Ding Dong, The Dicktator is Dead!

26 Nov

Robin Hood and the Revolutionary…




Added today, Sunday, November 27.

Photos I took this afternoon on Calle Ocho in Little Havana, Miami, epicenter of celebrations over the death of Comrade Castro. Up 95 some, Cuban-American Kiki Alonso was soon taking out Castro-lover, Komrade K.



— Tim


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  1. timerider

    November 26, 2016 at 5:56 pm

    So sad the direction that Fidel took the nation of Cuba into communism. A democratic republic would have not precipitated a bay of pigs and the people of Cube would have more of an open society that maybe now will be more of a reality.even with the communist state. Errol was naive me thinks. An idealist almost to the end. I find his books and life much more interesting than the films that are to me just a part of his overall life and adventures. Sail on Sailor……….

    • Tony

      November 27, 2016 at 5:13 am

      Flynn said that after years of oppression under Batista, the Cuban people were very supportive of a revolution. I don’t think anyone disputes that. Castro ended up being the leader of that revolution, and won. Great so far, right? And that’s as far as Errol got to see things develop, so of course he was pro-Castro.

      The US was against the revolution, and Castro, only because Batista was working with the US and had been for many years. The US didn’t care what Batista was doing to the Cuban people, they just cared that Batista worked with the US. Castro rocked the boat with his revolution, and that’s what pissed off the US, and made Castro the enemy.

      The funny thing is that when Castro took power, the US tried to put him on the payroll. But Castro was shopping around, and courting Russia and the US at the same time.

      This is as far as Errol got to see things develop. So you can’t blame him for having hope in Castro bringing a better life to the people of Cuba.

      After Errol Flynn died it became obvious that Castro was crazy and dangerous. And as a result of that, Castro drove Cuba and the Cuban people into deep poverty. But in 1959 no one knew that was going to happen in the years to come, least of all Errol Flynn.

      • Gentleman Tim

        November 27, 2016 at 1:05 pm

        Superb insights, Tony and timerider.

        Errol was a truly unique combination of adventurer, trickster, showman, revolutionary, crusader, renaissance anarchist, and entrepreneur. Had he lived longer, I would not have been surprised in the least if helped instigate and/or very notably participated in efforts to discredit and oust Comrade Castro. Errol despised dictators and they sure could have used Captain Blood at the Bay of Pigs.

        Errol Flynn’s Last Adventure…

  2. Ada Klock

    November 27, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    The photo posted of Flynn is not with Fidel Castro, but of one of his lieutenants.

    Try this from late-December, 1958 in Havana with Fidel.


    • Gentleman Tim

      November 27, 2016 at 5:07 pm

      That’s correct, Senor Klock. Errol always appeared much more serious around Castro himself, probably sensing and suspecting he was a completely self-centered snake, not at all a Robin Hood-type liberator of the oppressed. The photo I posted above likely reveals IMO that Errol had a better relationship with truly oppressed and more down to earth freedom fighters, than with the contemptible, never oppressed Senor Castro.

      Do you know the name of this “lieutenant”, Ada?

  3. Gentleman Tim

    November 27, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Too bad the selfish bastard wasn’t good enough to play professional baseball:


  4. David DeWitt

    November 28, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    Though little reported, Errol did find the kangaroo court style executions wrong headed in a compassionate leader and after things settled a bit was able to say he was less impressed with Castro. Little could he know that Castro would embrace Communism after being slighted by the US Government. But such was Errol’s love of the oppressed by tiranical forces (Barista) and his urge to be a war correspondent that he immediately sought to relive his Spanish Civil War days traveling to the front lines and reporting his thoughts to the world …

    • rswilltell

      November 29, 2016 at 1:57 pm

      David is correct. In the few months left on Errol Flynn’s life disillusionment had set in with Castro and his summary firing squads of thousands of Cuban civilians. Flynn said “It’s one thing to do a revolution but it’s another thing to make it stick. And from what I have heard this one isn’t sticking!” By the way notice how slim Errol Flynn is in his Cuban photos with his lowest weight since the 1930’s. Ralph Schiller

  5. Gentleman Tim

    December 15, 2016 at 7:12 am

    Dupe or Scoop? Why did Errol get in and on with Castro? …. I say for the scoop, show and adventure, much as he did in Spain – not because he was anyone’s “dupe”.…
