— — Late for La Conga — — A Week in the Life of Flynn

19 May

Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll – May 16, 1938

Errol Flynn has wired for reservations at La Conga for the night of May 21.

Los Angeles Examiner – May 17, 1938

Havana, May 17. Errol Flynn, Hollywood film actor, received the thanks today of an unidentified American he saved from serious injury during a fight in a night club here last night.

Fists, bottles and chairs were flying when Flynn intervened. The American who was involved escaped with a broken nose. Flynn was not hurt.

He was accompanied by his wife, who refused to take the matter seriously.

Evening Herald Express – May 17, 1938

“I think this all so funny”, quoth Lili Damita, stage and screen beauty, who was a spectator while fists and bottles flew in a free-for-all-fight at the Eden Concert Night Club with Errol Flynn taking a prominent part in the fighting.

The fight started last night when one of the members of Flynn’s party got into an argument with a man at a nearby table. A minute later, chairs and bottles began to fly.

Flynn, who often plays rough and tumble parts in the movies, joined in with two or three effective punches at those who got in his way. The only casualty was an unidentified American who received a broken nose and a cut eye. Flynn and the others were unhurt and continued their party.

Flynn’s only loss was the disappearance of a valued cigaret lighter.

Louella O. Parsons – Los Angeles Examiner – May 26, 1938

Errol Flynn is lost again between Havana and Hollywood.

Ed Sullivan – Hollywood Citizen News

Errol Flynn gets in June 4.

Louella O. Parsons – Los Angeles Examiner

Lili and Errol Flynn, no longer “among the missing” planed in yesterday morning from Chicago.

— Tim


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    May 19, 2017 at 6:25 pm

    Conga-Comment No. 1: Errol did the conga from Old Habana to the Big Apple and beyond, as confirmed by the below, with Desi in Manhattan, and A.W. in LA:

