Archive for April, 2017

The Gamblers!

30 Apr

An EFB Four Score News Report:

Wouldn’t this have been wunderbar!

Dostoyevsky: Directed by Max Reinhardt! Starring Errol Flynn, Bette Davis, Edward G. Robinson and Basil Rathbone!!!!

Film Daily – Ralph Wilk – April 30, 1947

Feodor Dostoievsky’s celebrated novel, The Gamblers will be directed for Warners by Max Reinhardt with a stellar cast including Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis, Errol Flynn, and Basil Rathbone.

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner – May 3, 1937

You can’t blame Warners for becoming enthused over Edward G. Robinson all over again since the previews of Kid Gallahad, for Eddie is really swell! There’s not going to be any letdown either, for now he is scheduled for Max Reinhart’s The Gamblers, and what a cast they are recruiting for Dostoievsky’s famous novel, with Eddie, Errol Flynn, Bette Davis and Basil Rathbone heading the list! Milton Krims, who scripted Green Light, and Harold Heinz arecollaborating on the screen play that unites almost every big star on the Warner lot. It goes into production in a few weeks and precede’s Flynn’s
Robin Hood.

Here’s a lushly produced version from 1977:
What roles do you think Errol, Bette, Edward G., and Dear Baz would have played in the Max Reinhart version?

And here’s a loose adaptation of the novel(la) from MGM, titled “The Great Sinner”, with Gregory Peck and a stunningly gorgeous Ava Gardner, leading a cast of acting legends, including Ethel Barrymore, Melvin Douglas, Walter Huston, Agnes Moorehead, and Frank Morgan.

— Tim


Four Score Ago — 4/29/1937 — Deuce

29 Apr

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express
Jimmy Starr – April 29, 1937

Already ranked as one of the movie village’s tennis greats,
Gilbert Roland took it upon himself to name Hollywood’s 10
best racquet wielders.

On the set of Paramount’s The Last Train from Madrid, Gilbert
put Garbo in the top spot among feminine tennis players, while
Errol Flynn equals her in the men’s division. Others are
Marlene Dietrich, Cedric Gibbons, Constance Bennett, Gary Cooper, Carole Lombard, Harold Lloyd, Elizabeth Allen and Ronald Colman.

— Tim


What Did He Say?

27 Apr

What did Errol say when he first saw this chandelier? Where and to whom did he say it??

Added April 28, AM EST

Added April 28, PM EST

— Tim


News from New Zealand

26 Apr

Errol helps save south South Island from broken bottles, monkey parades, idle, dissolute and aimlessly wandering youths.

from THE SOUTHLAND TIMES (April 2017)

“Movie Screening”

“The first Sunday movie screening in Invercargill was in February 1910 when there was a “cinematograph entertainment” on a Sunday to aid the hospital fund.

After lying low for many years the issue arose again in 1961.

The arguments were predictable. Most churches waved their arms in horror at the thought that a day of rumination and self-flagellation should be polluted with entertainment, yet the dissolute youths of the town needed films of good character to stop them breaking bottles.

GC Tapper told the council committee investigating the question, “Although not enthusiastic about picture theatres being open on Sundays I now hold the view that something must be done about the idle youths wandering aimlessly about the streets on Sunday evenings and a six month trial with suitable films is now definitely called for.”

The Baptist Union said, “We consider that it is a violation of the sacredness of the Lord’s Day upon which our Christian community is based. We do not believe that there is any evidence of a real need for this because, from observation, there has not been seen any large groups of young people aimlessly wandering our streets on a Sunday night.”

The Catholic Church said, “There is no objection to the screening of films on Sundays. Once our people have fulfilled their obligation of worshipping God on Sundays, they may take part in any form of lawful recreation.”

Another submitter said, “If the opening of cinemas on Sunday evenings would reduce monkey parading, why does it not do so on Saturday evenings or Bank holidays when they are open. Furthermore, increasing facilities for Sunday sports, and the official recognition and sanction of them, have already drawn thousands of young people from the church services and robbed the Sunday Schools of their teachers.”

The Master of Ballantrae, a movie of an improving nature, was screened on Sunday, March 12, 1961. The Master of Ballantrae was a 1953 British Technicolorfilm starring Errol Flynn. It was an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novel of the same name.”

— Tim


Ace and a mole

24 Apr

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here is an aerial overview of the life of Jackson Barrett Mahon, the personal pilot and movie manager of Errol in later years.
Barely twenty years old Barry joined the Royal Air Force in Great Britain as a volunteer before the United States had even entered WWII. He was assigned to the 121 “Eagle” Squadron and flew 98 successful missions downing at least 9 enemy airplanes in the process, before his Spitfire was shot down in the disastrous Dieppe commando raid called “Operation Jublilee”. He vividly remembered the fatal-ful day that cost him his plane, but not his life.

“I lay on my back in the dinghy and watched the tremendous air battle, probably the greatest air show the world had yet seen. There must have been 80 or 90 German planes and an equal number of British aircraft in a five-miles square cube of the sky. The sights that morning and part of the afternoon were unbelievable. There would be a Spit chased by a German being chased by a Spit being chased by a German and the first three would blow up, leaving the remaining one victorious until he turned into the guns of another opponent. As a mater of fact, after the adrenalin level of my blood went down, I found the spectacle fascinating- a giant Forth of July display, only much more omnious. The spent bullets were falling like hailstones, so hot they made sizzling noises as they struck the water.”

The flying ace became a POW in the Stalag Luft III camp situated in Sagan (today Poland) 150 miles from of Berlin, a prison facility riserved for all captured air personal. At barbwire gates he was Gestapo greeted with the proverbial “For you the war is over!”, which instantly instilled the wish to get out to get back in.

After a successful break away attempt he was caught again at the border of Czechoslovakia with worn out shoes but a will intact. That Wanderlust got him an extended stint at the “Cooler”, the so called cell for solitary confinement. So when those in the Steve McQueen movie immortalized 76 allied prisoners staged “The great escape” through the literally dug-with-a-tea spoon- tunnel, trapped mole Mahon could only wish them luck. But once again his “mean” demeanor had saved his life. 50 of the fugitives were executed when caught via direct orders of Hitler to set an example. The deplorable act was in total violation of the international treaty how to treat prisoners of war. Only three men reached British soil, while Barry J. Mahon was liberated by General Patton’s army tanks.

Never the shy guy he called up our Hollywood hero after a stay in Egypt at the court of the last pharaoe King Farouk. Coincidentially Flynn had picked up the phone himself and invited him over to Mulholland Farm for a drink and another. Mahon proposed to film “The Story of Farouk” in Europe and introduced Errol to the new regulation stating that if you spent 19 months abroad you needn`t pay taxes in the US. The legal tax evasion scheme originally meant for oversee oil companies naturally was very much to Errol Flynn`s liking. It landed Barry the job of business manager on the spot and would prove costly in later years, since his former handlers sued Errol for unpaid provisional fees.

Meanwhile however the dive bomber duo released their first European oeuvre “Crossed swords”, a spoof of “The adventures of Don Juan” starring the almost Ben Hur Cesare Danova and new diva Gina Lollobrigida. They already met their match in their second outing on the movie market. What was meant to show Jack Warner how to make movies thenadays turned into a financial fiasco due to shady Italian producers.


— shangheinz


? ? ?

18 Apr

In what way did this symbol once connect to something Errol once considered doing, but never did?

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago — 4/17/1937 — The Producers

18 Apr

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Jimmy Starr – April 17, 1937

Hollywood is full of producers. The actual producers of films seen on the country’s
screens are unknown to the movie fans. The producers of the films which are never
seen in theaters are world famous.

The latest Hollywood paradox involves the growing fad of 16mm motion pictures. Inspired
by the candid camera, to which many stars remain loyal, the movie star amateur has
progressed to the point where his 16mm productions show all the “production values” of
their own starring vehicles.

A dozen high ranking stars in Hollywood, among them Wallace Beery, Robert Montgomery,
Claudette Colbert and Errol Flynn have turned “producer,” showing their films to a small,
select group of friends. Flynn, by the way, took his movie camera to Spain with him. In
addition to filming over there he also goes in for natural history dramas, his prize being
the courtship of the tarantula.

Is that the tarantula in the background, lying on the boat deck above?

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Four Score Years Ago — 4/15/1937 — Barcelona

17 Apr

Hollywood Citizen News – Elizabeth Yeaman – April 15, 1937

The Hollywood Reporter today carries a remarkable story titled
“Barcelona Greets Errol Flynn.” The story carries a Barcelona date line,
but there is no indication of the actual source of the interview. I quote
it in part: “When Errol Flynn arrived in Barcelona he was greeted by the
commissioner of public spectacles, J. Carner Ribalta, who introduced him
to the commissioner of propaganda of the Catalonian government and all
facilities were accorded him. In an interview with the press, Flynn said
his visit to Spain was prompted by a desire to ascertain the truth regarding
conditions there.

“Asked by the press boys what was the general impression in the United States
about the war, he replied, ‘That’s it. The confusing news and the fact that
all the American press is in the hands of powerful ‘trusts’ made me decide to
take this trip to see with my own eyes what is really happening and write a series
of articles for publication.’

“Is is true that money has been collected in Hollywood to help the Spanish government?”
asked the reporters. “Yes,’ said the actor. “Fredric Marsh, James Cagney, and I were the
initiators, and $1,500,000 has been raised so far.’

Flynn was accompanied by his old friend, Dr. Herman F. Erben, a well known member of
the American Communist Party.”

— Tim


Eighty Years Ago — 4/13/1937 — Queen Mary

13 Apr

Hollywood Citizen News
Elizabeth Yeaman
April 13, 1937

Errol Flynn cables Warners that he will sail aboard the Queen Mary Friday,
and will report as soon as possible
for his picture, The Perfect Specimen, with Miriam Hopkins.

Then he may exhibit his battle scars, if any, to back up his tales about seeing action on the Spanish front.…

— Tim


How to make an Errol Flynn

09 Apr

O to be in England, now that April’s there. I doubt Errol yearned his living like Browning, but for once Browning would be right as it is presently 7pm, 25 degrees (about 76 F) and ne’ry a cloud in the sky. This turns a girl’s thoughts to cocktails.

When Errol and Pat were in Rome in the 50s they met a charming young English girl called Diana Naylor-Leyland. She was not only charming but had a laser like intelligence and great poise and beauty. I can vouch for this because she was to become a beloved friend of my family.

Diana used to spend summers with us in Italy, and when I was old enough to drink – I think I was about 12 (only half joking) – she taught me how to make a fabulous and lethally ‘refreshing’ cocktail.

Diana, below, snapped by me in Italy


After I had expressed my appreciation, at both the taste and the effect, Diana informed me she had been taught to make it by Errol – and that it was his own invention. Naturally, yours truly fell at her delicately sandaled feet.

All those years ago, Errol had taken quite a shine to Diana. She lunched with him at various restaurants in Rome for about four months. However, Errol never once made a pass at her (she was a very well brought up, elegant and educated girl).

I asked Diana what she had though of Errol and she said, ‘He was not at all what I expected. Nothing like the ‘image.’ ‘

She remembered him as being rather shy, very polite, sweet and keen to Errol on about books and the Classics.

Pat liked Diana, too, and she was asked to become their social secretary. When Diana told her father, however, he reacted as most fathers would have done – boringly – and forbad it. But she continued to see Errol, before returning to England to get married. She was later to become the Countess of Wilton.

On to the drink. Errol’s aforementioned cocktail – which he had created himself – was a variation on the classic White Lady (he favoured variations on white ladies, as we know). Errol dispensed with the egg white nonsense and invented a cleaner, tarter and more masculine drink which was served in a martini glass.

Diana, who, like me, had been introduced to liquor at an early age  – used to imbibe it with him, and asked him for the recipe. After some coercion, she not only passed it down to me, but wrote it down. I blessed the piece of paper, and immediately christened the drink ‘The Errol Flynn.’

Below: Errol at a drinks party in Rome (with La Lollo), but with the wrong drink!

This is a cocktail to be taken very seriously. It is like being handed the original recipe for Nectar by a friend of Ares or Apollo. Making an Errol Flynn is an historic ritual and takes time, love and effort. But I promise that the results are more than worth it.

So here is Errol’s very own invention.

Ingredients (makes enough for two people)

3 large and juicy lemons and 1 small lime

Gin (Beefeater’s or Tanqueray)


You will also need Martini glasses that have been in chilled in the freezer, a measuring jug and a proper cocktail shaker.



Squeeze lemons and lime and strain the juice. Pour the juice into the measuring jug.

Add an equal amount of Gin to the jug and stir.

Add an equal amount of Cointreau and stir.

Fill the cocktail shaker with ice and pour in the mixture. Shake until the shaker is so iced over that you are screaming in pain.

Pour the contents of the shaker (without adding any ice) into the chilled glasses and drink immediately. Then have another (preferably with a cigarette).

Do not ever add an olive or a twist. This cocktail, like Errol, is a Rolls Royce and needs no embellishment.

However, pistachio nuts, Sicilian olives or wild boar salami go very well with this drink as nibbles.








— PW