We heard from actor Jonathan Stewart who starred as Errol Flynn in the musical play Errol & Fidel after two of our members Karl Holmber and Gentleman Tim attended the play in NYC.
Hi there,
I qwas given your card by an audience member after one of our performances last week. I’m the actor who played Errol and I hope you enjoyed the show. We all had a wonderful time living in the world of Errol and Fidel and the audiences seemed to love the show. It was a very tall order as an actor to try and inhabit his now almost mythical existence, and I had the time of my life giving it a go. What a fascinating man he was, though I suppose you already know that!
Hi David,
Glad to hear your friends got to see the show and enjoyed it. We had a very short run as the show was part of the annual NY Musical Festival which features new works in development selected from hundreds of submissions each year. The creators are all Australian (not surprisingly) and I know their hope is that the show will have a further life somewhere down the road. However at the moment I’m not certain of the status of that. They are all lovely people and huge fans of Errol’s. Please let Rory know what an honor it was for me to play her legendary father, and how much I enjoyed The Baron of Mulholland which I read as part of my preparation for the role. Yes please feel free to use my email as a Mail Bag item on the blog. I’ve attached a few production photos which you may have already seen published on line.
Thanks so much, Jonathan!

— David DeWitt
Gentleman Tim
July 21, 2017 at 10:17 pm
Thank you so much, Jonathan! Donna, Karl, and I, all enjoyed the show immensely! From audience reaction throughout, and the long standing ovation, it appears the whole audience did. It was Flynnsational and I believe it would be very warwly received around the world – except at Castro Headquarters, Havana, and perhaps by Putin the Kremlin – as they are both still working assiduously on the “Agrarian Reform” so humorously referenced in Errol & Fidel! (Though Vlad is probably a Flynn Fan, too!)
And thank you for the production photos, many of which I had not seen previously.)
Best to you Jonathan and thanks again for all you did to make this such a great play. You are In Like Flynn like extremely few others have ever been. Muchas gracias for playing Our Man on Broadway!