compare. Agesilao Greco (1866-1963) went undefeated for nearly 50 years. At an exhibition bout at an Imperial festivity in Vienna of 1896, he crossed swords with the first Olympian Champion Verbruge from Belgium. When the Olympiad failed to greet the Italian Ambassador, the atmosphere literally could have been and was about to be cut with a knife. Suddenly AG with a swift stroke flung the sword out of his opponent`s hand and in front of the Italian diplomat`s feet. Amongst deafening silence the two duelants took their stances again to resume their encounter. Within seconds the Belgian`s sword took on the same trajectory and landed on the exact spot as before. The crowd burst into cheers. That way the cocky Belgian had been forced to bend his knees not once but twice in front of the ambassador. The younger Greco brother Aurelio (1879-1954) published a handbook for the correct use of the sword and held his own in the Fight of the Century in 1922 with a certain Candido Sassone (the name translates into “Big Rock”) who had managed to evade any confrontation in years prior and was cat called out only by a polemical newspaper article. It took 7 encounters to decide a winner. The last clash resulted in a open gash of Sassone. The honor of the Grecos, I am inclined to say the “Klitschkos” of their time, was intact.

Enzo Musumeci Greco, had a brilliant international sport career before he found his niche teaching film stars to cloak and dagger with swagger. Richard Burton, Burt Lancaster, Tyrone Power, Orson Welles and Charlton Heston broke a sweat in that hallowed hall of Via del Seminario 87. Once Errol had decided to film a spoof-off of his Don Juan movie from 1948 called “Crossed swords” Maestro Enzo came into swordplay. Their relationship turned friendship and their collaboration was extended to provide bona fide fights for “Le Avventure di Guglielmo Tell”. The incumbent Maestro Renzo was one year old, when a troupe of 150 people gathered at the foot of Mont Blanc to “teach Jack Warner a lesson” on how to film histopics. Vast sums were spent on a medieval village and on all workers were provided with sweaters to withstand wind and weather in the Northern province of Piemont. Newspapers reported about a lush birthday party at a local hotel for Errol`s 44th birthday. Six weeks later the the money had run out and the movie machinery came to grinding halt. Flynn`s cars were seized and director Jack Cardiff sent his wife and 3 boys home to England, before “they could be held ransom…”

The family tradition of blazing big screen blades goes on. Maestro Renzo has worked with Max Von Sydow in a swashbuckler called “The desert of the Tartars”, with film makers Luchino Visconti (“The innocent”), Carlos Saura (“I, Don Giovanni”, 2009) and Franco Zeffirelli. Like his father taught Gina Lollobrigida, he had the great pleasure to advise Monica Bellucci on stepping and stabbing right. I salute him for lifting that veil on Will Tell a little more for us here.

“Grazie Gran Signore Renzo e spero di arrivederLa prestissimo a Vienna!”


— shangheinz


An Easter (Island) Quiz

27 Mar

How in the world is this scene from Night at the Museum connected to Errol Flynn?

— Tim