We Welcome New Author Robert de Cantelar!

18 Jun

We welcomeour new Author Robert de Cantelar to the Errol Flynn blog and look forward to all of your posts and comment!


— David DeWitt

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  1. Gentleman Tim

    June 19, 2016 at 5:50 am

    Bienvenue à bord, Robert! How great that you have signed up on the EFB!

    I only wish I had your nautical talents and achievements. I was blessed to have been born in a seaside village (in New York City!) with thousands of boats, in a village of only a few thousand homes. I’ve also lived in Newport, Rhode Island, and San Diego, both during years of their America Cup races. As I type this, I’m staying in a condominium overlooking the Intracoastal in Florida, in Boca Raton, allowing me to see magnificent craft day and night. Additionally, I worked for many years as a civilian on ships at Naval Bases around the U.S.

    I wish I could tell you I’ve also sailed extensively, Robert. That was my dream as a kid and young man, until I on learned that I get deathly seasick. I regard it as one of my life’s great disappointments that I can’t sail the seven seas. FortunateIy, I do get to enjoy sailing vicariously, through men like Flynn and yourself.

    I wish you the best Robert, and thank you for so wonderfully keeping the legend of Zaca alive for all the world to remember.


    Tim Reid

