Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Collectibles from Gene Ingram!

11 Oct


Gene Ingram writes to us:

I have listed some more movie memorabilia on Ebay, Lobby cards for the movie , “ The Sun Also Rises “, Lobby card for “ Too Much Too Soon “, An original Uncut Pressbook for the Movie,  “ The Sisters “, with Errol and Betty Davis, 8 pages of information for the theaters on advertising and cast members; and all my Errol Flynn personal envelops with stamps reduced to $10.00 each!  Thanks again for a great Blog!

Ebay seller name : nbforestiv

Item numbers:

“ Sisters “ Pressbook 142534003576

“ Too Much, Too Soon “ Lobby card 142529647158

“ The Sun Also Rises “ lobby card 142529648011

“ Along The Santa Fe Trail “ sheet music 142529648310

Errol Flynn Personal Envelops 142529648474 – 8565 – 8689 – 8889 – 9041 – 6374


Thanks Again,


Thanks, Gene!

— David DeWitt


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  1. geneingram1942

    December 6, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    This item on Ebay has been reduced for Christmas sale!

  2. geneingram1942

    December 6, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    All the Errol Flynn items I have on Ebay have been reduced or removed, I was very disappointed that the Envelops that had belonged to Errol and he had his printed name on the back flap, didn’t sell even at $8.00 each reduced from $25.00 each, with the stamps in them! To own something that has belonged Errol, Wow! Also a vintage auction went off today that I did not bid on, one of Errol’s personal checks sold for only $90.00, a far cry from the expected $200 to $300 the usually bring! I hate to think Errol Flynn is losing his fans! But never ” I “!